

Jade Rutherford, a 17 years old omega infiltrated an only Alpha's school to hide from a gang that was after her. Through the reluctant help of Ryan Watson she gets into the school under the disguise of a male alpha

Micomicjoy · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Jade's POV

I climbed down the giant wall with a breathy huff. Scaling walls was my jam, after all it was something I did for a living but after all that running in the woods, I'm feeling exhausted and the only thing running through my mind right now is how to find a place to lay my head down and sleep because my eyes were already getting droopy.

I crept towards the wall of the very large building, merging my back to it in order to blend in with the darkness while sliding by quietly and using my hand to feel for an opening or anything.

Luckily, I felt a doorknob, immediately looking around before I turned it. Click and it opened, I breathed out a quiet breath of relief before peaking my head in to inspect the area, sniffing to know if anyone was close by.


It was all clear.

I walked in slowly, making sure to close the door quietly so no one hears. It was a long hallway, a very long one that was filled with lockers and doors that lead to classes meant for the alpha's in the school. How lucky.

I don't know how long I was walking while making turns through different hallways but soon I found myself in another building connected to a hallway by stairs.

I took the first step up the stairs, checking back to make sure one again that no one was behind me. Just five steps up I heard voices from above above and the strong smell of alpha males. Two of them.

I immediately ducked down, my heart hammering wildly against my ribcage, they wouldn't be able to smell me, not with the amount of moonflower spray I had on to conceal my omega scent but they might be able to hear my heartbeat and eventually I'd be found out.

The thought made my heart race faster, this isn't good, I could already feel the sweat running down my face.

"Hey Andrew did you get what I asked for?" One of the alpha's voice rang out making my eyes widen as involuntary shivers run down my spine, was that a teacher? There's no way a teenager sounds like that. My heart couldn't beat any faster.

"I did" a much lighter voice replied, phew, now that is a teenager's voice "here's the vodka, the omega is already waiting near your, I've showed her the way out so you don't have to bother smuggling her out when you're done"

My eyebrows raised at that 'are they sneaking in omega?'

"That's my guy" the alpha with the deep velvety voice praised as the sound of hands clapping against each other rang in the otherwise silent hallway.

"Whatever Ryan, I'm only doing this because your parents are keeping a close eyes on you this day and of course because of the pay"

"Don't worry man, you know money isn't something I lack" the alpha drawled making me roll my eyes. He must be an arrogant rich brat but then again aren't they all? "I'll see you tomorrow" he added and they shook hands again before going their separate ways. Luckily though, none of their way was down the stairs.

'Omega, smuggle, isn't that illegal?' I shifted in my position, standing up to walk up the stairs properly until I was standing in the place where the two alphas had stood, there were two different entrance there which each alpha had taken.

I looked towards both entrance and the stairs which I came from, contemplating if I should quietly go back through the stairs I came from or follow after the alpha I suspect has the deep voice and is going to see an omega.

After a few seconds of thinking, I walked towards the entrance on my left, stopping midway when my subconscious yelled at me in disapproval 'what do you think you're doing Jade? curiosity killed the cat and is the reason why you're here in the first place stupid'

Doesn't matter, my curiosity would kill me either way and so I just have to satisfy it. I stepped into the hallway I hoped the deep voice alpha went through and it was awesome, it was brightly lit unlike the rest of the school and had doors that were far from each other. 'this must be their dorm rooms but why so spacious? More steps in and a thick smell of arousal almost took me off my feet making me stumble back slightly.

What the hell, what bastard was releasing this type of strong pheromones that had my wolf squealing and threatening to break out but thanks to years of training, I can control her a bit. Covering my nose with my arm, I wobbled towards the place where the smell was more prominent and sure enough the idiot of an alpha left his door slightly open, letting out all those horrid smell.

I leaned on the wall close to the door before peaking in slightly, it was dimly lit in but I could make out the silhouette of a man sitting on a chair with his head thrown back.

"Put some effort into it girl" the alpha's deep voice husk, "we haven't got all day" it was the alpha from earlier, all my life I've never heard a voice that sends goosebumps up my body before, how is his voice so deep.

He down making me follow his movement and sitting there between his legs was an omega with her back to me.

What was she doing there, I squint my tired eyes at them, the realization of what she was doing made my eyes widen in shock and before I knew it I was lost my balance and fell face first into the door.

"F**k who's there?" the alpha's voiced panicked and I acted faster than I could think, I steadied myself and pulled out my phone just as he switched on the lights.


I took a picture.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micomicjoycreators' thoughts