
Alpha from the Abyss

The Ground shook, the sky darkened, thunder roared, creatures emerged from the deep/hell just to see the magnificent rise to the kingdom In the mortal world. James looked on in fascination and joyful cries could be heard everywhere. Join us as we explore this new world brought back by a young werewolf/hell hound who was a weakling until he awakened. Join us he defiles all odds to become emperor and save his people from humanity..... Note. This story is based on fantasy, a world full of mystical creatures and unrealistic events, Enjoy...

Lucky_Nkwazi · Fantasy
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32 Chs

A New Day

It was morning and the sun was coming up, it was majestic in it's morning glory. It shown off beautiful rays that hit directly onto the house in a certain forest, it had colors and animals on it's rays so as to beautify anything the rays touched.

The morning due was jaw smacking if you know what I mean, it was a tender due giving a an almost imaginative look on the surrounding areas, the plants activities in the forest was a different and awesome piece of nature blessed by the spirits beyond and unknown but what Lunar knew was that she was grateful to witness and be part of such amazing creation.

moths were very beautiful, the moon was breathtaking and of course the sun was indeed a spectre of power beyond a mortal's normal brain could comprehend, the moon was giving it's way to let the sun give it's light but because of these two present at the same time gave the forest a NEW and beautiful restoration to it's activity and habitat.

Lunar watched the New Day, hoping that James and Elizabeth would wake up as it had been over seven months now yet, they were still in their third state and she didn't know what was happening now, she had prepared a meal she believed to be his favorite which was lasagna and yes she was a great cook because everything she touched was blessed by the moon spirits, "what are you planning for him now?" she had asked the moon some weeks ago, but she got no answer yet and she couldn't help but worry for the things they would face.


James was seeing a beautiful forest, in that forest he could see all kinds of living beings, werewolves, wearbears, dragonkins etc. this forest brought him great peace but yet he couldn't find assurance of how long this peace would last, "Don't worry about it no longer my son, you have carried the burden of your parents death and that has made your heart cold, you will be blessed by Muna herself but you must be able to rid yourself of the darkness inside you before the abyss lures you in." James heard the voices of many in one shape and it being the moon, he was confused and disturbed. how would he do all that he has been assigned to do in just short time, how was he supposed to look past his parents death, how was he going to control his inner demons before they destroyed everything in their path.

He thought of the Clan, the innocent humans that would lose their lives if he didn't do what he was destined to do, how was he going to see Lunar and Elizabeth's growing belly's if he still lingered in the past, he somehow needed to move past his fears but how was he going to do that and he could feel his other being, the power he felt from him was overwhelming and he knew he's other side was lying in wait, waiting for him to take full control but if he failed to control him then the dominant and aggressive James would take full control with the end result being an empty word looking back at him.

"Why have you decided not to tell us where our Alpha is?, he needs to be hear and take care of the dark one otherwise he'll continue kidnapping our messengers, remember if they decide to tell him then everyone is dead." Ulrich's son Ezra pointed out, him being the ears and eyes on the ground was voicing the opinions of the people and so far the people were scared, their Alpha had been gone for seven months now with no word or anything, "Relax Ezra, his Supreme will return when he's ready. you will be patient as the others and not stir up any more unnecessary protests." Ulrich snorted at his youngest totally annoyed that the boy was absolutely right, but how was he supposed to contact him and tell him that three of his cubs have been abducted by Mongo, he was scared that they were going to be found out but what he didn't know was that entrance rotated Everytime one was captured.

Things were getting out of hand as people were getting more and more daring to actually try and fight the ancient demon, one thing was for sure and that was due to the fact that James wasn't present and so a rebellion was slowly creeping up on the great Clan and this one threatened to destroy the very foundation that the Clan was based on...

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