
Trying To Seduce Me

Cruden was on the path of no return. He always had this sinking, sneaky suspicion that if she said "please," he'd give her the world and sky. He'd give her his entire pack. And each time those 6 letters slipped out of her pretty little mouth, he'd bend over backward for her. 

Cruden had forgotten how to cook. Back then, he picked up the skill to provide for Kallum and Noah who were starved as punishment after being beaten by their father. Never Noah though. Kallum and Cruden made sure of that. At most, Noah suffered a smack or two, but he was often in time out or starved.

Cruden would sneak them burnt scrambled eggs and blackened toast until he perfected omelets and buttered bread. All of the skills he picked up for the sake of raising Noah were long forgotten when the boy knew how to fend for himself.

Now, Cruden was standing still as a tree stump whilst Roselia tied his apron. Why? To prevent flour from getting on his black shirt.