
Chapter .60.

"People want to hear songs

with the words, they're afriad to say"

- Hilarie Burton, One Tree Hill

* * *

"Being Pregnant sucks."

Bram makes a face at my words, blanching at my groan as I ease into the chair.

"You sound like a wolf on three legs when you walk."

"Thank you, Bram. Your words always fill my mornings with sunshine."

He shakes his head, chewing on his toast sadly, "why are you even here...don't you have your own house to live in now?"

"Yes. But I miss my breakfasts with you."

"You just don't know how to cook."

"I do. That's not the reason."

Bram gives a loud sigh, "even I can smell the burnt eggs from here."

"Don't make me slap you."

Bram whimpers quietly, "why would you hit a defenseless wolf?"

"Your words are better weapons than some of my warriors' claws."