
CHAPTER thirty-six


  “Form a straight line and pair up!” Arthur’s voice roared in the training ground. He is training his men.

  They all stood in a straight line with their pairs as he ordered.

  He walked through their middle as he spoke. “Weeks ago the vampire evaded our security and entered our pack, our territory! We cannot let that happen again. We must be prepared for them and we must attack this time around. But before then...”

  “Arthur...” Dennis came behind him. He paused, with a frown. Then he leaned towards his ear and said, “That can wait Dennis, I hate to be interrupted...”

  “It’s important you hear what I have to say.” Dennis insisted.

  “FIGHT!!” He ordered the man then stepped aside with Jeremy.

  “This better be important or I will have your head on a spike.” He gritted at Dennis.

  “Of course, sir. There are rumors.”

  Arthur squinted, “What rumors?”