
Alpha Demon: The New Demon King

Black, a young demonwolf boy. He dreams of becoming the most powerful demon in the demon realm. He wants to be the Demon King, a title thats only hold by the most powerful demon there is. In order for him to be the Demon King he must face challenges in his life, like betrayal, heartbreak and death. Black must protect his family and friends from the dangers that follow him.

Emndeni_Emndeni · Action
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35 Chs

Chapter 012: You're not that strong,

Ladros blocked David punch, he grabbed his arm after dodging he lift David off the ground lamming him with his back towards the ground. He follow up with a swift kick to the face. But David immediately evaded the kick by lifting his body off the ground. He responded back with a straight kick towards Ladros abdominal.

Ladros was sent flying towards the trees. He slammed fast through destroying the trees behind him. He turned in mid air digging his legs on the ground to stop himself. Ladros clinched his teeth and snorted.

He was astonished by a mortal strength. David strength wasn't like the stories he had told of when he was a small child. The stories said that mortal were weak creatures beneath the demon kind.

David faintly smiled he was starting to enjoy the battle. He felt his battle senses awakening inside he had never felt this much alive before, Ladros was a worth opponent he could go all out on. He was amused that someone was keeping up with his movements.

He quickly left Ladros eyes releasing a series of attacks at Ladros. Ladros was made to defend himself from the series of attacks. The battle was shift in the David favour now, he was not going to allow Ladros to have his most to shift back the battle. David made sure that he didn't give Ladros a chance to use his inferno flame sword.

The strength and speed of David kept on increasing more and more. The displayed of his strength shocked Ladros. He had no clue that mortals were this powerful in the first place. Mortals were not the weaklings that he was told about.

'I thought mortals were supposed to be weak but this guy strength rivals the most powerful of demons. His proving to be a challenge even for me when I haven't used my truth strength. This guy is amazing to begin with to even keep up with me as a demon, I guess the stories I've learned off were stories of lies only. Mortals are not weak as they say them to be. This kind of mortals are supposed to be the weaker ones, but he's proving to be a challenge for me. His race are called humans when I remember well.' Ladros chuckled acknowledging David strength as a human. He was left wondering why would the stories written about the mortals were false stories. Because in front of him now stood a human that had the strength to rival of a junior rank demon knight.

Ladros effortlessly dodged every attack threw at him. He instantly vanished from his eyes, appearing far from Dave range of strikes. Ladros took a firm stance lifting up his inferno flame sword across his face. He realised a powerful stroke cutting the ground and air surrounding it. David tried taking the attack directly but he was struggling to keep his balance from shifting as he tried pushing away the attack. All the trees and plants were beginning burn to ashes.

"Inferno King Blade - Helios Slashes!" Ladros summoned a attack that allowed he to send many slashes.

David smirked enjoying the battle. He was dodging some of the slashes thrown at himself. He wiped off the blood coming from the side of his mouth.

Without knowing he fell down on his knees coughing out blood from his mouth. He felt a burning feeling of pain inside his chest, he could not breathe as he was burning from the inside. In disbelief David was shocked that only three slashes hitting him were able to inflict this much pain.

"Huh! What is this feeling I'm experiencing right now, is this fear? What did he do, I just fall on my knees why?" David murmured to his himself.

"It doesn't matter how strong you are but I'm still stronger that you." Ladros firmly stated walking in front of him, he appeared as a large shadowy mountain staring down David.

On the western side of the forest Sonia had beaten her opponent to the floor, she barely killed the bandit she was fight. Towards the northern side Riley had also easily defeated her opponent bandit, the southern side Derek had the bandit head clench inside his left hand. He stared wired with a gloomy look he wished the bandit was a strong opponent. The northern-west side Asrael placed his foot on the bandit back, as lied defeated down on his feet he sat casually on a rock. At the eastern side of the forest Black was still throwing hands with the bandit's.

Black through many attacks towards the bandit. But the bandit evaded all of his attacks. He was surprised that mortal could be this strong, it was not possible for a mortals to keep up with his speed. Demon-wolves speed was consider the second fastest second to the vampire-demons.

The bandit's laughed mocking Black as he did not see him as a threat. It easily dodge every attacks from Black with ease, the bandit did not even try hard on dodging the attacks. His mocking expression was getting thru Black, Black felt like he was being played around with.

'This guy is playing around with me why isn't he using his full strength. I know he can do it but why isn't he using it, this would have been done earlier. The others were right to say I'm too weak to lead this trip with my leadership will all die before we could enjoy the trip. I can't even beat a weak guy like him, probably Ladros, Sonia or the others already defeated their opponents.'

Black tear out thinking he was fighting losing battle, he felt weak inside himself thinking he was not deserving of being chosen by the others to be their lead. He strength and abilities compared to the others he saw nothing. He was only made leader because Ladros and Sonia allowed him to be. He could not bear the feeling of weakness inside that told him that he was not strong. How could he safe guard everyone else when he could not even defeat a bandit.

"What wrong? It seems you're lost in thought boy," said The bandit.

"I think you should stop using your weak punches to attack me now, start taking this seriously." The bandit stated with firm facial expression. He was being serious about saying that. Black face turn surprised as was not holding back his attacks.

The bandit's grabbed Black by his neck kicking him across the forest. Black crashed thru the trees and ground. "I've fought many opponents in my line of work but you the most disappointing opponent I've fought." He stated with a gloomy look, he looked down on Black on the ground. Black felt a tension aura coming of the bandit's.

"I'm not going to lose here I can't afford to lose again you even if it means I have to die right now," Black firmly stated with a expression. He stared with a hard look at the bandit. He took a firm stance standing up straight, he looked directly at the bandit's with a unwarily look.

"I hate weakling like you boy, you're a discussing person you should die. Right now," The bandit glared with shadowy eyes at Black. The bandit appeared as a tall mountain towards Black.

"Why do you lock away your own strength while in a battle, don't you know you'll die by doing that? This is a matter of life and death. You better take this serious. What makes you think you could match me using this much of your strength." The bandit's begun belittling how Black purposely weaking himself. Black angrily gritted his teeth thinking the bandit's was trying to distract him from the fight.

"What are you talking about? You're trying to distract me but that won't work on me," Black clenched his fists covering his fists using hellfire. An immense aura blew forth coming from Black as he stared firmly towards the opponent in front of him. The force of his aura burned the surrounding plants and trees near him. The bandit's cocky laughed as the battle was about to be fun.

"I see this battle is about to get interesting haha, I'll enjoy ripping you to shreds." The bandit's took out two blades under it cloak. One had a white handle and the other a black handle. The two warriors marched forward towards each other with intent to kill one another.

They both exchanged attacks with each other. Jack swung both of his blades towards Black neck, but Black easily dodge the two slashes towards his neck line. He threw a serious kick towards Jack chest area, so does the bandit's block his attack.

Jack swiftly blocked the kick with his twin blades. The force of impact of Black kick send him flying for a small distance. Black quickly slipped pass Jack guides, he landed a strong punch on the bandit's chest.

The pushed Jack back on his feet. He smiled with a smirking expression. Suddenly, he coughed out blood from his mouth. Black appeared quickly in front of Jack releasing onslaught of punches and kicks. Leaving the bandit's to defend himself from the onslaught attacks.

'How is he getting this much strong, it feels like his getting more powerful by every attack. Who is he?' Jack the bandit felt a shift in Black attacks, they were becoming more powerful and fast with every stroke Black threw towards him. Sweat began to pour down from the of his face, a worried expression appeared on his face.

Dodging most of the attacks threw at him by Black. Black coldly stared at Jack, with the look that said he will kill him now. Jack saw no way to escape his series of attacks, they moved too fast for him to dodge or defend himself from all of them. His expression said it all he was in trouble now.

Black threw a upper right but Jack dodged with easy, he followed up with a swift kick to knees, making him fall down. Black stroke a strong punch towards his face barring his face on the ground.

The force that came from the punch realised a force destroying the trees and plants surrounding them. Black was starting to realise his strength he was not holding back anymore.

Jack slightly laughed feeling the pressure from Damon blows towards himself. He did not stand a chance against Black now that he has awaken his power, he court off guard by how much power Black had.

Black had decided to stop holding back his power anymore. Now that he had realised his power he rival the strongest in the kingdoms. Now that he had set himself free from holding back, he was fight with his full power and strength, his fighting ability increased much higher than before.

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