
Alpha Exorcist from the East

After two centuries of honing his craft, a master Chinese exorcist finds himself mistakenly transported to the United States, where, to his dismay, his formidable spells are rendered useless. Worse still, he's thrust into a frenzied war fraught with vampires, werewolves, and witches right from the start. Surrounded by foes on all sides, how will he reclaim his once-great power and fight his way out of this entanglement?

yong_wang_2855 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Talisman Making

Jason's phone rang, it was Elizabeth. He wasn't surprised at all. He had known all along that the Palmas catfish was already transported away. His suggestion to Sheriff Louise to burn the catfish was mainly to prevent the toxins in the fish from being exploited. The idea of using DNA to replicate a beast like the Palmas catfish was nothing short of wishful thinking.

The monstrous size of the Palmas catfish wasn't down to its DNA, but rather due to the escaped sprite. Despite its escape, even Jason's Heaven Concealment Sword Technique couldn't kill it in time. It seemed the sprite had its own set of skills.

The Heaven Concealment Sword Technique originated from the grand master of Pure Yang, Lu Dongbin. It was rumored to be able to strike down one's enemy from a thousand miles away. The phrase "Banish monsters with a lightning bolt, the white dragon soars in the sky" perfectly described the power of this technique. As a descendant of a sword fairy, this technique was Jason's forte.

This was the first time he had ever missed his target using the Heaven Concealment Sword Technique.

If he had faced the sprite directly, it would have had no chance of escape. But he was caught off guard that day. The sprite had tricked him with a catfish as bait. By the time Jason realized what was happening, the sprite had already escaped.

When Sheriff Louise brought the topic up, Jason didn't make her feel uncomfortable. Frankly, he had a good impression of her. She was principled, uncompromising, and responsible. He responded, "Come over in the morning, I have something for you."

Sheriff Louise was slightly taken aback by this but agreed promptly.

The local police department was fairly quiet, with the FBI taking over most of the follow-up work. After some thought, Sheriff Louise decided it would be better to explain the situation herself.

The next morning, Sheriff Louise drove to Jason's residence. She was somewhat apprehensive. Jason had left quite a profound impression on her, causing an unconscious sense of awe towards him. She might not have realized this, or perhaps she was unwilling to admit it.

After parking her car in front of the house, she took a deep breath. She was genuinely worried that Jason might chide her for her actions. After a pause, she composed herself and walked towards the front door. She knocked lightly, "Mr. Jason, it's me, Louise."

"Come in," a calm voice replied from within. The door swung open on its own.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jason, I know... it was my fault," Sheriff Louise started explaining as she stepped inside.

"I understand. The FBI and the Department of Defense wouldn't miss such an opportunity. They're bound to do some research. But it doesn't matter, you're just a Sheriff." Jason was standing in front of a table in the living room, drawing something on a piece of yellow paper with a soft brush.

The paper was a small rectangle, and it depicted some red patterns. Sheriff Louise couldn't understand what the patterns were. Perhaps some sort of spell? She thought to herself.

Jason didn't say anything after greeting her, just continued his drawing. He was very focused, and although she didn't understand what he was drawing, she found the smooth, rhythmic movements mesmerizing and lost herself in them.

When Jason finished his drawing, she sighed deeply, looking up at him with a smile. "That was amazing, but... what is this?"

"A talisman," Jason replied, not elaborating further. After the ink was dry, he folded the talisman into a triangular shape and handed it to Sheriff Louise. "Take this. As long as you're within a hundred meters of the catfish, use it and everything will be taken care of."

Sheriff Louise accepted the talisman without any doubt. She had grown accustomed to the unexpected with Jason, so she didn't ask any further questions.

"I guess... I should be going now, Mr. Jason." She wanted to leave right after receiving the talisman. As she turned to leave, she paused as if remembering something. She looked at Jason with a curious expression, struggling with something she wanted to say. It was unusual for the normally direct Sheriff Louise.

"Just say what you want to say," Jason chuckled.

"Mr. Jason, the catfish was found in the lake. I'm wondering if there are more catfish like that in there? Or any other similar creatures?"

"Yes," Jason glanced at her and said flatly, "But... not anymore. Maybe there will be in the future." He stopped looking at Sheriff Louise and picked up a book to read.

Although Sheriff Louise felt that his answer was as good as no answer, seeing Jason's demeanor, she could only nod and thank him before leaving his house.

Once Sheriff Louise left, Jason narrowed his eyes and put the book down. He was curious about what the sprite in the lake had transformed from, but he couldn't find any traces of it nearby. Even when he expanded his senses, he couldn't detect anything.

This meant that the sprite had already left or found a better way to mask its presence.

As for where it went, once he discovered its original form, he could deduce a general direction. This matter would have to start with Mr. Kote. If the sprite had hidden its presence, it would be a bit tricky. Mr. Kote hadn't been very detailed earlier. Thinking of this, he picked up his phone, but after a moment of thought, he put it back down.

At this time, Mr. Kote was probably still asleep. "Elizabeth, why don't you take a break? I'll watch him." Sanna had woken up early in the morning and when she came downstairs, she noticed Elizabeth keeping vigil next to Mr. Kote. She walked over and suggested.

"No, Mom, Mr. Jason said he would wake up today. All he needs is a good sleep." Elizabeth lifted her wrist to check the time, "It's already eight twenty-one in the morning. I think Dad will wake up soon."

Sanna shook her head but didn't say anything. She turned and headed for the kitchen, intent on cooking breakfast for Elizabeth. However, she was slightly distracted, picking up a plate to wipe it, when she suddenly heard a scream from Elizabeth in the living room. Her hand jerked, causing the plate to fall to the floor with a crisp "clatter."

By the time Sanna rushed out, she was met with a surprising scene. The huge wolf's body that used to lie on the couch had vanished, replaced by a man covered with a blanket. Elizabeth, standing nearby, had an expression of pure delight on her face. Hearing the commotion, she turned to look at Sanna.

"Dad's about to wake up!" She excitedly shouted towards Sanna.

Yes, if he could revert back to a human form, that indicated that Mr. Kote's injuries were fundamentally alright. Thus, she also walked over joyfully, touched his forehead, and then his hand.

"Yes, he's going to wake up soon, Elizabeth!" Sanna was also delighted, unable to resist spreading her arms and hugging Elizabeth. Both of them were overwhelmed with emotion.

"Hey, don't forget about me, I deserve a hug too!"

Suddenly, a somewhat weak voice reached the ears of the two tearful and joyful people. The two reacted as if electrocuted, and when Elizabeth turned her head, she saw Mr. Kote's eyes looking at her.

"Dad—" She leaned over and hugged Mr. Kote, "I think... if you didn't wake up, I probably would have punched you." As she said this, Elizabeth no longer had the usual reverence for Mr. Kote but rather the kind of playful demeanor of a little girl.

"You'll have to wait until I get better before you can punch me." Mr. Kote struggled a bit, Sanna quickly went over to support him, and he leaned back on the sofa. He looked at his daughter and wife and sighed, "This is the most unforgettable experience I've ever had."

"You almost didn't wake up." Elizabeth reproached, "That guy... I don't know whether to respect him, curse him, or thank him."

Of course, the "guy" she was referring to was Jason.

Mr. Kote laughed, "Mr. Jason is an extraordinary man. I admire him a lot. But... remember, Elizabeth, having a friend like him should be the luckiest thing for you."