
Alpha: Love is freedom beyond taboos

Will wolves fall in love with sheep? Will werewolves fall in love with sober-elves, when werewolves need to stay rational by sucking sober-elves blood? Joshua, an alpha prince, said in the moonlight, "if the world is not right, I will change the world for you. I will marry you until the world recognizes you."

Apple_witch · Fantasy
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147 Chs

Do you blame me, Letitia?

"That's good, I heard about today, are you okay?" Joshua's voice sounded a little worried, but his tone was like a low cello, enveloping Letitia's ears and causing that feeling of aggravation to come back to her.

Now she couldn't pretend to be okay, and for fear of crying out if she opened her mouth, she had to be silent on the other end of the line.

"I'll have my mother assign you some more escorts, extra men, and it won't happen again next time."

Letitia felt even more guilty, it was clearly her fault, but Joshua was always looking out for her: "No, it's not necessary, this time, I didn't do it right."

She was sad, with a little choke, "I should have contradicted them hard, I really did a terrible job."

"Letitia," Joshua called her softly, the wind seemed to be louder, those winds made his voice even lower and sexier, "You weren't wrong, I blame myself."