
Alpha Exorcist from the East

After two centuries of honing his craft, a master Chinese exorcist finds himself mistakenly transported to the United States, where, to his dismay, his formidable spells are rendered useless. Worse still, he's thrust into a frenzied war fraught with vampires, werewolves, and witches right from the start. Surrounded by foes on all sides, how will he reclaim his once-great power and fight his way out of this entanglement?

yong_wang_2855 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
112 Chs


Royce stepped out of the small inn, deciding he should go to the restaurant where he worked to settle his wages, then to his school to apply for a leave of absence. He figured it would be best to temporarily leave Los Angeles, returning only after everything had settled down to complete his education.

First, he returned to the restaurant where he worked. With his injured leg, Royce hobbled towards the owner. After settling his wages, the owner gave him an extra $1,000 out of sympathy for his injury and as a recognition of his excellent performance while on duty. Royce did not turn down the money, he needed it for his escape.

Next, he proceeded to his school. However, he encountered some troubles when applying for a leave of absence. Even though his leg injury was a valid reason, the school could only grant him a leave of up to three months. Beyond that period, he would have to drop out but retain his credits. As for returning to school, he would need to reapply.

Despite the short leave of three months, Royce found it acceptable. It would give him enough time to lay low and regain his composure. He hoped that within this period, Cathy would not confront him, allowing him to fade from her memory.

He had little to pack, so he took a backpack and filled it with a few books before leaving the school. As soon as he reached the school gate, he froze, turned around intending to run back in, only to feel a firm grip on his hand.

Cathy was too fast, and too close. It was impossible for Royce to evade. He didn't dare to shout for fear that an enraged Cathy might harm him. Hence, he was forcefully ushered into a car parked by the roadside.

It was the second-hand car they purchased together. Seeing it made Royce feel an inexplicable rush of emotions, reminding him their relationship wasn't entirely devoid of affection due to fear.

"Get in," Cathy's voice was firm, leaving no room for resistance.

Royce wanted to resist but a gentle push from Cathy made him abandon the idea. He muttered to himself, "I want to hear your explanation." Despite having seen her terrifying side, Cathy's beautiful face still made him lower his guard.

After shutting the passenger door, Cathy drove off from the school. In the car, Royce watched her silently while she said nothing, creating a uniquely heavy atmosphere.

"I want to hear your explanation," Royce finally broke the silence. He stared at Cathy, gritting his teeth. He felt that Cathy wouldn't hurt him, at least not based on her current demeanor and his confidence in their relationship.

"Because if Cathy wanted me dead, I would've been long gone. She had plenty of opportunities to kill me, and wouldn't wait until now," he reasoned, a painful realization for anyone who has to deal with emotional distress when they regain their senses.

On hearing this, Cathy hit the brakes abruptly, steering the car to a stop by the roadside. She then turned to face Royce, "You're right, I should explain. I am a monster — you've seen it. I am nothing but a cursed soul."

Royce was left speechless, hearing Cathy admit to being a monster still left him in shock.

"I know you don't want to admit it, but that's the truth," Cathy's voice grew somewhat excited. She glanced at the dazed Royce, focusing back on the winding road ahead, taking a deep breath, "What you see now is how I looked when I was alive."

"You... you... when you were alive... my God, you mean you're..." Royce stuttered.

"Correct, I died. Ten years ago, in a car accident. The damn culprit fled and was never caught. My divorced parents never mention me..."

"But... how did you become like this... why are you still alive..." Royce's mind was immediately flooded with words like 'evil spirit', 'ghost', and so forth.

"Because of a curse, that's why I am like this," Cathy moistened her lips, regaining her calm before continuing, "My soul and body, like those of others who died prematurely, are cursed."

"My God, what on earth is happening? Am I insane, or are you?" Royce clasped his head in disbelief.

"Yes, it's a mad world," Cathy agreed surprisingly, "Because of the curse, I can change my skin at will. Whoever I fancy, I can take their skin and wear it as my own. I can become an exact copy of them."

Bizarre phrases kept pouring out of Cathy's mouth.

"But I never... so this skin is still mine. I can only take it off whenever it's damaged and mend it with paint."

"Who is..." Royce feared he would break down hearing any more.

"Someone neither of us can afford to offend," Cathy's body tensed up at Royce's question. She shivered as if she was being whipped and her voice trembled. "Who is it?" Royce persisted, a rarity for him. His eyes, bloodshot, glared at Cathy.

Cathy remained silent, her gaze somewhat elusive. But looking into Royce's eyes, filled with anger, confusion, and resolution, her heart shuddered slightly. She finally opened her mouth, took a deep breath, and spat out a word.


The moment the word 'witch' fell from her lips, a gust of wind arose from a clump of trees by the roadside, making the branches sway wildly. It found its way into Cathy's car, bringing with it a biting chill that turned her heart cold.

"A witch? Haha... this is the most hilarious thing I've heard..." Royce laughed uproariously. How could he feel that this story was so absurd? However, he soon stopped. The whole situation was indeed ridiculous. So, he could only take a deep breath.

"Why did you bring me here? Why me?" Royce was not as scared, so what he wanted to understand the most right now was - why?

Perhaps it was that gust of wind, but Cathy felt somewhat frightened. She didn't immediately answer Royce's question.

His brief hesitation agitated Royce. He shouted at Cathy, "Why me? Am I just your prey? Your hunting target? I know... every witch has some terrifying habits, like drinking human blood, eating human hearts, even consuming a man's... virility. Are you telling me you found me because of the witch?" This was a thorn in Royce's heart.

"Yes, at first, it was for the witch. She truly wanted a man's blood to maintain her life and prevent her beauty from fading with age, but... it wasn't the case later because..."

"Because what? Is there a more noble reason?" Royce felt his heart was already dead.

"There is..." Cathy suddenly yelled at Royce, her voice piercing. It startled Royce. Cathy's face was full of tears. She turned to look at him and said word by word, "Because I love you!"

Cathy's words left Royce frozen. His chest heaved rapidly. This was the answer he wanted, but he didn't want it to come from the current Cathy. Because she was a soul and body cursed.

"I said, I love you. That's why I brought you out. I'm taking you to the airport now. If we're any later, someone else will come to take you away. They're all cursed like me." Cathy looked at Royce and then the sky outside.

The sky seemed to be darkening.

Black clouds seemed to be gathering from all directions. After a cold wind blew, it seemed as if a bigger storm was brewing. The increasingly thick clouds made the sky even darker.

A bolt of lightning suddenly slithered down from the clouds, much like a snake...