
Alpha Prime's Exiled Wolf

Ember Darkthorn, exiled from the only home she's ever known in the Mystral Pack, finds herself lost and alone. In her darkest moment, she crosses paths with Nate, a stranger who becomes an unexpected and indispensable friend. Together, they embark on a journey to Moonsand City, the prestigious domain of the Alpha Prime, leader of all werewolves. Before they can reach the safety of the city, they are ambushed by rogue vampires, the Alpha Prime arrives to their rescue. Ember is stunned to discover that he is not only the powerful leader of their kind but also her true mate? [Newbie, give me some space if I have errors] [Side couple is a queer gay couple, be warned]

Sofie_Vert01 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Ember Darkthorn

As the chains were unshackled from my weary form, a rush of relief flooded through me, allowing me to draw in deep, liberating breaths. It would take hours before I'm at full strength.

"I, Jacob Ironhide, the Alpha of the Mystral Pack, hereby decree Ember Darkthorn's exile," boomed the resolute voice of authority. With solemn resolve, the Alpha severed all ties that bound me to the pack, extinguishing every last connection in a swift, definitive gesture witnessed by the unforgiving moon above.

As soon as the alpha finishes his statement, I feel something rip out of me. I don't even get to process the sense of loss before the Shaman rips open the back of my dress and presses the burning hot rod into my back.

The searing pain of the scalding rod pressed against my back elicits a primal scream from me, an agony unlike any I had ever experienced.

My world blurred with torment and pain is intensified as the Shaman casts dried wolfsbane leaves onto the searing wound, magnifying the amount of pain hundredfold.

In that moment of excruciating suffering, my primal instincts took over, allowing my wolf to emerge and flee into the beckoning shadows of the forest. My mind overwhelmed by unrelenting pain, I yield to my wolf ceding control to the untamed spirit that dwelled deep inside me.


I awaken in the dim light of a cave, the cold stone beneath me reminding me of my exhaustion. The pain radiating from my back confirms my wolf form has taken a toll on me. Gritting my teeth against the ache, I manage to sit up, whimpering softly. Memories flood back in disjointed fragments—I had been running for days, just running, running and running.

The Mystral Pack must be miles away now.

Dragging myself up, I ignore the searing pain and stumble out of the cave. My senses immediately seek out water, and I find a small, babbling stream nearby. As I drink deeply, a movement catches my eye—a rabbit, innocently sipping from the same stream. Hunger gnaws at my stomach, and with careful steps, I stalk my prey.

With a swift, silent pounce, I catch the rabbit, my wolf instincts guiding my movements. Finding a moment of respite, I shift back to human form, a difficult and painful process. The cold water of the stream washes away the grime of my journey, but the pain remains, a constant companion.

Using my claws, I deftly skin the rabbit and gather dry wood. Returning to the cave, I start a fire and sit by it, roasting the rabbit. Each gust of wind sends waves of pain through my wounded back, causing me to flinch. Naked and alone, tears finally come, streaming down my face as I mourn my circumstances.

Loneliness engulfs me as I eat the almost burnt rabbit, the taste bland and unappetizing. Despite its bland taste, it's sustenance I desperately need after days without food. When the meal is finished, I shift back into my wolf form, seeking warmth next to the dwindling fire.

Alone with my thoughts, I consider my next move. Remembering my mother's words about embers and fire, I vow not to be extinguished. Tomorrow, I decide, I will head north towards Moonsand City, the home of the Alpha Prime. Rumors speak of thousands of wolves there, a stark contrast to the mere 300 in my own pack. Ex pack now.

In the quiet of the night, my mind drifts to stories of a world long past. Seven centuries ago, humans ruled the planet, their numbers in the billions. Their technological prowess had once awed me—information at their fingertips, the ability to soar through the skies like dragons or bird shifters. It was a world of wonders now lost to us.

Legend tells of their downfall, how their relentless exploitation of nature led to Mother Nature's wrath. A piece of the moon fell, wiping out 98% of humanity. Supernaturals like us survived, forging a new world order in the wake of human destruction. Yet, the loss of technology was a bitter pill to swallow.

As sleep finally claims me, I dream of flying, a freedom that seems unattainable in my current state. But I am Ember, and I refuse to be extinguished. Tomorrow, I will begin my journey north, towards a city of thousands, hoping to find a new place to call home.