
Alpha Ares Sadistic Mate

In a kingdom of powerful were witches. The jealous sister of the queen and her daughter, Mary, plotted to take the throne from the Queen and her daughter. A series of events spawned, leading to the queen's death and one of her daughters, who was already a mate to the mighty Alpha Ares. The queen's sister and her daughter conspire to eliminate the queen's second daughter, Jamie. Rather than kill her since she is just a little girl, they wipe her memory and send her to an orphanage home meant for humans. When Jamie turns twenty, fate pushes her to Lory, Ares's sister, then after that, she meets Ares himself. While adapting to the Alpha and her new residence, she has a series of dreams which exposes her true identity as a girl that holds so much power, which leads to a war between her new family and her former kingdom because they are all connected.

Efuadreams · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

"No, please, no. Nooooooo!" She screamed and jerked up from her sleep. She clutched her pillows tightly before noticing her eyes were wet. Scratch that. Her whole body was drenched in sweat.

"It's just a nightmare," she tried to calm herself, but it took a while before she could regain her composure. She immediately flipped her phone to check the time.

"Shit!" She jumped up and immediately began to scramble around. It was her first day at work, and she was already starting it off by being late.

"Stupid nightmare," she cussed before flying into the bathroom. Scant minutes later, she came out and began to dress.

Since it was a company, she decided to dress cooperatively. She fished out the one gown her foster mum had bought her on her nineteenth birthday and paired it with her only shoe besides the sneakers. She quickly brushed through her hair and pinned it up without much stress.

"Thank you for your cooperation," she whispered to it. After applying lip gloss, she stood before her broken mirror and surveyed her looks.

"Look at you looking all cooperate. Good job, Jamie!" She raised her thumbs for herself, then picked up her purse. Checking one last time to ensure her doors were locked correctly, she stepped out of the house.

Jamie contemplated saying hi to Madam Beauchamp and casually telling her about her new job, but the woman had stayed up late tending to her. She didn't want to risk the wrath of the madam, so she decided to leave it be.

As she walked to the nearest bus stop, she smiled at everyone she saw. To her, this was one of the happiest days of her life. It wasn't every day someone got to have a job without even applying or being interviewed.

It probably the doings was the good Samaritan that found her, and she planned on showing her earnest appreciation. Just as she made the last bend before the bus stop, two men with a car following behind appeared from nowhere and closed down on her.

Before she could scream, they covered her mouth and pushed her into the car. The next time she woke up, she saw herself in what looked like a luxurious bedroom.

She pushed the duvet aside and stepped out of bed. She began to look around for a possible escape route. It was without a doubt that she had been kidnapped. She could care less if the bedroom screamed of wealth she had never experienced.

She refused to be seduced by the beauty of it all. All she wanted to do was leave that place. She walked to the window and began to push. Just then, the door to the room opened, and a woman walked in.

"We meet again," she said with a smile. Jamie turned around and came face to face with the crazy woman.

"You!" She exclaimed.

"Yes, me," she chuckled, remembering their previous conversation.

"Why am I here? And don't you dare tell me about destiny" she clenched her teeth.

"Well, my dear, it is destiny," she replied.

"How is your neck?" She continued without allowing Jamie to reply.

"How do you know about that?" The younger woman scoffed at her. In turn, she had an amused look on her face.

"Yeah, don't tell me. It's destiny, right?" Jamie replied, collapsing on the bed. She chuckled and looked lovingly at Jamie.

"You're such a darling. I'm Lory, by the way," she said and stretched out her hands for a handshake with a light dazzling smile.

"Jamie," she replied, slightly defeated.

"Such a sweet name for a sweet little girl," she smiled.

"Little girl?" Jamie scoffs. " You're not much older than me yourself," she pouted, looking closer at the strange lady. She saw the surprised look that passed through her face before she burst into a feat of laughter.

"What if I tell you I'm a thousand years old?" She asked, baiting the girl.

"It'll finally confirm my initial conclusion about you." She added with a furrowed eyebrow.

"Ha! I'm dying to know what that is."

"That you're crazy," she said so innocently. Lory couldn't help the second burst of laughter that flowed from her. It had been a while since they had such a ray of sunshine in the household. She already knew she would adore Jamie to no end.

"Come child, your destiny requests your presence," Lory beckoned on her. Without giving her room to accept or reject, she folded the girl's hands into hers and dragged her up.

They left the room with different thoughts in mind. Lory couldn't wait for her brother to meet Jamie adequately while Jamie looked around for the closest escape.

They passed through a passage that looked like it went on forever before finally arriving at a door painted all red. Jamie's heart suddenly began to thump loudly.

"I can hear that, you know?" Lory smiled.

"What?" Jamie asked when the door pushed open, and Lory pushed her forward. Her breath caught in her chest when she raised her face, and her eyes rested on the figure that sitted with his head bowed on a throne, a chair at the far end of the room.

Not even the noise from their sudden presence was enough to draw the attention of the man whose jet-black hair fell over his face. Jamie had never wanted to see a man's face more than now, staring at the man before her. His gait screamed, bored as hell, but it was still some sight to see.

Lory cleared her throat loudly to get her brother's attention. She would have used other means, but she wasn't exactly trying to scare the girl.

"Cheeky bastard. I know very well he heard us enter the room," she thought. Jamie held her breath as she watched the man push aside the hair covering his face and slowly raise his head to acknowledge their presence.

"Oh my God!" She blurted out before she could stop herself.