
Alpha Quirks (BL)

Warning: BL, Boy x Boy, Yaoi Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction Izuku went to sleep an Omega and woke up an Alpha. Not only that, he's younger, in an Alternate Universe and his teacher smells really, really good. Quirk!Izuku. Alpha!Izuku. ABO Universe.

Rxel · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

It's only been three weeks since the first time he fell for Izuku's little scheme, but Shouta already felt like he Izuku was going to kill him with all of the flirting he was doing. During class, he could feel the heavy weight of the green-haired teen's intense gaze, only for it to disappear when he turned around to look, the coy looks the other shot him when they passed each other in the hallways, with widened big green eyes and a slightly pouty bottom lip. It made him burn all the more knowing what the other was truly like in bed. The other Alpha was slowly but surely driving him insane.

In a place like UA, it was impossible for the changes to go unnoticed. He was sure the brat's friends, at the very least, had noticed something off about their friend after their return from their short break. He was still the same, yes, but he came across as just that much more confident and carried himself with an alluring maturity that shouldn't have been possible to take place in that short amount of time.

If Shouta wasn't completely confident that Izuku was now courting him, he would be jealous at the smitten looks everyone else was sending his lover, but the fact stood that he was in fact currently somewhat in a relationship with the green-haired teen, ambiguous as it may be for now. He was certain that the teen hadn't received this many love-struck looks a few scant weeks before, so it was this change in Izuku that left everyone on a love induced high.

Or maybe it was Izuku's Quirk. That could be it too.

Regardless, Shouta had never thought of himself as the jealous type, nor would he have been, if his lover didn't have so many lustful gazes staring after him. The teacher huffed, feeling oddly miffed. He chalked it down to his inner Alpha not liking that he had to share his partner in any way. Maybe he should give in and let Izuku court him publicly. Shouta furrowed his brows as he his reason warred with his emotions.

As he thought things out, he caught sight of Izuku walking down the hallway alone. Strange, he thought to himself. Most of the time, he was surrounded by Alpha, Beta and Omega alike. It seemed like no one could resist his charm. Shouta subconsciously slowed down his walking speed, waiting for Izuku to approach, his guard instantly up, wondering what the other teen was up to this time.

Izuku was steadily approaching him when all of a sudden, a younger student that he didn't recognize appeared from around the corner, calling, "Izuku-senpai!" while he grabbed the green-haired teen's hand, blushing shyly. Shouta felt the sound of his rationality snap. He twitched, trying not to show anything. His hand wanted to fist itself, but he struggled to maintain his nonchalant image in front of a student he didn't know.

The adult trapped in a teen body somehow managed to send the other off without hurting his feelings, slightly impatient as his potential Mate appeared in his sight. The other was close to giving in soon, he could tell. As he closed in on the other Alpha, Izuku felt a giddy shiver make its way up his spine. He struggled to hide his elated grin. Shouta was making a face like he was in-between the line of sanity and insanity. He was giving off a low-throbbing, subtle pheromone that spread through the air, almost as if he was about to go crazy with jealousy. Izuku reeled his inner Alpha in. It wasn't the time for that yet.

Shouta didn't know how Izuku got rid of the other student, but the next thing he knew, he was being backed up against a door in an empty classroom that wasn't used by the rest of the school. He stared at the green-haired teen blankly, not quite sure what he was feeling. He rubbed a hand over his heart, feeling his inner Alpha snarl possessively, screaming he's mine and pace around uneasily. It wasn't something that he'd felt in such great intensity before.

Izuku let out a low growl of satisfaction, both parts of his former Omega and his current Alpha purring possessively at the fact that their Mate would soon be theirs. It set alight a primal part of him that he had been successfully suppressing during their short courtship. He'd done his best to keep things platonic during their courtship, as per generally accepted by the common populace as the standard model of courtship, but he could feel himself longing for Shouta more and more as the days slowly went by.

Shouta shivered at the sound he'd been dreaming of the past three weeks. He swallowed, his throat dry. Abruptly, he realized that he was now slightly shorter than Izuku. He hadn't noticed with the gradual changes, but Izuku's height had shot up in correspondence with his secondary gender's emergence.

The black-haired teacher wrapped his arms around the teen's waist, pulling him in to steal a kiss but was blocked with a hand. "You can't, Shouta. We're still in the midst of a courtship, and you know that means no sexual conduct before we're officially Mates."

Shouta gave him a look of blatant disbelief. Did a simple kiss count as sexual conduct nowadays? "There's no way a kiss counts as sexual conduct," he hissed, his expression darkening. The Izuku deprivation was getting to him. How he lived without the other's touch for three weeks, he didn't know. It was practically torture, being able to look but not touch.

"Really?" Izuku said slyly. He removed his hand from Shouta's face, leaning in close with his lips almost touching before bypassing the other Alpha's lips altogether. "If you think a kiss with me won't devolve into a heated make out session, then you're dead wrong," he murmured lowly into his teacher's ear. "I won't be satisfied unless I can make a mess out of you."

A shudder raced its way up Shouta's spine as his breathing hitched, his inner Alpha letting out a whine at the mental image that was provided. His throat felt a little dry, and his heart was beating so loud he was surprised the other couldn't hear it. Shouta discretely licked his lips, trying to hold onto his last line of rationality.

"But of course, that wouldn't be proper, so I won't do it, because if I start I won't stop until I can devour you whole," Izuku said, gently removing the other's hands and stepping back, leaving the teacher's personal space. He widened his eyes, giving his teacher a cheerful smile as he ducked his head slightly, purposefully. He was seemingly bashful, his cheeks slightly pink.

Shouta instantly missed the heat that the other gave off in close proximity. His rationality wavered. He wanted Izuku so badly. He made a small, distressed sound at the back of his throat. So badly that he was prepared to complete their official courtship and claim the other as a Mate. The teacher sucked in a small breath. Did he want to go that far already?

Yes, he realized. He did want to go that far. More than wanting to possess the other just physically, he wanted to claim the other, heart, body and soul. He'd probably already gone past that boundary long ago when he stopped viewing the other as just a student, but perhaps something more.

He was ready for this step. Judging Izuku's reactions, the student had probably been ready from the start, already knowing fully what exactly it was that he wanted, but Shouta hadn't been there yet. He silently replayed the last three weeks in his mind. The little shit had been teasing him every day, dammit! Sure, he'd been following all the courting procedures, but there had been certain things that had driven him up the wall. He almost had to physically stop himself from pouncing on the other Alpha.

Shouta let out a growl of annoyance, walking forward to grab the teen's hand, dragging him out of the classroom. Since he already knew what he wanted, then there wasn't any reason to delay this further.

"Oh? Where are we going, sensei?" came Izuku's teasing voice.

The black-haired teacher let out another growl, feeling slightly annoyed that he hadn't caught on earlier. More than that, he'd been almost achingly hard the past three weeks without Izuku. He felt like he was about to burst, and just his hand wasn't enough. He even resorted to using f-fingers. At that thought, his cheeks became slightly pink with embarrassment. But it still hadn't been enough.

"Stop acting coy with me, and follow me back to my apartment," he said, leaving unspoken promises.

"Aw, we can't sensei. Since we're still officially courting."

Shouta turned around to glower at him. "And I'm saying, there's one last step to official courtship."

Izuku couldn't help the little smirk that broke out on his lips, having had his fun riling the other up for the past three weeks. It seemed like the teacher had finally made up his mind. It felt great knowing that he hadn't lost his touch, and Shouta's reactions were just adorable. The way the other Alpha tried to keep him from finding out that his breathing had hitched slightly, the way his eyes darkened when seeing certain actions, all of it was just utterly adorable in how he tried to act like what he was doing wasn't affecting him.

The green-haired teen beamed at his Mate, subconsciously turning up his Quirk to the max, his adoration and love just naturally spilled out from within. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with this man.