
Alpha Prince's Mate

Warning:18+ A tall.. super handsome guy stands by the door... his hazel green eyes staring into mine like he's trying to find my soul. My eyes moved to his lips and I subconsciously bite my lower lip.. I suddenly feel like crashing my lips on his.. I feel myself being drawn to him. I can hear my heart beating fast... it's just like I fell in love with him at first sight.. this is the first time I'm feeling this way. Then I heard him utter a word. "Mate" ************************* She's a girl who lost her parents to the rogues attack and was left with ger two elder brothers who decided to change her environment for fear of being hunted again. Stacey got into a new school. She was treated bad for not being a werewolf. But everything changed when it happens that she's the Alpha's mate. Will she agree to be his mate after her parents were killed by creatures like him?

Miracle_Moses_4003 · Teen
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 9

Alpha King's mansion....

Raymond enters his room and closed the door..but halts abruptly when he sees a figure laying on his bed.

He frowns and sniffed the air...he balled his fist and glared at the figure.

"Juliet! What are you doing in my room?!" He growled, while she turns to him with a flirtatious smile.

"Waiting for you!" She said.

He opens the door...walk towards her and grabs her leg and pulled her off his bed...she falls in a thud.

"Get out!" He said.

Juliet gets up and reaches her hand forward to touch Ray's chest..but he quickly catches her hand before she could touch him.

"Ray, come on...why don't you like me anymore? We always used to be close since childhood..but you've been distant towards me recently"

"We've never been close..and besides you've got your mate already...I have mine too!"

Juliet stomps her feet and snatches her hand from Raymond.

"But I don't like him.. he's too old and ugly!"

"Lorenzo is not old, He's just 24!"

"And I'm 18! I don't want him.. you're the one I want!" she said sadly.

"You can't have me, I have found my mate!"

She huffed disgustingly.

"I don't care! We can reject our mates and be with each other!"

"No! I'm not gonna reject my mate for you!"

"But we make a perfect pair...."

"Juliet leave now before you get me angry!"

Juliet walks back to his bed and sits down...she crosses her legs.

"Our family have been very close since I could remember..why can't we just make us closer? I can lead the pack with you!"

"Your mother being the pack's cook doesn't makes us close...leave!" Ray gritted out.

"No! I'm so much better than that weak human and....."

She wasn't able to complete her statement... Rsy's hands wrapped around her neck and lifts her off the bed.

Her legs dangles as she chokes...her air lungs blocked.

Ray's eyes change colors as Zeus surfaced and glared at her.

"How dare you call your Luna weak?" He asked in a deep growl.

Juliet's eyes turns red as she silently begs Zeus to let her go... Zeus's grip only became tighter.


Zeus's grip tightened more....

"Al.. alpha...prince...I..." She swallows her words.

Zeus narrows his eyes until Ray was back in control...he look straight in her eyes.

"This is the last time you come into my room without my permission....and if you dare bad mouth my mate again... I'll make you pay for it!" He warns her.

Juliet nods frantically... hoping Ray will let go of her.

He throws her on the ground and she starts to cough... gasping for air.

"Get out!" He growls.

She quickly runs out. Ray walk towards his bed and sniffs it...he frown as he perceived Juliet's scent on it.

"Gerald! Come to my room and change my bed sheets" He commands one of the cleaners through his mind-link.

"Yes, alpha prince"

He walked towards a couch and slumps onto it...he closes his eyes and recall what just happened.

"I hate humans and I hate her...but why did I get angry when Janet insults her?" He asked himself.

He had purposely let Zeus take control to teach Juliet a lesson for insulting their mate.

"It must be the mate-bond working! The mate-bond is making me feel protective over her" He concluded.

Just then he received a mind-link from his dad...asking him to come to his office.

He sighed and reluctantly got up, then he heads out.

"Dad, You called me" He said as he enters the office.

It's only his parents and Joshua inside the office...a few minutes after he sat down, the beta king walks in and stands behind his father.

"Yes, Joshua is here!" His dad replies.

Josh bows slightly and sits on a chair the alpha King showed him.

"You must have heard your sister is Raymond's mate!" The Alpha King said to Josh.

Josh nods.

"And you know we can't have a human as our Luna...we want to know if something happened during birth or if she's purely human!"

Josh clears his throat softly.

"Alpha King, like I said yesterday...we are not sure if she's human or wolf yet"

"You said seeing her mate can trigger her wolf gene! We saw each other today! Is there any changes yet?!" Raymond asked impatiently.

"Well, alpha prince..you just met today and you haven't mated yet....." Josh cuts himself off.


"Raymond, wait!" Alpha King interrupts him. "What I wanna know is why she's not a wolf"

Josh sighed deeply.

"When my mom was pregnant with her...she was kidnapped by some rogues...they feed her with wolfsbane and tortured her with all kinds of silvers... though Stacey was just a fetus but she saved my Mom. We thought the wolfsbane and silver won't affect her.. until she turned seventeen and didn't shift... she's gone through a lot, our parents were killed right in front of her by a rogue wolf and that memory have been haunting her...I think maybe these are the reasons her wolf refused to surface!"

Everyone sat silent as they listen carefully... Ray slumps back on his chair with a frown on his forehead.

He has been blaming the moon goddess for pairing him with a weak human...but in fact, she's stronger than he thought.

"That's why we have been keeping the fact that we're wolves from her...we were waiting until she transform before we tell her...at least then she wouldn't hate us after learning about our true self" Josh explain.

Ray frowns....he understands why she's human now.

But now that his wolf know she's their mate, he'll be craving to stay close to her else he'll get weak.

"Joshua, since she doesn't know about wolves... How can I get close to her? She's my mate and I and my wolf can't stay far from her!"

Josh stays silent as he doesn't know how to answer that question.

"By right she's supposed to move in with me the moment I recognize her as my mate... but I think she won't agree to that now... She'll think I'm crazy!"

"Yes, Raymond is right.. he and his wolf needs to stay closer to her" alpha King said.

"That being the case, you'll have to court her" Josh said.

"Court her?" Raymond asked.

"Yeah.. humans do it before marriage... You'll court her and make her fall in love with you, then we can tell her about us slowly without her getting scared of us or hating you"

Ray thinks about it and nods... He can't afford his mate hating him.

"Ok! I can do that!"

"Maybe after she's marked she'll transform.. but by then she'll already have fallen in love with you!" Josh said and Raymond smiled.