
Chapter 1

            Here's the thing I'm Rina Orita the daughter of Grey Orita and Raven Orita . My dad's pack which is RedMoon pack is the second most dangerous pack. My dad is an hybrid which means he is half wolf and half vampire while my mom is a witch. In order words I am a tribrid cool right, but the problem is am forced to go to a school for supernaturals according to my dad it is a great place for me to learn how to control my power because I may or may not have set our house on fire. Anyways today is the day am going to school, I came to my room to pick my box , I dragged my box to the car and went to greet my parents good bye. " When you get there make sure to call me and I love you so much" my mom said while hugging me. " Don't worry mom I'll make sure to call you when I get there" I said. "Hey kiddo, don't forget to keep your identity a secret ok and if you need anything we are one call away, we love you so much" my dad said . " bye mom and dad I will miss you guys so much and I promise to burn the school down love you guys" I said while getting into my car. 


I finally arrived, I got out of my car, grabbed my bags and went to the house I just bought don't get me wrong the school has an hostel that I can stay in but for the sake of my identity I have to stay in this house. The house consist of one master bedroom and two guest rooms, a swimming pool,  walk-in closet and a large garden. I got into the house and it was more beautiful in the inside, I entered the master bedroom and dropped my bag since it was already dark outside I decided to unpack tomorrow so I went to take my shower , wore my short pjs and went to lululand. I woke to sound of my phone's alarm, I tapped it multiple times but it won't fucking shut up so I did the first thing that popped into my head lets just say that my phone is in pieces. " seriously Rina, the first thing that popped into your head was to throw your phone on the door" my wolf said while rolling her eyes. " At least it solved the problem" my vampire said. " I guess we are going shopping" my witch said while jumping up and down in my mind. " wow look who decided to show where were you guys. You all just suddenly disappeared for like two month since the accident, I was so worried I had loosed you guys " I said to them. " we are sorry Rina we just needed to rest since healing you took a lot of energy from us" my wolf said with a sorry look. " it is fine " I said with a simile. let me introduced you guys, my wolf's name is Raine , my vampire's name is Rita and my witch's name is Rain I know we all have the letter R starting our names. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, had my bath and went to my bag grabbed a crop hoodie and a bum short did my makeup and hair. I grabbed my bag which contained a sunglass, a pack of gum, some cash and most importantly my credit card. I headed to my car and drove to Starbucks before heading to the mall because I need my personality back and I haven't had my breakfast yet. I pull up to the driveway and ordered a chocolate cookie crumble creme frappuccino with crispy grilled cheese on sourdough, paid for my order and went to eat. Once I was done eating, I went to the mall, packed my car and went to the apple store. " Good morning Ma'am, what can get you" one of the staff said to me. " Hi, can I get a Macbook Air , iPad Pro, AirPod Max and an Iphone 15 pro max all in black please". I said to him.  After a while he came back with my stuff, I paid and went to the clothing store, bought lots of clothes for school. I grabbed the bags and went to my car. I drove to Target to go get an alarm clock and some groceries, I got home and dropped my grocery bags in the kitchen and rest of the bags in my room. I feeling hungry so I decided to arrange my groceries in my fridge, kitchen utensils and also make mac and cheese. Once I was done, I ate and went to my room to set up my phone, once I was done setting it up I saw a hundred missed calls, sixty missed calls from my mom and fourty missed call from dad. I am so dead I thought to myself, " Hey common she can't be that mad" Rain said. " well she didn't call for the past 24 hours" Raine said.  I decided to call my mom first " RINA ORITA WHAT GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO IGNORE YOUR FATHER AND I'S CALL, DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WE WERE" my mom yelled through the phone. " yep she is really mad at you" Rita said. " Am sorry mom I may or may not have broken my phone and I just brought a new phone" I quicky said to her to calm her down. " But still you could have cast a communication spell" my mom said feeling calm. " Sorry mom I kinda forgot, sorry for making you and dad worried" I said while working on my laptop and ipad. " it is fine but next time cast the communication spell okay" my mom said. " ok mom" I replied. We talked for an hour , we said our goodbye and hang up. I was able to arrange my walk - in closet thanks to my super speed. i got dress and went to bed after all school starts tomorrow.