
Alpha Kane's Witch

In the great battle among the witches, Vampires and the Werewolves, one group came out triumphant, but it came with a price. The witches have always blamed the wolves for the death of Clara’s father, and her mother vowed to take revenge. The heated wars with the Werewolves saw Clara's secret relationship with Alpha Kane (the Alpha Supreme of the Nazan Wolf clan), in jeopardy. In this quintessential example of forbidden love, follow our main characters as they navigate through their identities and their past. Will they let history dictate their future, or will they find the happiness they eventually deserve?

Wolfpack1995 · History
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133 Chs

The Confrontation.

"What have you done mother?'' Clara asked. She has been pinned down and unable to move an inch from where she was standing.

"I'm saving you from making another big mistake,'' Ferahon raised her magic staff and tightened her grip on Clara's movement, which saw Clara went down on her feet.

"Don't let me do this girl! Turn your ass and go back. It too dangerous out here. I can't let you go on this path.''

"Don't let you do what?'' She yelled in pain. "Are you trying to kill me? You are hurting me, mother! I can't believe you are doing this.''

"It's for your own good Clara!''

"I beg you to stop! Lora's life is in danger. I can't let her go because of your blame-games. She is innocent of what you had accused her of committing. Can't you see that mother?'' Clara tried to persuade her mother but, Ferahon was not ready to listen.