
Chapter 3


MY whole body flinched, waking me up when I heard a rattle of metal. I looked up to see the man from earlier, the Beta, opening the door on my cell. I have no idea how long I was asleep. When the Beta and my mate left earlier, putting me in a confused state with their statements, I tried to make sense of what they said.

But I cannot wrap my mind around the thought that the South Forest pack does not exist to them.

I hugged the blanket closer to my body as the Beta entered. Behind him was an older man with an expressionless face. For some reason he looked oddly familiar.

"Get dressed," the Beta ordered and threw me something.

I cautiously took what he gave me. It was a pair of jersey shorts and a shirt. Both were too big for me but I know I was in no position to complain. The Beta simply exited the cell and he and the older man turned around as if to give me some privacy to put on the clothes. I quickly wore them trying not to mind my still unhealed wounds.

As a werewolf, I was supposed to heal quickly but I have no idea why I was not healing at the pace that I would normally do. The two men turned to face me after some time. The Beta gripped my right arm and tugged me outside the cell. I limped at his side as he dragged me with him. The other man trailed behind us.

We faced a door and when he opened it, cold air immediately engulfed me. I looked around only to find darkness, the only light was from the full moon above us. It was already nighttime. I must have been asleep for a few hours then.

The Beta continued dragging me and we passed by a huge house that must be their pack house as voices can be heard from inside. A pang hit my chest remembering my old pack. I know I would never be able to see my former packmates.

The Beta stopped in front of a door and opened it. I gasped when I saw who was waiting for us. My mate was sitting behind a huge desk. His gaze immediately landed on me when we entered. My arm was finally released and the Beta left me standing in the middle of the room.

I held my breath waiting for the Alpha to say something but he merely looked at me with no expression on his face. Disappointment flooded my whole system with the thought that he will not accept me as his mate. My wolf was begging me to go closer to our mate but I was too frightened to do so. I dropped my gaze to the floor when I could not stand it anymore. Looking at him was hurting me for some reason. I knew by his reaction from earlier that he was going to reject me.

Although it was frowned upon to reject your mate, some still do that if they already have chosen their own mate or simply do not want you. My heart broke a little with the idea that my mate has already chosen a Luna for himself.

The silence inside the room was broken when a knock sounded from the door. I did not turn when I heard it open and kept my gaze on the oak floor.

"Good evening, son," a deep voice came from behind me.

I looked up to see my mate looking behind me. It must be his father judging from his reaction. But then anger laced his face and I felt waves of worry, anger, and pain wash over me. I was feeling his emotions!

I quickly turned to see what brought such emotions to my mate. I saw the man from earlier in the cell and he was standing beside a woman.

"Tara?" the woman looked at me with shock written all over her face.

My eyes widened when I saw who it was. I stepped back as shock engulfed me. I almost fell back when I felt a strong arm encircle my waist to steady me. I looked behind me to see my mate holding me but his gaze was fixed on the woman in front of us.

"Tara, what are you doing here?" the woman asked as she made a move towards me.

She immediately stilled when a growl vibrated beside me. I looked up to see my mate throwing daggers in her direction.

"Connor, do not disrespect your mother like that," the older man said with a strained voice.

Connor, so that was my mate's name. I willed myself never to forget how beautiful that name sounded. But I did a double take when the words registered in my mind. She was my mate's mother?

"I only respect people who deserve it," Connor answered.

"Connor, you-"

"Adan, please, don't," the woman stopped the man and gripped his arm.

His face softened when she touched him. She was his mate! Realization dawned on me. I was standing in front of my mate's parents.

The woman once again faced me with a cautious look on her face. Her gaze went to my arm and her eyes widened when she saw my wound. I immediately covered it with my left hand.

"Tara, what happened?" she asked once again.

"I was banished," I answered when I finally found my voice to speak up.

"Banished? Now why would Kane banish you?" she asked back with shock lacing her words.

"Wait, you two know each other?"

We all looked at who spoke. The Beta was staring at me with a confused look. I looked back at the woman.

"Of course, I would know her. We're from the same pack."

THE atmosphere in the room felt cold after what I said. My mate has released me from his hold, making me shiver from the loss of contact with him. The Beta was looking at me strangely.

"This must come as a shock to all of you, but what she said was true. We were indeed from the same pack."

I simply looked at my mate's mother as she said those words. I knew her only because she was one of the healers in our pack.

"What pack?"

I turned to face my mate when he asked that question. He was looking at his mother with hostility. The reason? I have no idea.

"I already told you before. South Forest pack," I answered his question when his mother didn't.

His gaze went to me. I knew from his look that he did not believe what I just said. They kept saying my pack does not exist.

"You're telling me that the two of you came from a pack that was wiped out of this earth seven years ago?" he asked, directing his question at me.

"You're telling me that the pack you massacred survived?" he asked, turning his glare to his mother.

I frowned at his question for his mother. What does he mean by massacre? Nobody tried to massacre my former pack.

"Irene," I softly called my mate's mother.

She turned to look at me. She was sporting a very worried gaze and that worry doubled when she once again looked at my bloody arm.

"If you're his mother, why are you staying with a different pack?" I ask her.

"Maybe it's best if we talk privately," Irene said looking behind me, to my mate.

"No," came his hard response.

"I need to explain something to Tara, Connor. And look at her. She's injured."

"I said no," Connor replied and gripped my shoulder pulling me back to him.

I stumbled with the sudden movement but I regained balance with the solid wall that was his chest. I saw confused looks from the three other people inside the room.

"Ok," Irene said slowly with her eyes glued to my mate's hands which were on me.

"Why are you here?" I asked Irene.

Her gaze immediately went to me and she tilted her head a bit. The guarded look on her face was not a good sign. It felt like she was hiding something from me.

"How did you get the wound on your arm?" Irene asked, completely ignoring my question.

"Alpha Kane. He banished me, remember?"

"Oh no. I am so sorry, Tara. I went to the neighboring town. I was gone for a few days. I never knew of the Alpha's action. This should never have happened. This can ruin everything."

"What do you mean?" I asked with a frown.

"You should never have been banished. I don't know what Kane was thinking. He knew the consequences of his actions and yet he still did this. I cannot believe that man!" Irene replied exasperated.

My frown deepened with her words. I can't understand what she was trying to pinpoint. Her words were so vague. I massaged my temples in an attempt to soothe the headache burning my scalp.

"How is she still alive with that mark on her?"

My mate's deep voice rumbled from behind me. I leaned back on him when I felt a wave of nausea run through my body. I felt his hand land on my waist keeping me upright.

"It's very complicated, Connor. I don't think this is the time to discuss this." Irene answered her son.

"I asked you a question and it requires an answer. Now," Connor growled back.

"Tara seems very weak. Look at her. Let's talk about this later."

"Son, listen to your mother. And she's right. That girl needs rest," his father added, trying to calm the raging Alpha.

I felt Connor look at me. I looked down at the floor. The wound on my arm was starting to sting so bad. It felt like it was burning. I immediately removed my hand covering it and saw blisters on the wound. It was also bleeding. I frowned as this should have already healed leaving me with a scar as it was made with a knife coated with wolfsbane.

"Tara, honey, are you alright?" Irene asked, taking a step towards me.

"It's like fire. It's burning my arm off," I answered her weakly.

I whimpered when the burning only intensified.

"Do something!" my mate ordered Irene as he gently shifted me to look in his direction.

I felt strong arms around me. Connor lifted me and started walking somewhere. I simply went with what was happening. He placed me on a couch that was in the office. I melted in the soft cushion below me. Moaning at the first comfort I had had for some time but my moan turned into a sob when the pain worsened. I tried to get up but Connor's hands pushed me back onto the couch.

"I said do something!" he once again growled at his mother.

"I have no idea what is happening here," Irene said helplessly.

"You're a witch. Help her!"

I groaned at his voice. Connor looked at me and his face was laced with panic. I almost jumped when he stood up and intimidatingly walked towards Irene. For a second there I thought he was going to attack her. His father immediately stepped in front of Irene. I saw the Beta place a hand on his shoulder as if to stop him.

"Why are you so worried about a rogue?" The Beta asked.

This earned a loud growl from Connor. I shifted, scared of what was going to happen. An Alpha provoked was never a good thing.

"She's my mate!"

I cared about her! I couldn't just let her die!