
Chapter .39.

And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself

Because I could find no language

to describe them in

-Jane Austen


Orion was not good at hiding the secret.

It wasn't his fault.

I knew that much was true later, as I felt my head sink into my hands. The office was silent. Blissfully silent. The night sky reflected back my somber mood as both the stars and moon hid away.

Slowly the door to the office pushed itself open. The large tan wolf head peaked from around the corner, grey eyes guiltily staring at me.

I glare back at him, crossing my arms and leaning into the chair, "I'm still angry."

He slinks into the office, ears down, tail dropping and belly to the ground. The sight did make me smile, but I tried hard to repress it as his tongue darted out to wrap apologetically around my fingers.

"Don't give me that look." Puppy eyes were slowly emerging. He knew they would always win me over in our fights.