
Alpha Prince's Mate

Warning:18+ A tall.. super handsome guy stands by the door... his hazel green eyes staring into mine like he's trying to find my soul. My eyes moved to his lips and I subconsciously bite my lower lip.. I suddenly feel like crashing my lips on his.. I feel myself being drawn to him. I can hear my heart beating fast... it's just like I fell in love with him at first sight.. this is the first time I'm feeling this way. Then I heard him utter a word. "Mate" ************************* She's a girl who lost her parents to the rogues attack and was left with ger two elder brothers who decided to change her environment for fear of being hunted again. Stacey got into a new school. She was treated bad for not being a werewolf. But everything changed when it happens that she's the Alpha's mate. Will she agree to be his mate after her parents were killed by creatures like him?

Miracle_Moses_4003 · Teen
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 1

Stacey's POV

Running... running... running!

I can't turn back, I'm scared..too scared to look back.

It's coming behind me, in a massive speed....I once turned and saw its red eyes and I couldn't look at it twice.

I'm tired but I must go on if I wanna stay alive...I must continue running.

*Stacey, run! Keep running!* She yells from behind me.

I increased my pace, running faster than before...I can't get caught.

*Run! Don't look back!* He urges me.

*Just run!* They both urged me.

I heard a thud but didn't turn back...the heavy footsteps stops, but not for long..it continues again.

I'm panting and running out of breathe but that didn't stop me...I must get out of here.

*Zita!* I heard his panicked cry.

I stop running abruptly and turn back....my eyes grew wide, my mouth hang open as I couldn't process what's happening.

*Zita!* He cried again....and the reality of what's happening dawned on me.

It has finally caught up with them...she laid on the ground with its might form over her... barring its teeth at her...ready to devour her.

He tries to fight it off but he obviously isn't strong enough...it pushed him away with its snout.

It already clenched its teeth on her neck, tearing it...I can't just watch, I must help.

I step forward but unfortunately its neck snaps towards my direction....I halt frighteningly.

*No!* A scream leaves my mouth.

It takes a step towards me....my heart beating fast but he suddenly steps in front of me...not flinching away from its glaring red eyes.

He pushes it back and grunts.

*Stacey run!* He said before it tackles him and lands him on the ground.... its teeth positioned on his neck.




My eyes snaps open and I quickly sat up... panting heavily. My headaches and my hands move to my forehead.. wiping off the beads of sweat.

I reached for the table lamp and turn it on....I reached for the glass of water and pills on the nightstand...I stared at it and sighed deeply.

*Don't go into the woods... it's dangerous!*

*There are vicious beasts lurking around in the woods!*

*Always stay in the house and don't come out at night!*

Had I listened to these words....had I been obedient...I wouldn't be having this nightmares.

The door burst open and my brothers.... Joshua and Dylan ...rushes in.

Though we all call Joshua, Josh

Dylan rushed straight to my bedside but flips the lights on before coming to me.

Josh wipes off the sweat on my forehead... While Dylan holds my right hand in his.

"Stacey, are you alright?" Josh asked.

"Had another nightmare?" Dylan asked immediately after Josh

I simply nod to answer both their questions. Dylan and Josh exchange looks as Dylan sighed.

"Thankfully, we are moving today!" Josh said.

I raised my head at once with a surprise expression on.

"Moving?! When did that happen?! Why am I just finding out about it just now?!"

I studied their expressions as I questioned them... Dylan is avoiding my gaze but Josh kept a straight face.

Dylan turns to the alarm clock on my nightstand and gasp dramatically.

"It's 05:10am..." He claps his hands and stands up. "...Stacey, start packing, let's move!"

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply...I don't have time for his jokes now.

I drop the pills I was holding and crossed my arms across my chest...a scorn on my face...I can imagine my brows knit together.

"No!" I said looking at Josh....his straight face still on.

Dylan laughs lightly.

"Come on, Stacey. Don't be stubborn now, we're doing this for your own good" he explained.

"No!" I said again.


"No buts, Dylan. I'm not moving!"

They both know I don't like it when we move...I always have problem adapting to a new environment.

"Stacey, don't be like that..now that mom and dad....."

"Stop!" I cut him off.

I don't like it when they mention our parents....I can't get over what happened yet, even if it's been almost a year now.

"We've moved more than 20 times, when are we gonna stop moving?" I asked.

"We're only trying to find a quiet place for you... somewhere that won't trigger your nightmares" Dylan explained.

I scoffed...excuse! That's the only thing they say everytime they want us to move.

He points towards my window...wait, did I forget to lock my window before going to bed?

"Look, your window is just facing those woods...who knows if that's the reasons for your nightmares" he said.

I turn my gaze from the window to Josh... he's exceptionally quiet.

Well, I don't need to tell you about their personalities now....you can clearly tell that Dylan is the simple and approachable one among them.

Josh is strict with me...no, he's strict with Dylan and I...but a bit lenient with Dylan.

"I still don't want to move, Dylan" I said staring pointedly at Josh..as if he's actually the one I'm talking to.

And truly he's the one I'm talking to...I was directing that comment to him.

"But Stacey....."

Josh bangs on my nightstand and stands up...he stares at me sternly.

"We are moving today and that's final!" I flinched back and grab Dylan's arm.

"Jo..Josh..calm down, let's talk to her calmly, she'll understand"

"Well, you have been trying to talk to her calmly...did she understand?" He scolds Dylan.

Ok, that's the only thing I like about him... instead of scolding me anytime I'm wrong, he scolds Dylan instead.

He turns to me.

"Start packing up... we're moving by 8am!" He leaves my room immediately.

Dylan sighs and sits on my bed, his hand on my right cheek... caressing it softly.

"Don't worry, Stacey, you'll adapt sooner than you expect" he said.


"True! I'll take you round town when we get there...and who knows, you might make a whole lot of friends!"

I rolled my eyes...I know exactly what he's tryna do...I know what he meant by that.

"I'll show you all the beautiful scenery and....."

"Just tell me you want me to accompany you for your job hunting!" I interrupt him.

He smiles brightly and winks at me.

"You are really my sister...you know me too well"

I shake my head. I wish I can be this free to everyone...I wish I can make any friends and talk about anything and everything with my friends.

"Stacey! Stacey!" He snaps his fingers across my face.

I blinked a few times.


"What were you thinking?"


He chuckles and shakes his head.

"You were obviously thinking something"

"It's nothing..but I really don't wanna move..I'm tired of being a new student everytime!"

"You'll be fine"

Just when I was slowly accepting this place, we're moving again.

"I'm in my senior year, don't you think all these frequent migrating will affect my studies?"

"Nope! You're smart!"

"Try talking Josh off....."

"No, Stacey. You can't continue having all these nightmares...it need to stop"

I huffed and rest my head on the headboard.

"Don't worry, I promise you...this will be the last time we move"

I rolled my eyes...he told me the same thing last time we moved here and here we are moving again.

"Don't roll your eyes at me missy...or I'll pluck 'em out!"


There's a long pause...none of us saying a word.

"Where are we going this time?" I asked.

"New Orleans!"

I hummed. Who knows where we'll go next...maybe Paris.

"And I believe we'll stay there for a very long time" he said.

"You sound so sure"

"Yeah... the agent guaranteed Josh and I that the house we're moving in isn't near the woods...so, I don't think you'll have any nightmares"

I don't know why..but I suddenly released a long relief breath.

"I hope so!" I muttered silently.

"I know so!" He said.

His phone suddenly beeps, he reaches for it from his PJs pocket.

A small frown first appears on his forehead.. before a bright smile took over.

"Stacey, start packing... we're leaving by 8am!" He said and rushes towards the door.

"Wait...where are you rushing off to?" I asked.

"Oh, I got a text from Susan"

Susan?! Who's that?! I asked mentally with a confused frown.

He seems to notice my confused expression and smiles.

"Susan, my girlfriend!" He winks at me.

I groan....his one week girlfriend. I forgot to tell you guys... Dylan is a playboy....almost every girl in Finland is his girlfriend.

I sometimes wonder if God made a mistake making this gross boy my brother.

"So....I'm gonna go!" He didn't even wait for my reply before dashing out.

My eyes meets my alarm clock... it's already 5:59am.... almost 6.

I climb down from my bed and head towards my closet...I pulled out my suitcase and opens it.

Seems I have no choice...I better start packing. I throw my hair in a messy bun and get into work.



Two hours later....

I look around my empty room....I'm long done packing and my luggages have already been moved out and put in the truck.

I flung my backpack on my shoulder and head for the door...just then I heard Josh's voice from outside.

"Stacey! Come on!"

Humph! He reaches can't wait to leave this place....they say we're moving for my good...but why do I have this nagging feeling at the bank of my mind that we're actually running from something.

Like we're always on the run... whatever!

"Dylan, go in there and pull that lady out!" Josh growls at Dylan.

"I'm out! I'm out!" I said immediately I step out...I shut the door in a loud bang.

I walk towards Josh's old toyota camry...the one our dad left him. I made myself comfortable in the back seat..and pulled out a story book from my bag.

Josh and Dylan got in... Josh starts the car and follows behind the truck moving our properties!

After a few moment of silence, Josh and Dylan begin to talk in hushed voices....I know they don't want me to hear their conversation.

So I engrossed myself in my storybook!



I yawned and open my eyes...I frown. When the heck did I fall asleep?

"You're awake!" Josh said from the driver's seat.

Hold on... driver's seat?! We're still in the car?!

"Are we not there yet?" I asked.

"No!" They both replied.

I groan and slumps back on my seat....I looked out the window and saw tall trees swaying to the tone of the wind as we drive past.

My eyes shut involuntarily....tall trees...woods..

.they cause me nightmares.

I quickly look away but not quick enough....my eyes caught something in the woods. I looked again to confirm my doubt and truly there they are....the cause of my nightmares.

Two red eyes!

My head turns away and I faced front....I don't wanna look back. I need to get that picture off my mind.

"Stacey, are you ok?" Josh asked me.

I guess he saw my frightened expression...I simply nod.

"Are you sure? Or you want to stop the car for a while?"

My eyes grew wide. Stop the car?! In the woods?!

"No!" I said too loudly.