
Alpha Of Silverback

A Cromwell Rogue sequel! After witnessing her sister's murder by the hands of Alpha Camren, Josephine Cromwell is on the lam. She's off to pack Silverback where Alpha Artyom has murderous intentions awaiting. What can happen next? Book 1 A Cromwell Rogue Book 2 Alpha of Silverback Coming August 2023.

JaySkylar · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Three

Aimee started walking to the doors and the omega rushed to open them before she could reach them. We followed in pursuit. Inside was a lounge area in front of a mahogany desk with the latest tech advanced computer gear. He wasn't at the desk. Artyom was over by a wall completely open to the cool air and an open deck leading outside to a burning fire pit. Snow melted as it came into the room causing the floors to look slick. A woman was swaying a glass of bourbon in hand at the lounge area not far away from an open bar.

There was a wall full of filing cabinets that looked centuries old and covered in dust. This room wasn't used often, I could tell. It made me wonder why we were meeting here of all places. Artyom came away from the opening and it automatically started to shut as glass panes came down from the ceiling to close it off. The water built up on the ground was running off into a draining system toward the windows. He came up to the lounge area and gestured for us to sit as he took a loner's chair.

Aimee sat down by the woman I have yet to meet and we took our own separate couch across from them putting Artyom between us all.

"This is Neriah," Artyom said as he gestured toward her almost reading my mind of curiosity. "She's the head of my security department and works right under Aimee. You've two met already," he gestured toward his beta.

Neriah who had bronze colored skin and a Spanish ancestorial back ground had blue highlighted dark hair locked in Dutch braids. She was of average size, with a scent warning me she was unmated. She was in a leather jacket that looked about a decade old with torn sleeves. Underneath she had a black crop top underneath blue jean overalls. Her extra hand was tucked into her pockets were the lining of a gun was firmly being held. She was staring me down with a menacing look as if warning me to flinch. It seemed she was on Aimee's side.

"Thank you for letting us stay," I spoke up quickly as I wrapped my hand around Cas' knee to calm his nerves as I felt him on high alert around Artyom. But, my mind was more worried around the girls across from us trigger happy.

"You've been generous enough already but the longer we stay here the higher risk we will cause your pack. We came here mainly to give our gratitude and to be on our way," Cas told him.

"There are a few things we should discuss, I've been here all night with my advisors," Artyom said and looked slightly annoyed from mentioning them. "I'll have Aimee take you directly toward the boarder when it's said and done."

"What is there to discuss?" I asked.

"What happened last night," he told me firmly. The girls across looked uneasy suddenly. "I have been up all night getting information from my spies in my cousin's pack." He pointed a finger at Cas. "King Camren ran your father, Alpha Ezekiel, back into the rogue territories. Your father is alive and well. My dear cousin Camren soon after discovered..." he trailed off. His finger shifting in my direction. "Your mother missing from the cell he left her in, he sent out a bounty to have her brought back dead or alive for fifty thousand."

"So he really had my mother there," I whispered quietly. I didn't know for certain. Camren was being honest. He really did have her there and somehow she's now missing. My mother is alive which means I still have a mother and she's out there somewhere. He's going to kill her if he finds here. I can't let him kill her too.

"It's really quite a coincidence," he muttered. My eyes shifted toward Cas out of the corner of my eyes as I felt him tensing up. Artyom was watching him now like an ant under a microscope.

"Are you suggesting my father had the time to free her while being surrounded by a party of angry wolves? You're being ridiculous. My father hates her as much as Jossie." Cas turned to look at me and my doubts faded away as soon as he assured me with his eyes. His father is on our team.

"That's not what I was suggesting. But, if Camren wanted to make it appear that way," he nudged his hands in the air toward us. "The message would be sent here and where he wanted it to go."

"That evil bastard," Cas growled.

"Calm down," Aimee snapped at him. "Don't rile us all up." I rubbed his hand to try to sooth his emotions. My own fingers trembling at the very imagination of what Camren was plotting.

"Camren has already sent me a message," Artyom said as he held up his cell phone to shake at us. "He wants you back," he knows where I am. "And, he's willing to strike a bargain with me if I throw in a bonus gift." He looked at Cas. "Of course-" Cas growled defiantly. I had to hold him back by squeezing his knee.

There's no reason to provoke them here over something so trivial. I knew Artyom- at least I had faith he would be on our side so I waited until the room was calm so we could hear what he had to say. He wouldn't speak until we were behaving again.

"I am not that stupid. He tried to have me killed last night. He really should have thought that through before giving me his answer on becoming allies. You two are safe here for as long as you live. But if you want to leave, I'll have Aimee escort you toward the rogue territory. Just be sure to count me in on any future endeavors against that no good cousin of mine." he held out a hand to shake Casimir's as he stared him in the eyes.

Cas sighed as he seemed to relax before taking his hand to shake.

"It's not your burden," Cas told him as he looked back at me. "I can take care of us. All I have to do is get us back home." He grabbed my hand and stood up quickly. "We came to say thank you for the warm bed but now we really need to be going."

"It might not be my burden but I have my reasoning for hating him enough to help you two. When you need me you know where to find me." He looked at Aimee and gave her a nod. "Escort these two our of my territory safely."

"Yes Alpha," she said respectfully and bowed her head before looking at us. "You two should come with me." 

Cas pulled me after her as she lead us out of the office. We took the elevator down to the previous floor where she took us back to the bullet train. 

"We can ride this to the end of town and run the rest of the way."

"No, Josephine doesn't know how to transform freely between forms. She'll freeze out there before we even make it."

"She had no trouble getting here," Aimee growled.

"It's ok Cas," I whispered. "I'm warm enough and could make it."

"No you can't," he growled. "I won't put you through that again." He looked at her threatening. "Find us something we can keep her warm inside."

"Why don't you just learn now," Aimee growled my way. "Stop being so pathetic. You're a wolf, find a way to transform."

"I don't know," I whispered as I thought back to what happened to Jude. Can I even still transform? I bit down on my bottom lip nervously.

"You don't have to," Cas whispered to me as he kissed my temple. "I promise I can protect you and I'll carry you the whole way if I have to. We'll get you a blanket to wrap up in."

"Ridiculous," Aimee whispered. I glared her down but couldn't find myself to get angry at her. She was right. I was ridiculous. I wanted to learn how. I wanted to be stronger for Cas. I grabbed his chest before he could say something.

"I want to learn," I told them. "If I can learn then we-"

"You won't be strong enough to make it there," Cas snapped at me. I flinched at his words and felt my eyes water up.

"I'll teach you," Aimee told me as she glared at Cas suddenly. "It'll be your decision when the time comes what you want. Let's just get to the end of the city."

"Thank you," I whispered.