
Alpha from the Abyss

The Ground shook, the sky darkened, thunder roared, creatures emerged from the deep/hell just to see the magnificent rise to the kingdom In the mortal world. James looked on in fascination and joyful cries could be heard everywhere. Join us as we explore this new world brought back by a young werewolf/hell hound who was a weakling until he awakened. Join us he defiles all odds to become emperor and save his people from humanity..... Note. This story is based on fantasy, a world full of mystical creatures and unrealistic events, Enjoy...

Lucky_Nkwazi · Fantasy
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32 Chs

It's Time

The Search for the stone had commenced and they did not rest because well they didn't have time on their side anymore, each moment the demon Mongo killed he became stronger and so with that piece of information sticking right at their finger tips didn't let them play around.

They had gone deeper in the forest nearing some old Temple, it was Lunar's temple and here it was in the forest instead of being out there, it was disappointing thinking about how they'd simply neglected their ways, James was now determined to bring thee old tradition back.

"We've been here before." Elizabeth pointed at the markings she had done in case they lost their way but to their surprise the forest was changing and making those looking for it's treasure trapped with no way out except someone who had watched and knew how things worked in the forest of Secrets and as luck proved to be on their side they had Lunar with them so it wasn't a big deal and to make matters interesting Lunar said that the forest is also designed to protect life itself whether it be an ant or maybe a mosquito, it values every spec of it no wonder why the demon Mongo was restricted from violating it's innocence by his acts of violence.

"This forest is changing to confuse you on which you should go but be warned if you choose a wrong path, you'll no longer cease to exist." Eli stopped in her track as she wanted to bring all of them to a certain unclear path but after she heard Lunar's words she let lunar lead the way.

Lunar knew exactly what to do and so she kept following silver stones hidden in bushes sometimes they were visible to only those that had "eyes" or so to speak, she knew where this trail was leading them and she swallowed hard.

This path was of venomous snakes, spiders, fox, jackals and dangerous animals but the only problem they had was the forests rule of not violating natural habitat and it was going to be a damn challenge, the pain this path brought along was the hardest thing.

"I think we're getting closer, just remember what to do when you've seen, don't lose yourself to it because it tends to corrupt the small minds. it's a powerful stone and you should lift it one hand only, if it keeps shining bright then you'll have no choice but to put it inside your body." Lunar explained when they reached a certain cave entrance, it was a tiny space and only one would go through and not the over weight style.

James crawled in to the cave with strange lighting, it took him six hours of resting to renew his strength and the stone was just a dig ahead he could hear it calling out to him, so he decided to finish it once and for all.

It had been three days of hunting/ searching the stone but he couldn't see any results, he wanted to leave and search other caves or ditches but after some persistent shouts from the girls he went back to work and finally he made a break through but the stones above them started to crumble and fall to the ground both inside and outside.

The entrance was sealed from the outside and so he was stuck inside, the girls could only hope he was going to be okay and out of there, the day was waning off greatly and they still didn't know if he was okay or not, they couldn't link with him and they couldn't go in because it heavily covered the entrance and even if they managed to remove the stones, they couldn't just break some more rocks as it would surely kill him.


Inside the cave, James stood face to face with a Big White wolf or maybe he goes by the Name Remus.

"Remus I must have your stone, I shall use it for the greater good of your people, my people. please grant me passage." James spoke up, "Do you think you're worthy of Carrying my stone?, apart from me no other has ever dared to set foot into my domain. what makes you think you're so special and different from those that have come before you?" Remus said looking into the deepest parts of his heart, this was a different person compared to the other ALPHAS he'd encountered but this boy was somehow on another level from the Old Alphas back in his time.

James expected this and he didn't want to sound and be like a spoiled little boy that most his age are, "I'm simply a tool the God's have chosen to use for the people, and that is a good enough to reason to know that I am at least worthy of their time and trust in me." he said and continued talking as he began moving forward, "I will get that stone and you will not stand in my way." his aura changed and eyes changed to gold red and black .

This amused Remus, "Very well mortal, I grant you passage to the ancient power lost to the sands of the desert, use it well for if you do not use it as you intend to use it, you'll lose yourself and those around you. be warned son of Remus." After the exchange he disappeared into dust and the rocks stopped falling revealing a concealed path leading to a circle of some sorts.

It had two wolf spines in the middle of the circle, mountain ash surrounded the circle in a protection spell probably casted by mage or something to keep out those unworthy of the stone.

just above the circle about ten feet in the air was the stone brewing with fire unlike anything that has ever been seen, it was majestic see but the amount of power it produced unsettled him for some reason, it looked like molten lava and a burning fire that had to have been running for thousands of years. 'time to stop being a scared little boy now,' James said to himself.

He moved forward until he hit a barrier of sorts, it didn't allow him enter the circle and whenever he would make contact with the circle, the stone would burn more each time. James was confused about what to do, he had to come up with something else he wasn't leaving.

The stone was growing more powerful when he made contact with the circle and so James started observing the stone instead of the circle and that's when it happened, he saw why the protection spell kept repelling him and it was the stone indeed.

So he put both of his hands on the barrier and to his hunch earlier on the stone was getting power from the circle, the circle was getting power from the intruder and if you couldn't feed the circle to it's full brim then it would drain the little you had to quench it's hunger and the circle grew stronger after it consumed.

He pressed his entire body to the circle, then the cave started emitting light and heat, the light grew until the circle had an opening right Infront of him and he fell forward into the circle locking him in.

James looked around and found out that he was in the circle, he looked up and came face to face with the stone as it continued to burn with the flames of the eternal dragon, James felt his body stiffen and body sweat.

"it's time." he said....


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