
Chapter 157 Stop

Beth's POV

  A gust of wind blew away the ashes of the sapphire ring.

  Alpha King helped the old King to leave the church. Nina cast me a grateful look and followed them back to the palace.

  I didn't know when Damon left. His appearance and disappearance depended totally on his mood, which made him always unpredictable. I had no interest and time to pay attention to his whereabouts.

  Aaron and I walked side by side on the bridge in the middle of the river. What a long day. The wind blew through my hair, and I ran my hands through it, tucking bits behind my ears.

  "Now there is only one spiritual vessel left. We are almost there! What might it be? Where will the Dark Moon Goddess hide it?"

  I casually waved my arms and chatted with Aaron in a cheerful tone.