
| 102 | The Head Coordinator arrives

Charlotte sighs and leans back in her bed. It has been a hectic and busy day for her. With the Head coordinator arriving tomorrow, she has been busy with the preparations.

She visited Kira yesterday and though she looked healthy, her mind looked like it was somewhere else. Ayleen has been staying with Kira and will continue to do so until she is fully recovered.

Even though Charlotte has been busy with work, her mind still found time to think about Theo.


He has been avoiding her and Azraiel. Even Matt approached him but was ignored ruthlessly. All of them have been trying to talk to him but he has closed himself off in a shell. He has blocked them on mindlink and he vanishes as soon as any of them tries to talk to him. At the end, they have decided to give him some space and leave him alone for the time being.

And then there is Charlotte and her wolf!