
Alpha's Tribute by Andrea O'Neal

❝I wasn't the tribute he expected me to be.❞ ❦︎ ❦︎ ❦︎ She wanted to rewrite her destiny. He wanted to do what was best for his pack.  Darius Lucian and Elowen James couldn't have been more different. But yet they were more alike than they could have ever imagined. When Elowen is put to the test, she would have never thought she would have found love in the mess her life had turned out to be. A human and a Alpha - something that should have never been possible.  But, it happened. All because she was the Alpha's Tribute.

Andrea_Oneal_2022 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


❝𝐖hen the werewolves first decided to show themselves the human race was plunged into chaos unlike anything that had ever been seen.

Werewolves were tired of being forced to hide their true nature and finally, they had revolted. It didn't take them long to take over, seeing as how a few of the US senators were of wolf blood at the time.

No one could deny the strength and power that the wolves had. And couldn't deny the fear that everyone felt when the day of revolution came.

Humans were captured, being locked away in cages like animals as the higher species decided on what to do with them. Some were shipped off to the other countries; these humans were given the chance to create a new life and home. They chose a new president and now the wolves have a successful trade with them.

Others however were forced to become slaves and servants - the wolves found that a fair punishment for how the humans had treated the-"

"Dad! You shouldn't be telling her this!" Young Elowen's mother hissed, storming into the room - her hazel eyes narrowed at her father who sat there with a cigar in his mouth.

Grandpa Thomas merely plucked the cigar out of his mouth, breathing out a puff of smoke. His old face was blank of any emotion and his fingers tapped on the arm of the old recliner. "And would you prefer she learn about it in school, Caroline?" He inquired with a raise of a brow, gesturing to the young girl who sat in front of him - a stuffed wolf clenched tightly to her little chest.

"She won't be attending school, Killian and I decided it would be best to homeschool her." Caroline sassed back, hand waving about as she spoke. "But I'm debating it now, knowing you'll be telling her stories that will keep her up at night with nightmares."

The older wolf rolled his eyes, picking his small granddaughter up from the ground to place her in his lap. He put the cigar out and rubbed her curls fondly. "She needs to know the history that created this land. You can't shelter her forever."

"Love, Thomas is right." Killian James agreed as he strolled into the room - sweat on his brow from his afternoon run. "Elowen needs to understand the way things work." He tried to explain to his wife, but she whipped around to face him - finger raised dangerously.

"She is six years old! I don't want her thinking it's bad that she's human!" The brunette spat, and Killian sighed - gesturing for her to follow him. He didn't want to continue this argument in front of his young daughter who was watching them with a frown.

Elowen watched as they left the room, leaving her with her grandfather. Thomas clicked his tongue and placed her on the ground moving to the book shelf across from them. She could make out the old wolf tattoo that peeked out from the collar of his shirt, the ink staining his skin and marking it permanently.

"I don't get why momma gets mad when you tell me stories." The six year old muttered, making the old wolf turn to her. "I like your stories, Papa."

Thomas chuckled and brushed his fingers over the old spines of the books. "Your mother is just trying to keep you safe, and I can't blame her for that." His brown eyes sparkled with mirth. "Her mother was the same way."

Elowen perked up at the mention of her grandmother. "What was grandma like?" Her little head tilted to the side, curls following with the action.

The old man paused, fingers hovering over a book. Little Elowen watched as his shoulders shuddered with a deep breath and his head bow slowly. "One day I'll tell you about her," Her grandfather turned to face her - a hazy look in his eyes. "But, today is not that day."

She pouted, but otherwise said nothing. Instead she lifted up her arms - a signal she wanted to be held. With a chuckle Thomas picked her up and carried her to the sliding door that led to the back porch.

A lake rested behind the large house - calm, placid, serene. It was restful tonight, a fog covering the water in a mist-like state. Elowen's eyes widened at the sight while her grandfather merely sighed in relaxation, his own eyes closing as the night breeze traveled over them.

"Papa?" Thomas peaked an eyelid open as an encouragement for his young granddaughter to continue. Elowen gave a mischievous smile, and slid down from his lap to sit down on the porch below her. "Can you tell me a story?"

Thomas smirked and started another tale, the little girl leaning in as he continued. The forest seemed to go quiet - an occasional cricket chirp or the sound of a deer walking through the brush. Though everything seemed to melt away as Elowen listened to her grandfather spin another spiel.

Either fact or fiction she didn't know, but she loved the stories he told.

From inside her parents continued to argue, her mother shouting while her father tried to keep a cap on his anger.

Killian pinched the bridge of his nose and hissed out a sigh of frustration. "Cara, you can't protect her forever." His wife gave him a venomous glare, eyes flashing silver.

"So you don't care then-"

"Don't!" He snapped, his own eyes flashing a brilliant jade green. A growl rumbled in the hollow of his throat. "Don't you dare say that Caroline. I would do anything for that little girl. I would die for that little girl." His face softened as he watched a guilty expression fall over his wife's features. "I do care, and I want nothing more than to keep her locked away in this house until she is old and gray. I want nothing more than to protect her from the horrors of this world. But, Darlin' we just can't do that to her."

"I just don't want her to get hurt." The brunette murmured and her husband sighed, wrapping his strong arms around her waist. "The wolves can be so cruel to humans - what if something happens? She won't be able to defend herself-"

"Caroline." Killian stopped her with a stone bass in his tone. "You can't think like that. Thoughts like that will keep you awake at night. As long as I am Beta, Cara - nothing will ever hurt her. Besides, your dad would tear anyone apart who would try to."

"Yes but-" Killian placed a sweet kiss on her lips, silencing her once more.

When he pulled away he kept his forehead against hers. "But nothing Carebear. You'll give yourself gray hair with all your worries."

Caroline pulled away with a frown on her face, a slight glare in her gaze as she looked up at her husband. "And what is that supposed to mean exactly Killian James?"


"Momma! Daddy! Come listen to Papa's story! It's about a woman who was banished to the moon and she became the Moon Goddess!" Killian thanked the goddess that his daughter ran in when she did. Little Elowen wrapped her hand around her mother's and gave a small tug. "Come on! Come on!"

He watched as Caroline followed their little daughter through the house to join Grandpa Thomas outside. A deep veil of protection covered his heart. Yes, no one would hurt his daughter.

Not while he could help it.