
Alpha King's Dark Love

Her simple lonely life turns upside down when she was pulled into another world only to be met with a fate that is much more cruel than the one she faced before. She is forced to marry the Alpha King of the werewolf kingdom in the place of the human Princess and unknowingly breaks the curse of Alpha King and becomes his mate. Frederick Quinn, The Alpha king, is ruthless and powerful and rules the world. He has everything he needs and has only a few people that he trusts. The only thing he doesn't have is a mate. The Alpha King's generation is cursed with no mate. What happens when a human that he looks down on becomes his mate? What happens when he learns her real identity? Let's get into the world of Alpha King falling in love with a human from the other world.  ---------------------------- "My mate? are you fucking kidding me?! This useless human is my mate out of all she-wolf in this kingdom!" He shouted in his dark voice, arguing with his wolf. I flinched and stepped back in fear, not daring to look at him. My whole body is shaking at his Alpha voice, which is stronger and scarier than anything I have heard. He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. I shot open my eyes in fear and saw his ferocious dark green eyes for the first time. It was so gorgeous and at the same time so scary, and before I could react, his words shocked my entire body. "Do you really think I need a mate?! What if she disappeared into thin air?!". He... He is talking about killing me! I can't hear his wolf because he is inside this monster that I am looking at! I tried to take back my arm and run away from him, but his hold on my arm was painfully hard, so I stopped trying. His eyes shined and his lips curled into an evil smirk as he brought his face closer to mine and closed his eyes, inhaling my scent. I flinched at this action and didn't understand his intention. Then he opened his eyes and looked at me, from top to bottom, roaming his eyes around my body, making me feel naked, and replied in his seductive calm voice, "Not bad! I will accept your offer". Then said, looking at me, "If you follow my order, then you don't have to worry about getting killed. You and your people won't get a painful death. Remember this".

hannaswethaAuthor · Urban
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19 Chs


Frederick Quinn's POV

The only reason I asked Alandra to arrange our night after a month is to give her the time she asked to prepare herself for our night together.

Doesn't this one month give her enough time to prepare?

I hope it does because this is the most I can do. One month is already a long time enough for anyone to get adjusted to the new life they are gonna face.

A small smirk crossed my lips at the thought that she was the only one to ask for "time to prepare". Every other concubine wanted the night to be arranged on the night of their arrival and never let me walk out of the room after I entered.

They did everything in their hand to get my attention, but I had more important work that I ignored everything. But when it came to her, it was not the case. Everything felt so different with her. Maybe because she is my mate. 

Even though I am with my Queen, only her thoughts are crossing my mind, and I can't quite think about her. About last night's events and the way I felt instant anger and disgusted to get a human as a Mate but everything changed in a few seconds, which just made me understand how strong a mate bond can be. 

I was so angry at the fact that I even got a human as a mate after I mentally prepared myself that I would never have a mate. But every bit of anger turned into something so new the moment my lips met hers. 

Her beautiful soft lips pressed into mine and everything felt so different. It was so magical, so beautiful, and so good. I never thought kissing could be this good because I never liked kissing or should I say, she was the first one that I ever kissed, and with her, I didn't even wanna take my lips away from hers. 

She tasted so sweet, so good, and just like mine. All I can think about is her. Everything about her attracts me to the point, that I have to force myself to concentrate on my work after getting back to my office. Shaking her thoughts off my head when I heard Alanadra's voice filled with shyness, "Do you wanna stay the night?". 

I came back to reality and looked at Alandra's beautiful face, looking at me with her beautiful expecting eyes while standing in front of her room, inviting me in with opening her door for me to walk in.

If it was before, I could have just walked in because I can't reject Alandra, but right now, something feels different. My feet were not moving and I couldn't go in because of one thing, that is my human mate. I can only think about the human mate I got and the kiss that we shared last night. 

"Alandra...." before I could say anything, she cut me off with her eyes looking at me with a slight fear, and said, "I am asking because you know..... we are the king and the Queen, and still.... we didn't do anything to have a hair ..... We should at least start putting some effects on it.... Shouldn't we?". 

I stared at her eyes filled with fear of rejection and pain but still an expectation. I took a sigh and asked, turning my eyes away from hers, "I know what you are saying, but isn't it too early to think about it?". 

"Federick.... but we have been married for 50 years! The only time we did it was on the wedding night and not even once after that! Don't you think this is the time to try for a baby?" She whispered, taking a step closer and looking into my eyes with the same expression. 

It is getting harder to not react but right now, I am so sure that I can't do anything so I took another sigh and said "How about this, let's do it after I handle the problem with the ministers and then we can start?". 

Her expectations disappeared and the pain and regret were the only things that remained in her beautiful eyes for asking me, but she nodded her head, understanding my words, and whispered, "Fine, I am good at waiting, you know". 

My eyes didn't leave hers for a few seconds, but then I closed my eyes, turning into my wolf farm in front of her eyes without saying a word. 

Then I raised my head to look at her beautiful face filled with confusion, as she asked, "Why did you turn into your wolf form?".

I stared at her for a few seconds with the same question, because I didn't even know why. I didn't reply to her question and just ran out of the palace, leaving her in confusion.

I didn't care where my legs took me, but I followed, feeling the air, trying to clear out everything that had been running on my head. If it was before, I could just walk in and do as Alandra has asked because that's my biggest responsibility, along with taking care of this kingdom. 

I should produce a hair with Alandra, but why can't I do that? Why the hell did I ask for time .... Ask for time...?

My feet come to a halt, as the thoughts of my human mate run in my head, filling it with only her. Every fucking thing about her. It had just been a day, and she started to play with my heart and my brain like crazy, filling me with her thoughts. 

My eyes widened as I finally realized that I had come straight to the veranda behind the palace where she was staying. 

I stared at her palace for a few seconds before shaking my head, thinking "I came here just to relax and it has nothing to do with her!". 

Then I walk to the tree and look at the beautiful river to relax and calm myself down. 

I lay down on the grass and felt the cool breeze, but suddenly, my heartbeat increased as I heard her beautiful voice... 

"Is that you in wolf form, Mr. Gard?".