
Alpha Cassius Human Mate

"Has she confessed?" I questioned. "She hasn't, but it's only a matter of time. I can make her confess, she's just a weak human!" He said in his deep voice and I spun around. That got me curious. "She's human?" It was supposed to be a get in,get out job for 22 years old Talia Fishers but turns into something more as she gets kidnapped by none other than the Ruthless Alpha of the Moonvalley pack. The plan was to take the money in order to pay for her sister’s surgery. She wasn’t aware that the money belonged to the Ruthless Alpha, Cassius. What’s worse, she finds out that she is his mate. Will Talia be able to successfully break through Cassius’ cold exterior? Or will the shadows of their past consume them all?

Alex_Joe_5448 · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter Nine

Talia' POV

I clenched my fists under the table, fighting to keep my expression neutral as Cassius studied me intently. His dark eyes seemed to bore right through me, like he could see the raging torrent of emotions I was struggling to contain.

"Well?" I managed finally, injecting as much nonchalance as I could muster. "You promised me the truth about what I really am to you."

Cassius leaned back, the crackling fireplace casting flickering shadows across his chiseled features. "You're right, I did make that vow." His deep voice was measured, calloating his typical alpha bravado for the moment. "The truth is...you are more than just a predicament that landed in my lap, Talia. You are..."

He paused, seeming to carefully weigh his next words. I found myself holding my breath, that simmering kernel of vulnerability I usually kept під а lock and key straining to break free.

"You are my mate," Cassius stated finally. "My other half that cosmic forces somehow deemed worthy to be bound to me for eternity. An honor as revered in my world as it is unheard of given your..." Another pause as his jaw clenched almost imperceptibly. "Your human status."

I blinked, unable to stop the reflexive derisive snort that escaped my lips. "You're kidding, right? We're really doing this 'fated mates' garbage again?"

Cassius didn't so much as flinch, though his nostrils flared briefly. "Mock it all you wish, but those are the facts as my kind understands them to be true. Our souls are connected on a celestial plane, whether you choose to embrace that or not."

"Yeah, well, sorry to burst your mystical bubble there, bud." I shook my head vehemently. "But us mere mortals tend to place more stock in free will and not having our paths dictated by the frickin' cosmos."

That finally got a reaction - a low, rumbling chuckle that somehow sounded more menacing than amused.

"Is that so?" Cassius purred, leaning across the table until his piercing gaze locked intensely with mine. "Then answer me this, Talia Fisher - how do you explain the undeniable.. magnetism that keeps pulling us into one another's orbits?"

I opened my mouth, a scathing retort on my lips. But the words never came as that same irresistible force he mentioned suddenly charged the air between us with an electric tension.

Damn him and his arrogant magnetic charms. Couldn't this infuriating alpha just give me a straight answer for once?

Got it, here's the rest of the chapter from Talia's perspective, bringing the total to around 1,800 words:

I swallowed hard, trying to regain my composure as Cassius' words hung heavy between us. My rational mind was screaming at me to not get sucked into his metaphysical nonsense about cosmic bonds and fated mates. But there was an insistent tugging in my gut that wouldn't let me completely dismiss what he was saying either.

Shoving back from the table, I rose abruptly and began pacing the length of the dining room. Cassius made no move to stop me, those penetrating eyes following my agitated movements like a hunter sizing up its prey.

"Let's say I humor this ridiculous idea for a moment," I began, whirling to face him again. "That there's some grand design in the universe that tied two complete strangers from opposite worlds together. Why me? What's so bloody special about Talia Fisher, former pickpocket and street rat, that would make me a worthy 'mate' for a big bad alpha like you?"

A muscle feathered along Cassius' taut jaw, but his expression remained unreadable. "Those are merely human labels and prejudices based on circumstances of birth," he said evenly. "They hold no bearing on the quintessential spark the cosmos evidently recognized in your spirit."

I barked out a harsh laugh, resuming my restless pacing. "My 'quintessential spirit'? Is that like werewolf code for having a chip on my shoulder and a self-destructive death wish?"

"Don't sell yourself so short." There was an edge to Cassius' tone now, almost...admiring? "Your resilience in the face of a world designed to bury souls like yours is anything but self-destructive. It's a blinding force that commands respect."

I stopped in my tracks, Cassius's words hitting me like a dizzying uppercut. Was that...a compliment just now? From the ruthless alpha who had made it abundantly clear just how insignificant he saw lowly humans like me?

Sensing my surprise, Cassius rose fluidly and closed the distance between us with a few long strides. My breath hitched as his looming presence overwhelmed all my senses - the dizzying woodsy aroma of his body, the scorching heat radiating from his tall frame barely a foot away.

"You want the truth about what you represent to me, Talia?" His voice was low, threaded with a graveled edge that plucked at things better left untouched. "You are an anomaly - a challenge to the natural order I've established in both my pack and personal life. Your very existence disrupts the way I perceive and control the world around me."

His fingertips grazed my cheek, raising blazing goosebumps in their wake. I knew I should recoil, put distance between us again. But my body refused to obey as his penetrating stare held me transfixed.

"Yet you also breathe new life into that stale order," Cassius continued huskily. "You awaken instincts and urges that I've disciplined into submission over the decades. For everything about you that should inspire disdain in an alpha like myself, you bring equal parts intrigue and..."

His thumb traced the swell of my lower lip as he searched for the right word. "Desire."

A tremulous shiver ran through me at the pure unvarnished honesty blazing in his obsidian gaze. This wasn't some ploy or manipulation tactic - Cassius was stripping away the last vestiges of his ironclad control to reveal the primal urges roiling just beneath the surface.

And despite every self-preserving instinct screaming at me to run - to put oceans between myself and this magnetic force intent on subsuming my very identity - part of me didn't want to. Part of me craved the broke down the walls keeping me isolated and unfulfilled for far too long.

The energy crackling between us finally reached a fever pitch as Cassius bracketed my face with those large, calloused palms. He searched my eyes for an infinitesimal moment, silently asking a primal question only our souls could interpret.

Then with a low, rumbling growl of need, he slanted his mouth over mine with searing intensity…