
CHAPTER 2 I Want You

  Liam's POV

  "Celeste?" I called her name, my eyes darting everywhere as I looked out for her. Surely she would be easy to spot, she was the most beautiful woman at the party.

  I had memorised how she looked tonight, as I always did. The red sequin dress hugged her figure so perfectly. Her long blonde hair cascaded across her shoulders and down her back. A few familiar faces I passed by smiled at me, one woman grabbed my arm to stop me, but I made my apologies and kept walking. Finding Celeste was my goal now.

  Approaching the stairs I called her name again, but still nothing. I knew she had gone to the bathroom so I decided to head upstairs and down the hallway toward it. I passed one of the bedrooms, the door closed, but the sound of two people having what could only be described as animalistic sex sounded behind it.

  In the next room I came to, the door was slightly ajar. I stopped in my tracks and listened. Soft sobs came from the inside, using my wolf senses I sniffed the air and I caught Celeste's scent. With an urge, I pushed myself through the door and saw her there. Hunched in the armchair in the far corner of the room, the rain crashed against the window as the moonlight illuminated her beautiful face. Nearing her I saw the bottle in Celeste's hand and took it away from her grasp before she could take another drop.

  "Celeste," I spoke her name gently and lowered myself down to my knees in front of her. Bringing my hand up I wiped the tears from her soaked cheek, "Why are you crying?" her intense green eyes sparkled with her tears and I felt myself feel weak to her. And at this moment, with her so upset and obviously hurting, I wanted to protect her at all costs, "Darling," I breathed, "Tell me what's upset you?" I felt a fire start to burn within me, who had hurt her this much?

  Without any words, Celeste placed her lips against mine. The kiss was passionate and strong as she pushed against me. Her little moans as she slipped her tongue into my mouth drove me crazy. My hands pulled up to the sides of her face, my fingers slipped between locks of her hair and I grabbed it gently as I pulled her deeper into the kiss. My own moans now added into the mix, the kiss became desperate and Celeste sunk to the floor with me. Pulling away, our lips parted and Celeste's finger dug into my sides "Make love to me" she whispered with a needy tone to her voice.

  "I want you," she added.

  How could I refuse such an offer?

  Celeste was an incredibly desirable woman, who had just asked me to pleasure her. I had no second thoughts about this at the moment. A growl formed in my throat as I felt an animal urge rage inside me and my eyes flashed yellow, waking the animal within. God, I wanted her so badly.

  Pulling Celeste to her feet I grabbed her waist and lifted her up, her legs wrapped around my waist as our lips met once more. Her hands gripped at my hair with desperation, her moans louder and needy as we kissed. I laid Celeste on the bed and admired her beauty. The once sadness in her eyes had turned into a lustful twinkle and a wicked smile played on her lips. She hitched up her dress and parted her legs for me, willing and ready.

  Removing my clothes I stood naked, bathing in the moonlight, showing off my naked form to Celeste. Her finger gestured for me to come to her, and I followed her request. My hand took one of her wrists gently and pulled her hand above her head, pinning her wrist to the pillow.

  While my free hand wandered between her legs and felt the pools of excitement within. Celeste's whimpering cry as I pushed myself inside her sent me wild and the need to pleasure her increased. Pushing into her, I rocked my hips as I moved in rhythm. Our eyes locked in place as I increased my pace faster, and harder. How breathtaking she was, and how lucky I felt to be able to give her this moment. Celeste's hands moved up my arms and gripped at my shoulders as I enjoyed the sensation of her tightening around me. It wasn't long before Celeste came to climax, shuddering around me as she cried out in pleasure.

  But this night wasn't over, I would please her as much as we both could physically handle.

  I sat in the armchair I found Celeste in the previous night, my head in my hands as my mind reeled with thoughts and emotions.

  What had I done? I've ruined everything I had going with Celeste. For what? An animal urge.

  Shaking my head slightly, I stood to my feet and finished dressing myself. I had to find Celeste and explain my actions. She deserved more than this.

  Leaving the bedroom I heard voices in the hallway, and I recognised Celeste instantly. I quickened my pace toward the sound, to the top of the staircase, and looked over the balcony. In the foyer of the manor Celeste was standing with someone and she was screaming at him.

  I recognised him instantly. That tall, lean figure and long dark hair. His deep brown eyes focused on Celeste. Julian Cross, the Alpha of the Shadow Pack. Stood behind him was another figure. A female with tousled deep caramel-coloured hair. I recognised her as well, that was Amara. Celeste's best friend.

  "You're disgusting!" Celeste screamed "How could you do this to me? Both of you!" tears fell from her eyes once more, "You were my best friend," she took her gaze to Amara who shielded behind Julian. Her eyes snapped back to Julian and she stepped closer to him, her eyes bore into him as she near choked on her tears, "I, Celeste Foster, reject you Julian Cross of the Shadow Pack as my mate," anger filled her words, "I don't want you anymore!"

  "Celeste, now wait…" Julian began, gesturing for her to calm down, "It was just…"

  I made my way down the stairs and watched the argument, being prepared to step in at any moment.

  Celeste interrupted Julian's pleas, "I said I don't want you!" she growled lowly as her eyes narrowed and her fists began to clench, "Julian Cross, accept it! You are no longer my mate!"

  "Celeste! I refuse this!" Julian's voice rose "It was nothing, just a…" he stopped as Celeste exhaled a low growl once more and her eyes burned with fire.

  I could see this was going to become a problem so I lunged forward and pulled Celeste away from Julian. To my surprise, she hadn't fought herself away from my grasp on her, but she never released her fiery gaze from Julian, "Don't come near me again," she rasped through her angered gritted teeth.

  I took Celeste gently by the shoulders and guided her toward the front door of the manor, my eyes locked onto Julian's briefly as a low growl escaped from my own throat. Julian responded with his own guttural growl but knew better than to attack at this moment.

  "I'm taking you home now," I told Celeste in my most gentle tone, wanting her to be able to feel safe with me at this moment.