
Alpha from the Abyss

The Ground shook, the sky darkened, thunder roared, creatures emerged from the deep/hell just to see the magnificent rise to the kingdom In the mortal world. James looked on in fascination and joyful cries could be heard everywhere. Join us as we explore this new world brought back by a young werewolf/hell hound who was a weakling until he awakened. Join us he defiles all odds to become emperor and save his people from humanity..... Note. This story is based on fantasy, a world full of mystical creatures and unrealistic events, Enjoy...

Lucky_Nkwazi · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Confrontation pt 2

Massive Talons, huge red eyes, big paws large tail with a body unequal to that of a ware nor a dire wolf. He had evolved to a superior being inferior to this world. In this form he could Rival with the Beast of Gévaudan, James was a different person and being in that moment and although he could think clearly and act smartly he was still a raging beast that had been let out from the cage to devour those who dared stood in it's way.

The three guys froze, never in their long lives have they countered something so unexplainable nor had they ever heard of the beast staring at them with a dead intent, there was death written all over the place and they knew that once he charged at them, they couldn't hold his attack but the obvious option was to flee but how were they going to flee from the Beast that appeared from nowhere when they were told he was nothing but an Alpha gone crazy.

James felt it, the power straight from hell coursing through his very being. This type of unimaginable domination against the vampires was exciting as his tail started wagging just like a dog playing with it's favorite toy, they couldn't even blink due to amount of fear they felt, one felt that if he blinks at all then he is done for and the ones thought any other way it was going to end.

Then he jumped and landed on the one that couldn't run faster being caught by surprise as the others moved out of the way, he sank his strong teeth into the youngest vampires neck and ripping out his head then burning his body with his breath.

They couldn't believe how tables had turned and now they were the ones being hunted instead, what was the way out of this and now it costed the life of their youngest sibling, this was no fight at all rather it was a massacre.

James was all smiles inside and he kept up the chase as they were on the run, but the reason he had chosen this place was because it was wide and open making it easy for him to pick out his targets one by one. He went for the one lacking in speed and persuide him, the vampire could feel it on his back waiting to strike, he couldn't believe that this was probably his last moment here on this forsaken world and before he had time to think about what he had achieved, his leg was out and he couldn't continue his run further and his fate was sealed when he hit the ground.

That gave an advantage to the oldest of the three and he ran putting some distance between him and the beast but he didn't stop nor did he look back as he ran into the woods, James after burning the other vampire he gave chase to the remaining one as his hatred for vampires awakened and all he wanted was the blood of the stupid blood sucking demon. The vampire kept running and running but he could feel the beast just behind him gaining ground which terrified him.

James was catching up to the vampire pretty easily, this run was what he needed as he felt free and dominant in this form, he could feel every breath and every sound the environment around him made, catching up with the vampire, James made a grab for the man's legs and only managed to scratch one which didn't affect the vampire but he didn't see where he was running to as he was heading straight towards a fallen tree blocking the road ahead and changing the vampires route.

James was making sure he didn't lose his prey, so he moved up into the trees disappearing from the ground leaving a confused vampire wondering where he might be, as he was about to turn something grabbed his right shoulder which made the vampire bleed but he still continued running and weirdest part to him was that he didn't see anything behind him or above him which sent him into a panic mode.

With one swift twist in the air he was Infront of the vampire, teeth out snarling at the not moving vampire who looked to have given up hope and admitted to his defeat, without waiting for a long time James sank his teeth in the neck removing the wind pipe and removed the whole head out and proceeded to burn the vampire as he knew that fire definitely killed these suckers.

He felt his boiling blood cool down but a heavy question still remained in his wondering mind, who wanted him Dead? as that question rang true in his head, he began making his way to the licassa clan where the girls were and in that clan he had heard of an Alpha who was kind and caring for his people which was wonderful to know but still he was going to fight him for the kingdoms sake, he just hoped that they would first see eye to eye or maybe he can make him his third after Ulrich.


Damian couldn't find something of value about the man conquering every wolf territory but what he didn't understand was where and how the Young Man when he did his research, he found him to be quite young could possess such astonishing power.

He tried to think of anything else but he was restless and to think that he didn't know when and how the Alpha was going to arrive, it was a stretch on his part to be Alpha in moments like these were the most unpleasant.

James had a thought, he wanted to make a deal with the Alpha of the pack. Bringing him on his side made much more sense than him being dead and if things went well he might be among his generals, sighing heavily James continued on his long journey back to the pack and the girls to claim yet another territory.