

Hi, my name is Eden. Eden Grey. I was just an ordinary girl who lived in an everyday world until an incident made me become the unluckiest girl in the world. It started from that day when I met Alexander Lupo. A cruel, cold, and stiff man! He said that I was his mate. Mate?? He felt annoyed because his soul had bounded to me —who turned out to be just an ordinary human— even though he was the king of all beasts named…. Werewolves!! “Oh, dear Mr. Alexander Lupo, this is also not my wish; you were the one who came after me first!! Why are you blaming your unfortunate fate on me?” Eden snorted in annoyance. “Maybe the Moon Goddess was joking, so she gave me such a weak Luna!” Mocked Alexander while gripping Eden's chin. Unfortunately for Alexander, even though he hated his destiny with Eden, he couldn't deny that he wanted the girl's body and soul. Whenever they met, let alone refused, Alexander wanted to cuddle and make love to her more and more! “Satisfy me, Baby Girl!!” “Get off from me, you wet dog!!” **** Mature content English is not my first language Forgive for Error grammar the cover is mine; created by maple design Happy reading

BELLEAME · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
166 Chs

Orange, Sea Salt, and Amber Stone

"Sorry I'm late." Eden parked her bicycle in front of a freight forwarder. A small agency that delivers goods within the city. Eden used to work from three to seven in the evening. Sending some goods and sometime food.

Because only freelance employees. Eden's wages depended on the number of items she managed to send.

"No need to talk much and hurry go to work. There's a lot of stuff piled up!" Mr. Firza was the owner of this small agency, a man of West Asian descent. His head was bald, only his beard was still quite thick.

"Okay, Baba!" All the employees called him Baba, so Eden also called him by the same name. (Baba means father.)

Eden stepped into the warehouse. Picked up some items that she could deliver on her bicycle. Eden couldn't possibly deliver goods that were far away with just an old bicycle, unfortunately because she arrived late, many goods with a short distance direction had been delivered by other couriers.

"Arrgh, Damn! It's all because I met that pervert wolf." Eden grumbled while arranging the things on the basket. If only she didn't have to be stuck with Alexander, maybe Eden would get the money without having to work harder.

Eden tried to lift the basket onto the back seat of her bicycle. Her wrist was full of band-aids.

"Ugh… it hurts!" Eden groaned as her hand throbbed in pain. Alexander's bite marks and bruises on her shoulder from Marvel's punches made it difficult for Eden to load things up.

"Are you okay?" Suddenly a familiar voice made Eden turn her head.

"Ace?" Eden was shocked; why was Ace here?

Ace smiled, he could guess Eden's thoughts.

"I was on my way home after basketball training and saw you here. I just wanted to say hello." Ace rushed to help Eden tie the basket to the bike.

"Oh I see." Eden nodded.

"What's wrong with your hand?" Ace saw Eden's hand was wrapped in some band-aids.

"Oh, this, eeum…" Eden scratched her head, confused about how to explain to Ace. Eden can't say that a werewolf just bit her; Ace might think Eden was crazy like Eden thinks Alexander was crazy.

"Let me see!" Ace pulled Eden's hand, looking at the wound. But as fast as Lightning Eden hides Alexander's two bite marks. Fear Ace suspicious.

"I'm fine." Eden replied.

"It looks really sick, why don't you just rest at home?" Ace gave up, maybe it wasn't the time for him to urge Eden to tell him all about her life. They've only been friends for the past few days.

"It doesn't hurt too much, it's just that the basket was too heavy." Eden smiled; she led her bicycle to the front.

"I can help you."

"Do not!! I don't want to bother you, Ace. You must be tired after playing basketball. You also still have to study for the exam??!"

"Huft... you're rejecting me again."


"Is there nothing else but sorry? You say that a lot."



"Ah… sorry, habit. Eh…" Eden covered her mouth to say sorry again.

"It's fine if you don't need my help. But don't push yourself too hard, E. You also seem to need a break." Ace stroked the top of Eden's head, making Eden's face turn red; who wouldn't be happy when she was treated sweetly by the man she loves??!

"Don't underestimate me, Ace. I am a strong woman!" Eden giggled, well… Eden was indeed strong, for some reason even though she was so tired that it seemed as if her bones were crushed, Eden always managed to get through it well. She was really a hard working girl.

"Okay, take care of yourself, E. I'll go first." Ace smiled and left Eden with a heavy heart.

"You too, Ace."




After the two of them separated, Eden pedaled her bicycle to the address listed on each item. Even though she was tired, Eden still delivered the items one by one without complaining. Over time, one basket of goods ran out of nothing.

"Just one more. Spirit!!" Eden exclaimed to herself.

At six o'clock in the evening, Eden's stomach began to rumble. Eden decided to rest. sHe sat on a park bench and drank a bottle of mineral water and ate a chocolate sandwich before delivering the last package.

"Oh off." The band-aid peel off, Eden looked at the marks of the two holes from the bite of Alexander's fangs. It was remembered in Eden's mind when Alexander's handsome face approached her, with the man's tongue licking Eden's wrist before biting it. Eden didn't know whether to shudder or feel good.

"Forget it!! Forget that pervert man's face! I can't deal with that wet dog anymore." Eden shook her head to dispel the image of Alexander's handsome face as he licked Eden's wrist. The image that kept repeating in Eden's mind made the girl go crazy, her stomach ticklish.

"But what was that smell? Very intoxicated smell. Is that his perfume smell? Oh, no, no way. It smells different. Ah… I want to inhale that smell again. Where did I get that smell from??" Eden felt very addicted to the enchanting aroma like nicotine, produced by the pheromones on Alexander's body when she was unconscious.

Eden glanced at the two holes in her wrist again. Eden slowly smelled her wrist; there was the same faint scent. Eden closed her eyes, trying to take a deep breath. Alexander's scent was gtting thicker out of her scar. Orange, sea salt, and amber stone. Once again, Eden was drowning in pleasure.

"Hmm… how strange." Eden frowned and inhaled again; the smell dispelled, "Eh… Will I turn into a werewolf if I get bitten too??" Eden's face paled at the thought that she would become a wolf. Living with a body full of fur and sharp nails.

"Ah no!! Impossible!! Forget it!! Forget it!! I'd rather go to work instead of daydreaming and going crazy because of that guy." Eden got up and pedaled her bicycle to deliver the last package.

Eden stopped right in front of the intended address. A luxurious house, Eden was amazed, but after remembering how big and spacious Alexander's mansion was, the house in front of her now become meaningless.

Ting Tong!!

Eden rang the doorbell.

"From the freight forwarder."

"Come in!!" A girl's voice answered before the door opened.

Eden was surprised when she saw the owner of the house, and vice versa.


