
Chapter One

For a long time, I've never really liked life. I tried to avoid a lot of things, like wolves, supernatural beings, or worse, my mate. The routine is straightforward: I get up in the morning, check on Alee and make her breakfast, take a bath, get ready for school, go to class, return, check on Alee once more, and then head off to my side job. Work can be chaotic at times, but it's easier if you're used to it. Since that day, my twin, Alee, and I have been living in this manner. We weren't part of a pack, but we also weren't rogues. Although I can now realize how unrealistic that was, my parents wanted us to live like a normal family.

My favorite memory is of the times spent with my folks. Prior to my twin, Alee, I was the first child my mother had. Our names weren't picked at random. I was given the name Minty as soon as my mother gave birth. At the time, they believed she was expecting a single child. I entered the world during the height of the full moon. The moon shone down on the land when there were no clouds in the sky. Mom had told me it was lovely. My name would be Minty, the defender and vindicator she had promised my father. I had been told by her that I was a lucky child and that the moon goddess liked me.

I did believe her at the time, but after all that has happened, I'm not so sure. Alee was a child of miracles. Dad would have cleaned her up after mom gave birth to me, but she felt a pinch, and my twin came tumbling out. She cried more fiercely than I did, as if she knew that mom hadn't anticipated her. Mom, Dad, and the midwife were all taken aback. She was lame, but my twin was OK. Her legs appeared to have no bones under their skin since they were so fragile. Although Dad was unsure whether she was a werewolf or carried a gene from Mom, he did know that she might be human. Mom was adamant, and Dad wasn't upset either. She gave her the name Alejandra, which means protector of humanity.

We received the upbringing we deserved from them. It was challenging for me to enroll in a public high school and continue attending given the number of students enrolled there because Alee and I were homeschooled. Humans made up most of the population, but it had little effect due to the number of supernaturals that attended. I usually disguise myself with a different scent to fool people and wolves. On odd days, I go to school as Minty, while on other days, I go to school as Alee, to keep our names in the school record. On Saturdays and Sundays, I tutor Alee at home. For both of us, it's a win-win situation.

I don't really have any friends at school. Alee—the Alee that I created at school—only created one due to her cautious personality. Avery is her name. She enjoys adding purple highlights to her long, wavy, ash blonde hair. If popularity had been her goal, she would have been a nice, mean girl, but Alee was the only one she bullied. She is not Minty's friend—the Minty I created at school—and I believe she recognizes Alee from Minty. Alee was eating in the school cafeteria when Avery ran into her. Alee had looked up after hearing someone clear their throat. At the opposite end of her table, Avery was standing.

Her purple highlights had highlighted her facial features, her glasses, which had purple frames, and her outfit's edgy appearance back then. Her face appeared to be devoid of makeup, but Alee could see that her lips were painted peach. She was dressed in a white canvas, a crop top, a mini-skirt, and black tights. The character Alee was made to be submissive, unlike Minty, who would typically groan or ask her what she wanted. Instead of getting involved, Alee would prefer to stay out of a conflict.

Avery and Alee hit it off right away, or more specifically, Avery put on a show and made fun of Alee. Alee mostly followed Avery because she wanted to appear to have friends. Even though Avery enjoys the attention, she pretended not to be aware of Alee. During her time in school, Alee sucked up to Avery, but Minty did not. She might be anywhere, but not in the vicinity of Avery.

I'm determined that my senior year will be better now that classes have begun. Alee and I were on par for valedictorian, but no one is aware of that. Despite my desire for everything to remain that way, I couldn't help but wish that something interesting or novel might occur. Except for the holidays, I had been following the same schedule every day, and I want it to change. That day, I tried to make friends, but everyone looked at me as if I had developed frog eyes. My odds of becoming friends with the wolves were little to none, and neither were those with humans. I returned to my shell, feeling a little let down by my lack of success.

Alee has always been disabled, but she hasn't always been dumb. Alee and I were best friends growing up, which is understandable given how similar we looked. She and I had similar personalities, but after our parents passed away, she gave up. She had not spoken since, nor had she attempted to walk as she usually did. At the time, I was depressed, and until we ran out of food, neither of us had any reason to leave the house. In order to find a better-paying career and a better life outside of the one I had back then, I had to get a job and enroll in high school. We have been coping with each other day by day, and even if I started to grow weary of it all, I would just think about how poor I would be without everything I currently have.

I used a spell to hoist Alee onto a chair beside the improvised dining table. We speak via text, or she writes on the board as we eat at a small table in the basement. Except when I am teaching her, we don't often talk. I'm still the only one speaking, even then. While Alee served the food, I made myself comfortable and sat down in my seat. We then clasp hands, and I begin to pray.

“We give thanks to God for this food and ask that He bless it in the name of Jesus, Amen.”

I hope there won't be any work today because I am fatigued. As one of the best in my field, Elias, my boss frequently assigns me arbitrary tasks. I am not minty at work, but I also don't hide my scent. My name, Azalea, is pronounced A-zayl-yah, but everyone pronounces it incorrectly. I chose it because it was my mother's last name and because I wanted to never forget her. I couldn't be happier that Alee came up with the idea for my work name.

After finishing my meal, I showered, changed into my black tunic, and wore it over my dark jeans and black t-shirt. Elias had advised us to wear all black in order to blend in with the night. Although it's worth rolling my eyes at, I wouldn't want Elias to obliterate my vision. My most valued possessions were my green eyes. Due to the similarity of her eyes, they make me think of my mother. The only thing separating Alee and me are our eyes. Alee has eyes that are somewhat similar in color to a yellow and orange blend, while I have green eyes. She was more attractive than I was because of her eyes, but they were an odd pair. She being lame meant that I could hide her for a time because I wasn't sure how the rest of the world or anyone else would react to it. But I didn't like that she couldn't view things from her perspective.

I slid my hoodie over my head and secured the door to our home before leaving the area. I lowered my head and didn't look at anyone in front of me as I crossed the street. We reside in a tranquil neighborhood, far from the violent areas of the city. In these places, particularly at night, crime is on the rise, and even if I could defend myself, I wouldn't want to hurt a person. When I arrived at the watch store, which had to be disguised to conceal what was going on inside, I went right to Tacha, the receptionist. She irritates me a lot and loves Elias so much. Everyone knows that she is, but she's not the only one in love with him. He is an alpha, but he is not the leader of any pack. He's one of the fortunate ones because it's difficult to locate a natural-born alpha.

“Tacha, is the boss around?” I asked her quietly and politely.

“I don't have time for your nonsense, Lea,” she snorted.

My name is typically difficult to say, so they shortened it to Lea. Whatever they use, it doesn't really matter, but I don't like it when Tacha does.

“I see. Well, I would like to hear what the boss would say if he ever finds out that you use his real name on a daily basis.” I said, pretending to think about it.

“Whatever. He's in the tunnel. And please, leave; you smell like fish,” she said, scowling at me.

I smirked and descended to the basement through the stairs. Elias is an alpha and is frequently in favor of power. He generally has to utilize the submission method, which is quite embarrassing if someone refuses to follow his instructions or challenges his authority. He would insist that you kneel and apologize for your offenses against him. After that, he would force you to plead with him for mercy. I'm pleased I wasn't the culprit because it happened once.

The basement lies underneath the tunnel, which is really attractive. This location ranks right after my home as my favorite spot on earth. The tunnel's metal construction was made of very cool-to-the-touch metal thanks to the AC. Elias argued that the basement wasn't concealed enough, so Dean built it in response. Typically, Elias works with people he believes have potential or stand out from other supernaturals. Although I didn't believe mine was exceptional, Elias, of course, disagreed. I was aware that my mother was partially from two other species, if not fully, but I never gave it much attention until I released my first fire in a fit of rage.

Alee was starving, and we had recently run out of food. She would start devouring inanimate items whenever she was hungry, and her stomach would make this awful scream like a lion that was ravenous. She couldn't walk or talk, and we had no parents to look after us, which drove me mad. I had ridden dad's motorcycle off the road to a cliff and yelled. Unknowingly, my scream ignited a massive ball of fire that scorched the trees and grasses nearby. Elias had been keeping an eye on me and had taught me. He offered me this job, and while I am unquestionably delighted that I can now support Alee and myself, I dislike the risk and violence that go along with it. Because of this, if, in the future, I have steady finances, I would stop.

I am part dragon, according to Elias, one of my mother's many gifts. He claimed that while I exhibit dragon-like traits, I am unable to transform into one. When I arrived at the tunnel's entrance door, the sensor above it began to glow blue, scanning my body before a robotic woman's voice said,

“Please place your palm on the template.”

I followed the instructions, and after a hissing sound, the door slid open to show the tunnel.