
Alpha Nathan

"You're quite a sight, Annabelle." I ignored the instant flush in my cheeks, doubting he could see it anyways. "You always say that." "I could never say it enough." His large hand grazed up my uniform skirt, stopping at the beginning of my black stockings, growling. "Annabelle." My whole body slightly jumped as the bell rang. "Nathan, we have to go to class." "No," he grumbled, fingers dipping into the stockings. "You're mine and you're not going anywhere."

kitty47172 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Belle," The sound of my name tore my attention away from my book. "Are you staying after for tutoring today by any chance?"

Will Adkins stood in front of me with a small, hopeful grin along his perfect lips. Everything about him was perfect. From his perfect dark brown hair to his gray eyes, followed by his perfectly structured face. Every girl swooned over him.

A semi baggy varsity jacket covered his taunting white t-shirt underneath. Perfect dark brown shoes matched him too well. He's the kind of guy everything would look good on.

I bit the inside of my lip, thinking long and hard about having any plans tonight. My fingertips came up to push my large glasses back up the brim of my nose.

"It's a Friday night, Will." The words left me as I reached in my bag for my calendar, scanning for reasons to say no.

"I know, I know. You probably have better things to do than hang out with an idiot but-"

I instantly cut in with a straight face. "You're not an idiot."

"But," He continued growing a cheeky smile. "I have a chemistry test to make up, and Coach said if I don't make it up, I can't play in the game Saturday."

"Aren't you guys on a winning streak?" I questioned, watching him take a seat across from me.

He nodded. "If I come in with your signature, he'll let me play. I know you're not the type to lie about tutoring so my hands are tied, Belle. I'm first string."

I smiled at his words. "Thank you for taking notice in my personality, William Adkins. What an honor, really."

His laugh filled my ears. "So is that a yes?"

Without answering his burning question, I bookmarked the page in my book and neatly placed it back in my bag. Along with my calendar and a few of the worksheets that I finished in a matter of minutes. Nothing new.

I slung the lightweight bag onto my shoulders, and walked away from the situation while suppressing a toothy grin.

"Hey! You never answered my question!"

Will's large hand now held a firm grip on my shoulder. A part of me hoped he didn't twist it the wrong way and pull my overly curly hair. "I'll do it under one condition, of course."

His gray eyes looked relieved; boys take sports way too seriously at this school. "Shoot."

"You blow Woodbury out of the park tomorrow night," I said, already knowing his response.

"It's a deal," He spoke but his next set of words got cut off; his eyes watching as students flood out of their rooms. "I'll catch up with you after the last bell, yeah?"

"I'll see you then!" I found myself having to raise my voice for him to hear me while he walked backwards.

He threw a wave in my direction and turned around. I watched as he managed to immediately find his group of friends. One of them threw an arm around his broad shoulders. Will was a fairly tall guy but he had nothing on the boy beside him.

I couldn't see who it was at first. I wish it would of stayed this way. His laugh hit me like a bus and I was frozen. The boy said something to Will, more than likely asking where he was because familiar gray eyes met mine. And pointed at me.

Damn you Will. I thought, knowing I looked like a deer caught in headlights.

Nathan's head began to turn towards me, but I was already gone. I've never crossed paths with him before so why start now?

Classes went by in a breeze, quicker than they should on a Friday. Mrs. Doks held me after the bell. I agreed to stay 15 minutes ago. She hasn't talked to me since.

I was frustrated, but only because Will was expecting me at Study Hall. I'm never late. Hopefully, he'll understand.

"I'm sorry for holding you up, Annabelle." Her stark white hair came in to view as she stepped out from her storage closet. "Will told me you were tutoring him today over the test, and I figured I would give you a few things."

Normally, I would have argued. Though, the look on her face was a clear warning and I couldn't wait any longer. So I said thank you, hugged her, and bolted down the hallway. I wasn't paying attention.

You could say neither of us really were.

I was so close to the double doors. They were only a hallway down and around the corner.

A deep groan erupted above me before I found myself falling right onto my butt. I felt my glasses fall off my nose, not being able to hide the cringe that came with the feeling.

"Shit," someone above me grumbled, and I internally melted at his voice. "You okay?" It was clearly a he.

My eyes were squeezed shut in pain and embarrassment. "Yeah. I just... I think my glasses fell off."

He shuffled above me, until I felt the large rimmed glasses being awkwardly placed back on my face. "Here."

I grab one side, giving him the idea to let them go, and sat up, blinking wildly. The boy didn't bothering looking up considering he was too caught up in gathering my things. I began following his actions, cursing myself for being so embarrassed.

The pile I managed to make with my shaky limbs was beyond messy, but I could care less. I wanted out of this situation ASAP.

My leather English notebook appeared in my vision, noticing he was holding it out for me the take. I look down, reaching for the notebook and maybe that's where it all started.

A shock of electricity shot through me as my hands grazed his hands. My first instinct was to pull away but his large hands came on top of mine. Trapping my shaky hands between his and my notebook.

My green eyes snapped up to the mystery boy kneeling with me. Warmth spread through out my body. Nathan Walker stared right back at me and that's all it took for me to be on fire.

"T-Thanks," I stuttered out, pulling the notebook with a greater force and throwing it on top of the rest of my stuff.

At this point, I would be pleased with myself if I could actually stand on my feet once more. Nathan's gaze seemed to pin me in place, trapping me. Finally, his blank face transformed and I watched as his eyebrows knitted together.

"You don't-I-" He stopped himself and shook his head with a genuine smile. "You sure you're okay?"

He began to rise but I stayed where I was. "Yeah, I mean I thought my glasses were broke for sure. Which is fine because I have contacts, but I go through glasses so fast, and I happen to really like this pair. You probably didn't know that- wait. You wouldn't know that because we've never met before-whoops. Wow-I'm rambling, aren't I?"

Nathan's grin only got bigger. "You're fine, really." He held his hand out and I-shockingly-grabbed it. My stuff remained on the ground. "I mean, you're the one that sprinted around the corner, but I was the one on my phone."

"Oh, really?" I couldn't find the strength to stop myself. "I never noticed. Of course I didn't, but I never saw your...."

"Where were you headed?" He slipped both of his hands into his front pockets, watching me with nothing but sheer amusement on his gorgeous face.

"Library. I was on my way to tutor someone actually." Way to go, Belle! You didn't make a total fool of yourself this time!

Nathan grabbed my things from the floor, which shocked me beyond words, and nodded in the direction of the library. "I'll walk you there."

I should of declined the offer, but how was I suppose to know it would of end up like it did?