
Chapter 6

  Black's POV

  "Alpha Black, I'm interrogating her as you ordered." The captain turned around and walked to me with a fawning smile.

  When I turned my head, I caught Yvette's eye and saw a look of hate.

  Suddenly, I found the captain annoying.


  I couldn't help but give him a kick, sending him flying and rolling on the floor.

  After a long time, he still couldn't get on his feet.

  I looked at him icily and said, "Is raping part of the interrogation?!"

  "I was wrong, Alpha Black," the captain replied in fear.

  Vexed, I ordered the two wolf guards beside me, "Take him out, break his right arm, and banish him! Then get Aubrey here."

  They immediately dragged the captain out of the interrogation room.

  Soon, Aubrey knocked on the door and came in.

  "Interrogate her," I said. Then I walked to the chair on the other side of the room and sat down.

  "Hello, I'm Alpha Black's Beta. My name's Aubrey." Aubrey smiled and made a brief introduction to her.

  "What on earth do you want to do?" asked Yvette, ashen-faced.

  "You wouldn't admit that you gave birth to a child three years ago no matter how. So I needa ask you a few routine questions," Aubrey explained with patience.

  "You made a mistake," whispered Yvette.

  She tried to break free but failed. She was too weak.

  Exhausted, she slumped into the chair, like a dying fish on a chopping board.

  "So, Miss Schwartz, let's begin."

  Aubrey took out a file from behind and opened it.

  "Can I go after I answer your questions?"

  Instead of replying, Aubrey looked at the file and began to ask gently, "Name."

  "Yvette Schwartz."

  Aubrey glanced at the tablet beside her and nodded. "Miss Schwartz, what were you doing three years ago?" he continued.

  "I lived and worked in my pack. That's all."

  "You should be carrying a baby back then," Aubrey prompted.

  "No, I wasn't pregnant."

  He paused and continued, "No way. According to the information we found, you hardly left home back then. If you weren't pregnant, why would you hide in your house for a year?"

  "I just love to stay at home. Got a problem with it?"

  "Where were you on January 20th three years ago?"

  "In the pack, probably."

  "No. You were with Alpha Black that night," said Aubrey. "And you lured him to bed."

  "Bullshit! He's a grumpy jerk. Even the sight of him makes me sick. How could I possibly do that!" Yvette glared at Aubrey, her tone agitated.

  Hearing her words, I slammed the wine glass in my hand on the table.

  'I make her sick?

  How dare she?! I'm the one who should feel sick! You phony bitch!'

  "Alpha Black, she's just playing hard to get. Lame trick. Don't take it to heart."

  An Omega in a revealing nightgown massaged my shoulders and whispered softly.

  "Playing hard to get?"

  I repeated coldly while looking toward the other side of the room with a scowl. There was hatred in Yvette's eyes.

  I could tell whether she was faking it in one glance.

  At the other side of the room, Aubrey went on asking, "Miss Schwartz, we did a little background check on you. You are the adopted daughter of Alpha Douglas of the Silver Lake Pack. He's got a daughter named Violet. Since childhood, she surpasses you in every single aspect, whether in terms of look or ability. Plus, she's the mate of the future Alpha of the Blackthorn Pack."

  Yvette clenched her fists and bit her lip.

  "I've consulted a psychologist. He told me that you were dying to outstrip Violet because you'd been feeling inferior and envious for a long time," Aubrey said. "To climb the social ladder, you tricked Alpha Black into sleeping with you three years ago. Later, you found yourself pregnant. So you hid away and secretly gave birth, right?"

  "I don't know what you're talking about," Yvette said through gritted teeth.

  "Miss Schwartz, if you wanna gain some benefits from this child, denying it is pointless. Just name your terms. Don't wait until Alpha Black's patience runs out," persuaded Aubrey.

  His tone was gentle.

  "For fuck's sake, I didn't! Even if I was pregnant with his child, I'd abort it the minute I found out! Is this the answer you want?" Yvette yelled.

  Suddenly, she asked, "By the way, do you have any morning-after pills?"