
Alpha and His Girls

Amid the vibrant pulse of the metropolis, where the glow of neon dances and mysteries abound, I navigate a life of duality. In daylight, I spar with tenacious policewomen, trade quips with the elite of Hollywood, and tease beguiling damsels with a roguish charm. Yet, as night descends, my covert ventures take on a more sinister shade. Beneath the vigilant gaze of the mob leader, I ignite engines and weave through shadow-clad backstreets, the rush of adrenaline my constant companion. Concealed within my abode lies a secret indulgence, a source of exhilaration and guilt: a minuscule aperture in the partition, through which I steal forbidden views of the neighboring siren’s otherworldly grace during her private moments. My existence is woven from paradoxes—a scoundrel’s paradise. Shrouded in enigma, my history a blur, I prowl the urban jungle, fists ready, pulse quickened, in pursuit of peril and passion alike.

KissBoy · Urban
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34 Chs

The Alpha

Imagine you're famished and I'm holding a loaf of bread; in that moment, my contentment surpasses yours. Picture yourself urgently needing a restroom and stumbling upon one, only to discover it's in use by me; once again, my satisfaction exceeds yours. Envision not encountering a lady for months, finding charm in a sow's head, while I covertly observe a lovely lady bathing; in these scenarios, my happiness outshines yours.

It's now 7:10, and it's time for Ethan Wraith's peeping session.

He fetched a stool, carefully climbed up, and opened a small hole in the ventilation window, counting down: 1-23, the door opened.

As Ethan Wraith counted down, the bathroom door next door really opened. A beautiful girl, Sophia Mercer, walked in, humming a tune, carrying some clothes.

The girl hung her clothes on the rack, checked herself in the mirror, picked her nose, and began to undress.

As she skillfully undressed, her clothes came off one by one. First, her blue and white school uniform, then her white undershirt, followed by her cartoon-patterned bra, and finally, her school uniform pants.

Now, Sophia Mercer was left with only a pink bra and a red mini skirt. Her slender figure, smooth skin, and sparkling eyes made her look like a celestial being.

Some things, no matter how many times you see them, still take your breath away. Like Sophia Mercer's body. Ethan Wraith's desire was burning inside him, and his eyes gleamed with excitement.

Was she taking a shower or a bath? Ethan Wraith stared intently, wondering.

If it was a shower, he could only see her upper body; if it was a bath, he could see her lower body. Unfortunately, she had never taken a bath before.

Sophia Mercer removed the hair tie, and her long hair cascaded down. She tested the water temperature and then removed her bra.

Ethan Wraith knew the main event was coming, and he quickly blinked, preparing himself. But Sophia Mercer had already stepped into the water, her body partially hidden by the shower curtain.

Ah, she still had her underwear on! Ethan Wraith wanted to remind her. How could she take a bath without removing her underwear? This was a bad habit that needed to be changed.

Under the layers of water, Sophia Mercer's body was partially visible. Water droplets fell on her shoulders, creating a beautiful scene.

Ethan Wraith was anxious. He only had a small hole, about five centimeters in diameter, to peek through. If Sophia Mercer stood farther away, he could see more, but the closer she was to the wall he was peeping through, the harder it was to see the key areas.

Ethan Wraith thought for a few seconds, preparing to remove the remaining half-brick. He tried to pull it out, but the cement was too solid, and he couldn't budge it.

What a stupid design! Whoever created this peephole was unprofessional. If you're going to peep, do it thoroughly! Peeping at the upper body and peeping at the lower body are not the same level of offense, are they? Why not just remove the entire brick? Isn't it more skillful to remove the whole brick than half of it?

Idiot. Ethan Wraith gave his predecessor two words of evaluation.

Ethan Wraith lived in an old-style tube-shaped house with a very ancient structure. One day, he discovered that one of the bricks in his bathroom was movable. When he climbed up to take a look, he was thrilled to find that the wall opposite was also a bathroom – the landlord's bathroom.

The landlord was a woman in her forties, with a flower-like face, but it was a wilted flower. She had a rough face, a big mouth, and a thick waist, and her voice could be heard throughout the entire building.

None of this mattered; what mattered was that she had a beautiful daughter – Sophia Mercer, the girl Ethan Wraith was currently peeping at.

Sophia Mercer was still a student, but she had already developed into a stunning beauty. She had beautiful eyebrows, big eyes, a small cherry-like mouth, and a slightly immature figure, but with great potential. With time, she would become even more beautiful, following the rule that girls become more beautiful as they grow up.

Ethan Wraith was a pure guy. The first time he did something so dirty, his heart struggled for a long time. In the end, he made a decision by flipping a coin. He took out a coin, made a vow to the heavens, saying that if it landed heads up, he would sneak a peek, and if it landed tails up, he would sneak two peeks. If he could pull off such a cool move, he would look as long as he wanted.

Ethan Wraith ran to the sandpile at the construction site near the door and flipped the coin. It landed upright. It was destined by the heavens, and how could a mortal like him change it? So, Ethan Wraith, the mortal, kept his vow and sneaked peeks every day.

Practice makes perfect. This is an unbreakable truth that has stood the test of time.

At first, Ethan Wraith couldn't find a pattern, often misjudging the time, sometimes waiting for half a day without seeing Sophia Mercer come to take a bath, and sometimes just as he crawled down, he would hear the sound of running water from next door, and Sophia Mercer would appear again.

After several days of diligent research, Ethan Wraith finally found the pattern. Sophia Mercer usually got out of school at 6 pm, took about an hour to get home, and would take a bath at 7:10 pm.

After finding the pattern, Ethan Wraith never wasted his efforts again. He could appear at the perfect time every day, and Sophia Mercer would also cooperate by appearing in the bathroom.

Ethan Wraith was still thinking of ways to see more of the scenery when the sound of water stopped.

Was she done already? Too fast?

Ethan Wraith really wanted to slap himself a few times, blaming himself for being too stupid. Even if he wanted to inherit the legacy of his predecessors, he could have done it at any other time. Why did he have to do it at this precious moment of peeking?

The young girl, fresh out of her bath, had a layer of rosy glow on her cheeks, her hair cascading down her soft, boneless shoulders. Her smile was like a gentle breeze, and her eyes sparkled like the morning sun. Ethan Wraith remembered a poem he had read unintentionally: "The lotus emerges from the water, its long silk unfolding, its beauty shining like the morning sun." This scene was a perfect match.

Sophia Mercer walked towards the clothes rack, naked, and Ethan Wraith sighed inwardly, thinking that today's peeking session had come to an end. Suddenly, Sophia Mercer fell to the ground with a thud, and a cry of surprise followed.

Sophia Mercer lay on the ground, and Ethan Wraith couldn't see her face. He heard her faint sobbing from next door. She tried to get up several times but gave up each time, crying out in pain.

It seemed she couldn't get up by herself. Ethan Wraith knew her mother wasn't home, and it would be better for him to help her rather than asking her father.

To help or not to help? That was the question.