
Chapter Eight

Someone was watching her. Myra could feel eyes on her body but she groaned as she pulled the duvet up and covered her face.

"Not now, Liv." She mumbled under her breath without opening her eyes.

Myra was extremely tired. They had come home last night with no trouble, though Ryan had stayed alert every second they were up in the mountains. They had come home and she had shifted and fallen tiredly into Ryan's arms. The boys had laughed at her and Elias had picked her up and taken her to her room. Myra didn't remember anything else after that.

"You slept through breakfast." Liv chuckled and Myra felt the bed dip on the other side as she sat on it. "Aunt Mary said you'll have to eat outside now. It's 11 in the morning. I want to spend the day with you so wake up." Liv demanded.

"No," Myra mumbled as she stuffed her face into the pillow.

Myra shivered as Liv pulled the duvet off her body and threw it on the floor. "Liv." Myra groaned as she tried to open her eyes.

Her body was tired. She didn't even know if she could walk as she sat up in bed. She glanced at Liv as she pushed her hair back. Liv was wearing a beautiful blue summer dress that brought out her blue eyes. Her blonde hair was in a high bun on her hair with some curls framing her face. Liv was truly beautiful.

"I don't have any more of my old clothes to give you so I got this." She unzipped the white bag she had around her shoulder and pulled out a card. "I got this off Elias. He said we can spend as much as we want and I'm not giving up on this opportunity so get your ass out of bed." Liv grinned at her.

"Can I sleep for one more hour?" Myra poured as she rubbed her face with her hands. She pushed her hair out of her face as Liv shook her head.

"No. I want to go to Julie's store and she closes at two." Liv grinned at her widely. "Go shower. You stink." She pushed her. Myra rolled her eyes as she climbed out of the bed. "There's a yellow dress in your closet as well," Liv told her.

"I don't have any clean underwear," Myra said to her and Liv smirked.

"I guess it's time to wear nothing."She sighed dramatically as Myra walked into the closet and pulled the yellow dress off the rack. It was identical to Liv's dress but just yellow with white flowers. "Poor Elias when he finds out his mate is walking with no panties and bra."

Myra walked out of the closet to see Liv do a dramatic fall onto the bed.

"Shut up," Myra said to her with a smile on her face as she headed to the bathroom.

"Make sure you shave down there. It might be your chance to get laid if your dress flows up with the wind!" Liv called out to her. Slamming the bathroom door was the response she got.

You're happy today. I can feel it. Luna said to her in her mind as Myra hung the hanger on the door hook.

She walked to the shower and turned it on, letting it warm up slowly as she stripped out of the pajamas.

She was happy. She wanted to meet Ryan and the others later but she needed to shower first. Myra stepped into the shower and closed the glass door behind her. The warm water hit her face as he tilted it up. Myra sighed as water traveled down her back, soaking all her hair and her body.

She would buy everything she could and then she would ask Liv if she could show her places that needed employees. Myra wanted to work so she could pay with her own money. That was the first step in becoming independent. She squirted shampoo on her hands as she wondered if they were going to the human mall today. Myra rubbed the shampoo in her hair as she took a step back from the water. Chills ran up her body as the cold air nipped at her skin. She stood under the water again and closed her eyes as the shampoo ran down her body.

Myra wanted to look pretty today.

You always do, my queen. Luna grinned at her.

She smiled back.


"What do you think?" Myra twirled around in her room to Liv.

She had showered and got dressed in her beautiful dress. It fit her perfectly and it was a size too small for Liv. Myra had walked out of the bathroom to see Liv waiting at the vanity table with a curling iron. Myra sat down quietly and let Liv curl her hair. She looked beautiful as she had applied red lipstick to her lips very lightly just to give her lips a tint. She had applied mascara and worn her white shoes.

"What's that?" Liv frowned at her as she walked towards Myra. Myra stopped twirling in her dress and stopped as Liv pointed to the scar that was peeking through her neckline.

"Nothing," Myra mumbled as she took a step back. She needed to wear her jacket to cover her body.

She turned away from Liv and towards the closet but Liv grabbed her by the hand and stopped her.

"Myra, why is there a scar on your body?" Liv demanded to know.

"It's nothing. Let me get my jacket." Myra tried to pull her hand away but Liv held on tightly and turned her around.

"We're friends. Tell me what happened. I swear to the Moon Goddess, I will rip out their hearts." Liv promised her.

Myra knew she couldn't hide her past from them any longer. They would want to know more about her. She hadn't said a word.

"Not now. Later?" Myra said to her and Liv nodded with a soft smile on her face.

"Let's shop till we drop." She said instead.

Myra was thankful as she pulled her denim jacket out of her closet and wore it. Once she was done, Liv pushed her hand through Myra's arm and pulled her out of the room.

"We're going to have fun today." Liv smiled at her and Myra nodded as she saw Brian walk into the house.

Myra grinned as the rest of them followed him into the house and spotted her.

"Someone is looking gorgeous." Ryan whistled at her as they walked down the stairs.

Immediately Zac walked out of the living room and whistled as he noticed Liv. She grinned at him and ran down the stairs and straight into his arms.

"Keep the lips aw- Oh fuck." Brian muttered as they started kissing. He rubbed his face as Myra stepped down from the bottom step.

"Where is this gorgeous lady going?" Ryan wiggled his eyebrows at her. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Shopping with Liv. I'm going to get some new clothes." Myra said to Ryan and he smiled at her just as the front door opened.

"Want to model some for me later when you're done? I'll tell you what looks hot and what doesn't." Ryan winked at her as a shirtless Elias walked in through the door, his body gleaming with sweat.

His eyes locked on hers immediately. Myra watched as his gaze wandered over her body slowly, taking in her bare legs.

An image of them together in the hallway flashed through her mind. She had her legs wrapped around his body as he ran his hands over her body, lifting her dress up and over her arms. Leaving her completely bare to him.

Elias's eyes narrowed on hers as they darkened as if he could see exactly what she was seeing in her mind.

I would totally lick his chest right now. Ryan blurted in her mind, snapping her out of her filthy thoughts.

"Should we go?" Myra turned to Liv who was blushing at something Zac said to her.

"Uhuh," Liv mumbled as she leaned on her tiptoe and kissed Zac. She pulled herself away from him and grinned at Myra. "That is why I don't wear lipstick." She wrapped her arm around Myra's and walked her to the door.

Elias stepped aside to let them pass, his eyes never leaving hers.

You look stunning. He mindlinked her as she passed by him.

Thank you. She replied to him softly as Liv pulled her away from them.

"I'm not returning her until midnight! Suffer with Zac, Elias!" Liv shouted at them and everyone in the pack that was standing outside laughed as if this was completely normal for Liv.

Myra smiled as she walked with Liv past the houses. "Are we going to the human shopping mall?" She asked her.

Liv shook her head, guiding her to a clear path that led further down a road. Myra could see shops at the end of the road as Liv answered her. "I think we can go in the next couple of weeks. We're only allowed to visit once every month but all these stores," she pointed ahead to them, "they're allowed to visit every week to bring in new stuff for us. It's why most of our pack doesn't go to the mall anymore because Elias makes sure everyone has what they need here."

Myra nodded as she walked down the road. She could see people laughing in groups or talking to others on the phone. This was the more social part of the territory it seemed. The path led to a massive clearing, where shops were built. Myra could see a park and a huge building that read Shadow Pack University.

"Don't be shy about buying anything you like. I'm going to fill your closet up with sexy stuff." Liv wiggled her eyebrows at Myra, "I saw the looks Elias was giving you. That man wants to rip your clothes off."1

"What's the point of buying more then?" Myra blurted out.

Liv gasped. "You naughty girl." Her voice was filled with surprise as if it was the last thing she would expect Myra to say.

Does someone want to be more than friends? Luna chuckled at her.

Shut up. Myra muttered to her as Liv waved at a few young girls and headed towards the first shop.

I mean if you want to jump his bones, I'm more than ready. Luna sighed dreamily as Liv opened the door and they stepped into the brightly lit clothing store.

It was a huge store, with hundreds of clothing racks placed in perfectly colour-coordinated lines. The bright white lights circled the gold chandelier that hung on the ceiling. The LED lights shined brightly on the clothes making the sparkling ones shine brightly.

"Julie!" Liv waved at an older woman. The woman was beautiful, her blond hair wrapped in a neat bun on her head. She had pink earrings and a matching pink simple necklace won. Her suit was pink as well as if she had stepped out of the cartoon, pink panther. Myra watched as Julie grinned at Liv and squealed as she strutted towards her in her pink heels completing her monochromatic outfit.

"I've missed you, darling." Julie wrapped her arms around Liv and hugged her tightly. "I've got some beautiful dresses for you." She told her in a cheery voice.

Myra glanced around at the dresses she could see on the mannequins. They were beautiful and simple dresses, something she liked. Her gaze landed on the first dress. It was a simple black lace dress with short sleeves reaching the elbows. It was completely covered in lace and it looked elegant but sexy to her. She knew what she was getting first.

"I'll definitely check them out but I'm here with Myra today," Liv said and Myra turned to look at them. "We need a full closet for her." Liv grinned at Myra who smiled back as Julie narrowed her eyes at Myra as she glanced her up and down.

"The Alphas mate." Julie smiled at Myra. "Let me get Diamond to measure you up," Julie said and turned away from them. "Diamond!" She called out. A young girl ran out of the door that said staff room with a measuring tape and a book and pen in her hand.

"Is it my time to shine?" The girl asked with a big grin on her face.

Julie smiled at her. "Write down the measurements of Myra while I go bring some refreshments." She said to her and Myra watched as Julie walked away from them.

Liv made herself comfortable on the gold soft couch against the wall as Diamond walked towards Myra.

"I'll need you to take your jacket off please." She smiled politely.

"Julie likes to take measurements down." Liv started to explain as Myra took her jacket off and handed it to her. "You can pick any dress from here and by the end of the day, she will make it to your exact measurements. It's what I like about this store. Their sizes are perfect." Liv smiled at Diamond who grinned and lifted Myra's arms up.

Liv stood up and walked towards them. "I'll write them down." She said as she took the notepad and pen from Diamond who wrapped the measuring tape around Myra's chest.

"38B is her bra size." She stated as she wrapped the measuring tape around Myra's upper arm. "Would you like them to be loose or fitted?" Diamond asked her.

"Both. I want some clothes to be fitted and some to be loose. I want that dress though." Myra pointed to the black dress she had fallen in love with.

They both turned to look at it and Liv burst out laughing. "Elias is going to die. I can see it happening tonight. You're going to torture him."

Myra tried really hard not to blush as Julie came back into the room with bottles of coke and a box of chocolate donuts in her hands.

"What's so funny?" She raised an eyebrow at Liv.

"I would like to see your sexiest clothes, Julie, and don't be shy to bring out the lingerie. We have a daredevil on our hands today." Liv smirked at Myra who nodded her head shyly.

She wanted to expand on her closet, to have every type of clothes she wished she would wear one day. It was her chance today and the daredevil inside of her had woken up when she had seen the black dress.

Julie grinned widely. "How long are you here?" She asked.

"All day. I'm taking her to every shop today so you have all day to make her clothes." Liv told her and Julie nodded as Diamond took a step back from Myra.

"Diamond, go tell the other girls to be ready. I need ten sewing machines ready in a few minutes." Julie said to Diamond who grinned and nodded as she took the book out of Liv's hand and walked away from them.

Julie turned to Myra and spread her arms out.

"Welcome to paradise, Myra." She twirled around in her store proudly. "Pick whatever you want." Julie grinned at her.

Myra loved it. She walked through the racks with Liv who pulled out dress after dress. She loved the feeling in her heart. It was pounding with happiness, every step she took closer to the darker section of clothes. Myra rummaged through the dresses slowly until she was pulling out a glittery gold dress. It was a bit fancy but she did not know why she liked it. She was drawn to this dress. It was revealing, something she had never worn because of her scars, but the dress screamed to be worn. It had a low v-neckline with an open back. It was utterly short, landing just below her ass probably and she didn't know if she would ever wear it, but she turned around to Liv who was pulling out dresses for her.

"What do you think?" Myra held the dress against her as she showed it to Liv.

"I would fuck you in that," Liv smirked at her and Myra laughed. "Wear that to my birthday party, please. I'm going to wear silver. We'll be the glittering queens." Liv told her excitedly.

"Your birthday? When is it?" Myra asked her as she held the dress in her hands.

"In a week's time. I'll be 21." Liv told her as she pulled out a blue jumpsuit and held it in her hands for Myra to try on.

"Is Elias the same age as you?" Myra asked casually as she turned back to the reach she was looking through. She pulled out a short long purple dress with white polka dots. It had a split on the side which would make it easy to walk in.

"No," Liv answered her. "Elias and Zac are 22. It was Elias's birthday three months ago." She replied back.

Myra nodded to herself as she turned to Liv. "Should I try these on? I'm starving as well." Myra sighed as Liv nodded.

She chuckled and pointed to the door that read changing rooms. "Get changed in there and once you think the dress is perfect, we'll go and eat. I'll take you around the other shops and we can collect all the dresses at the end." Liv told her and Myra nodded as she took the pile of dresses off Liv.

Myra headed to the changing room with a smile on her face. She was going to look beautiful.


"Baby!" Liv called out loudly as she placed the five bags on the ground. Zac immediately looked toward her and his eyes widened as he noticed them.

Everyone in the pack was staring at them. At Myra. Liv was mated, her scent completely different than the scent Myra gave off to the unmated Males. She was unmated.

"Holy fuck." Zac groaned as he jogged towards her. Myra watched as he stared at Liv speechlessly.

Julie had given them her sexy makeovers by the end of the day. Myra and Liv had shopped all day and they had stuffed their faces with so much food, Myra was afraid her dresses wouldn't fit anymore. They had bought so much stuff, all for Myra. From dresses to jeans to lingerie to shampoo, to jewelry, and to shoes.

Zac outstretched his arms as if he was afraid Liv would vanish from his eyes. She did look beautiful. Liv had changed into a beautiful tight white dress that showed off her figure. The cleavage was low and Liv had grinned at the dress when she had seen it at first. Julie had left her hair in curls and applied dark red lipstick making her lips pop.

"You're a fucking angel," Zac whispered to her, his voice full of love.

"Be an amazing mate and help take these bags inside." Liv smiled at him shyly as he nodded his head eagerly. Zac bent down and lifted the five bags in his hands and turned to Myra.

"I'll bring the bags. You can leave them here." He smiled at her. "You look beautiful by the way." He chuckled as she smiled at him.

"There are a lot more bags," Myra said to him as she looked behind him to see three boys holding six bags each and walking towards them.

"Beta." They nodded their heads at him and smiled at Myra before walking to the pack house.

Liv leaned closer to Zac who looked at the boys in confusion. "Myra was a little daredevil and gave them the sex eyes. They were whipped."

"I did not!" Myra protested as she stared at Liv in shock.

The boys had seen them step out of Julie's store. The shutters had been down but they were lifted up and it felt like a proper slow-motion exit. They had stepped out and the three boys immediately came to help them. Myra had smiled at them, thankful because she was not in the mood to do three trips back to Julie's store in heels.

Liv walked up to her and lifted three of the six bags Myra was carrying. "Let's go shocked the boys." She smirked at her.

Myra chuckled as she followed Liv and Zac toward the pack house, knowing all eyes were on her. Every step towards the pack house made her heart beat louder.

You look sexy. Own it, Queen! Luna said to her excitedly.

Myra stepped foot into the pack house, her heels clicking against the floor as she placed the bags near the stairs where the others were.

"Holy fucking fuck." She heard Ryan's whispered voice from the living room.

Myra turned around to see all of them staring at her with wide eyes. Brian, Josh, Ryan, Kyle, and Andy had their mouth open as they stared at her. She smiled at them as she started heading to the living room.

The kitchen door opened and she looked towards it. She froze as Elias stared at her. His eyes immediately darkened. His eyes wandered over her body with every step he took toward her. He was no longer shirtless but his white crisp shirt was clinging to his body. Every step towards her made her heart pound in her chest.

Elias let out a deep growl as he stopped in front of her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. He buried his face in her neck and breathed her in. "You're mine." He growled the words as he rested both of his hands on her waist.

She couldn't help but smile to herself. Myra was wearing the black dress she had fallen in love with. It fit her like a glove, giving the illusion of a figure she probably didn't have. Julie had curled her hair but put it in a high messy bun. A few strands framed her face with silver dangling earrings. She was wearing the same shade of lipstick as Liv was and very tall black heels that made her legs longer. Julie called it her, be-your-true-self makeover. Even though it was six in the afternoon, Myra had never truly felt beautiful in her life except at this moment.

"Elias let go of her." Liv laughed at him.

Elias growled as he pulled her closer to himself, so close she had to place her hands on his shoulders so she wouldn't fall.

"Let go of me," Myra whispered to him softly.

I don't want to. I want to pick you up and show you exactly what I can do. He growled into her mind as he pulled her closer. Myra arched her body against his as he placed a kiss on her bare neck.

What? She had no idea what to say as she tried not to blush.

I want to fuck you. I want to make love to you. I want to rip this dress off you and make you wear it to me only. I want to hide you from the world. There are a lot of things I want to do for you, Myra. He breathed out in her mind as if he was thinking of exactly what would please her.

Myra could feel her body heating up slowly but she pushed the thought away as she pulled herself away from a reluctant Elias. She smiled at him and he narrowed his eyes at her, reaching out for her again but Myra walked away from him and into the living room.

"What do you think?" She twirled for her friends in front of the TV that had a movie paused.

"That's definitely hot." Brian winked at her and she grinned.

"If I wasn't gay, I would definitely fuck you." Ryan smiled at her and burst out laughing as Kyle growled lowly at him.

Elias glared at the back of their heads as he leaned against the living room. She did not meet his eyes as Liv smiled at them.

"Wait till tomorrow," Liv said to them. "She will make this whole pack melt into a puddle." Liv winked at her and Myra blushed.

"What exactly are you planning to do with my mate?" Elias drawled out in a low voice and Myra looked up to see him staring at her.

He didn't look away as Liv answered him. "Your mate is a little daredevil. I chose an innocent-looking dress. She wanted to be sexy and she is going to be a sexy queen." Liv chuckled as Ryan Highfield her.

Elias's eyes darkened as he watched her gulp. Every little breath she was taking, he was watching her intently as if he would ravish her in a second if she allowed it.

"I think I'll take all the stuff upstairs," Myra said as she pulled her gaze away from Elias's. She stood up straighter, feeling herself heating up, every inch of her body was alive wanting attention.

"What about food? Are you not hungry?" Elias questioned her.

She was hungry.

He is not asking you about food. Ryan whispered into her mind. He wants to know if you want to suck his dick.

"I'm not hungry!" Myra blurted out as she felt her face heating up. Ryan burst out laughing to himself and they all looked at him confused.

"Alpha, I'm hungry." Ryan smiled at Elias sweetly. Elias rolled his eyes but didn't remove his gaze from Myra.

"I think I'm just going to sort my room out," Myra mumbled softly as she started walking towards the door. Elias stood up straighter as she walked past him.

"I'll help," Brian called out to her and so did the other boys. Myra was thankful that they were willing to distract her without knowing what she was feeling.

She lifted two bags up and walked up the stairs slowly so she wouldn't fall. She headed to her room as she heard Elias's voice in her mind.

One day you will be mine.
