

Alpha Ryder watched his parents being murdered at a tender age by the very people they trusted. At twelve years old, he became a rogue wolf who was forced to fend for himself outside the brutal life where the wolf hunters preyed. The only thing that kept him going was his pain and quest for revenge, as he slowly built his pack of rogue wolves. But the moon goddess had other plans for him when she paired him with the daughter of his mortal enemy as his mate, Is he bound to accept or reject the mate bond?

Perry_Will · Fantasy
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Chapter 1- The engagement

A golden ray of sunshine shined across Bloomfield Hills, I had just completed up training as I scurried around town with my two best friends; Lily and Penny.

I could perceive the awful smell of sweat combined with their perfumes as it emanated from their body.

Lily was a lover of cinnamon, which I despised so much and as for Penny, she was my shadow.

She would only use or wear the same things as me, perhaps she hoped that by imitating me, she could be half as good as I was.

But it didn't work that way, she was still awful at everything she did and was only my friend because her father was a member of the pack's cabinet.

" Karen, are you getting ready for the engagement party tonight? ". Penny spoke through her round-shaped lips that were never deprived of lip gloss.

She could not stop swinging her round-shaped waist that had the shorts she was wearing hugged tightly.

Between the three of us, she was the thick one, her brown hair just above her neck.

" I have been ready for Cullen all my life".

" What if it turns out that he is not your mate? ". Lily, who had an earphone around her ear, asked, her slender figure suited her height perfectly as she also had a smooth skin as silk.

She was the quiet one who only spoke when necessary, but she was the only female werewolf in the pack who dared challenge me.

She was an early bloomer who had met her wolf at seventeen years while the rest of us had to wait for our eighteenth birthday and while we had our first shift at sixteen years, Lily had hers at fifteen.

" He is my mate, I am certain about that! ". I fiddled with the strain of my black long hair as I spoke, my eyes beaming with excitement at the thought of getting married to Cullen.

" You seem so confident about that? " Lily spoke softly, her almond green eyes piercing at me.

" Wait! Does this imply that you have met your wolf? ". Penny let her brows widen as she inquired.

" Not yet, but I can feel the bond we share already".

" Oh! I see… for a moment there I thought that I was the only one left without a wolf".

" Good luck with that ". Lily chipped in before she finally stopped walking, A car stopped right in front of her, and she knew exactly who it was, she would recognize the sound of the car from miles away.

" My dad is here, I will meet you girls in class".

" I apologize, but I won't be attending classes today, my engagement dress will be arriving later today, and there are other things that I need to fix".

I explained as I watched her slowly stride closer to the car that was carefully parked at the side of the road.

" Karen, I guess that I will be joining you over at the pack house today".

" Great, that way, you can help me with things that I need".

" Sure! ".

" Alright girls, I will meet you at the engagement party". Lily quietly replied before hopping into the car, and we both stood there and watched them speed off.

" Lily seems off today, did you notice? ". I ask as we continue strolling down the street.

" Lily is always off, all I see is her usual self". Penny replies in her usual nonchalant manner.

I stopped at the pack house and bid goodbye.

As I swung the large black gate open, I could see my daddy staring at me from the balcony of the third floor.

The crystal moon pack house is in a large space at Bloomfield Hill, the first building on the right consists of a three-story building for the Alpha and his family.

My dad had specifically designed the building after I was born, making use of large tinted glass for the doors and windows, while the walls were made of modern tiles.

They were spotless and shiny and when the sun shines, they reflect.

The second building consists of a one-floor building for the beta and his family, Although the building was decorated with bricks and sandstone,

It was not as beautiful and expensive as Alpha's home and there was a small bungalow mainly for Alphas from other packs that visit and spend the night.

" Karen, to my room! ". He motioned to me and through the glass door, he went back to his room.

I exhaled loudly, feeling sore after today's training, and hurried inside.

I pushed the large wooden door of his room open, he sat on his special leather couch, and behind him was a picture of him and my late mother, whom he never failed to talk about whenever he complimented my beauty.

" Have a seat! ".

" I am sorry, I can't, I am all sweaty".

" You could have skipped training today, you know you have to look your best right because all the four Alphas will be here today".

" Dad! Cullen invited the best makeup artist from Bay Pack to come over today, you have nothing to worry about, I will be perfect ".

My lips widen in a broad smile, I place both my hands just below my chin while trying to look cute.

He smiled, but it disappeared from his face as fast as it came, and at that moment I looked deeply at him and realized that he had dark circles around his dark blue eyes that were probably from lack of sleep.

" Daddy, what is wrong, you look sad".

" I am fine, dear, the preparations got me a little jitter, coupled with the rogue wolf I have been trying to capture".

" You do understand that I am fully capable of capturing him right Daddy, just give me his location and I will bring his head to you on a platter".

I tightened my jaws, hoping to make him see how determined I was.

" I know fully well what you are capable of, but we haven't been able to get his location.

"I have my men scouted everywhere. Once they get a glimpse of him, you will be alerted immediately".

" Alright Dad, I will go freshen up now, my designer is coming in with my dress".

" Karen! ". He called calmly and I halted in my steps.

" This marriage agreement means so much to me, you need to make it work".

" You know how much I love Cullen, dad, I will do everything to make it work". He nodded and scurried away from his room.


I went back to my room, undressed, and stepped into the shower, the servants had made foamy water in the tub as per my request.

The fragrance of scented lavender and lemon oil in the bathtub filled the entire bathroom, and I slowly soaked myself in it, relieving myself of all the pains from today's training.

When I was fully satisfied with the result of my skin, I dried myself up and strode over to my dresser.

Slowly massaging my skin with oil, I dressed up in a casual top and pants, glancing at myself one more time in the mirror, I went downstairs.

" Ms Maria! You are here! ".

" Yes, today is a special day for you and I can tell how anxious you might be feeling".

" Is my dress ready? ".

"Of course, I touched up the waist a little, that way it would bring out your shape perfectly".

" I see… let's go over to my room and try it out".

" Sure ma'am. ". Maria followed me behind to my room, where we got my dress tested.

By 8:00 p.m., the entire pack house was filled with distinguished guests from various parts of the world.

My makeup artist carefully applied some delicate makeup on my face while Lily and Penny could not stop taking pictures.

" Wow! Karen, you look so lovely, when do I get to meet my mate"?

Penny, who was wearing a floor-length gown, spoke. Her dress was fully embedded with the sequence as they gave more light to her shape, while her face had light makeup on.

" I am sorry, guys, but I have to use the restroom". Lily, who had been on her phone, got up and carefully strode out of the room, her hand firmly holding out to her dress.

" You were right, Karen, I think something is odd with Lily". Penny whispered the moment Lily was out of the door.

" Why do you think so? ".

" I overheard her on a phone call today, I think it is a boy".

" Could it be her mate? ".

" I am not certain, but she wasn't happy about a certain decision he made".

" Whatever it is, I will confront her after the party, for now, I do not need anything that would ruin my night".

" Yeah. I think so, too".

The make-up artist was finally through with her job, I stood up, and behold my face seemed perfect.

My straight nose was now pointed thanks to contour that she had applied, my lips had a perfect line with a mixture of nude and pink lipstick that suited my complexion.

My jaw lines were perfect, and I slowly strode around the room, my dress glittered under the light.

I was so happy and anxious and couldn't wait until the party commenced officially, I dashed out of my room, hurrying downstairs.

I stopped my steps at the sound from the guest room on the left side of the hallway on the second floor.

Not only that, but I could tell that it was two people making out, and wanted to ignore it, but the voices seemed so familiar that I could not help but go closer.

" Ooh… Cullen… Yes… I want your lips around my thighs…. ".

The moaning grew louder and despite how much I recognized the voice, I did not want to believe it.

" Ooh… Lily…. You are so sweet… I want to get inside of you right now…. ".

" Uhh… I bet you say that to Karen all the time".

"Of course, you know that Karen is just my ticket to success, she means nothing to me".

His words prickled my heart, I opened the door, and they were both naked, their eyes open as his lips widened.

Cullen opened his mouth to speak, but they shivered.

" Karen wait! I can explain! " He rushed over to me as he held his trousers that were halfway down his waist, his shirt had all its button losses.

" Karen, I can explain. " He pleaded again, and I could not contain the rage building up inside of me.

My hands went up to the sky and as fast as it went up, it landed swiftly and hard on his cheek.