
Alpha's toy (rejected)

Alpha's Toy Henry's POV Taking my puff and a slip from my whiskey, I make my way into the shower which I stepped out from after a short shower. I took another puff before dressing myself up for today's event which gives me this feeling that it wouldn't be like the rest. I shouldn't do this anymore due to the last time but I have this pull towards it which made me go back on my words for the first time. Although I still have this same feelings that this wouldn't be the first time I would have to go back on my words but yet, am triggered to know what exactly is happening over there . This is the same thing that made me send my beta instead of me because it would really be embarrassing to show up there after all the last drama and vows Making my way towards the room, I couldn't help but feel somehow yet, I thought it was because I was thinking about the left overs paperwork. The door was opened for me by the guards and I walked in only to meet the shock of my life. WTF...... TBC

Authoressfikky · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Alpha's toy 16

Tony's POV

There she is seated calmly still young and little, mere staring at her, she turned around looking for where to seat making me catch a glimpse of her well shaped beautiful face.

She was finally able to settle besides the same girl we were gawking at each other some moment ago in her class. I had to play a recap in my mind just to memories of her face.

She has a small head with plump cheeks and lips paired with big deep brown eyes which makes her nose less visible. You can also say she has a small nose which sleep on her face.

Not my type though, but I can't help but feel the pull towards her. Then I began to wish she could just turn her head for this very last time and take a look at me, maybe I might be able to accept she is a little beautiful.

I prayed staring at her. With the way, I was looking at her, she should have stares at me as well. I thought before I finally realize she didn't feel the pull, which means she was still very young to realize she has a mate already.

Mate? Did I just say mate? I am asking myself wondering what was happening. This isn't me, I mean how can I just call someone my mate, someone who I haven't met with yet not to talk or hear her voice before?

Gosh, this is not happening. I thought trying as much as I could to divert my attention to something else which I successfully did by staring at the entrance of the hall watching as student keeps on piling up there.

They are late and couldn't come in again due to the rules the principal has made some moment ago. In just less than what seems like an hour, he was finally done with his speech and he started reintroduction.

That's for those who were seated in the classroom when he was there this morning, but to those that weren't present, it's introduction to them. It was my turn and I stepped out with a brief speech.

The principal was using all the means he has to tell me to make it long, but the last thing I want to end up doing here is stammering because of the girl who eyes is now on me, but she is yet to pick up anything.

After I had done that, I step off to allow other school prefect to have their way and everything ended as well as rounded up after two hours. Approximately, we have been standing for five good hours.

Those who came early but couldn't secure a seat also weren't left out in this standing ovation. This is why I hate the beginning of the term most, especially section. If not for the post I held, I won't bother showing up today.

I won't even step a foot into school compound not to talk of attending this Occam. But what can I do than to endure since this would be my last time attending such occasion?

Crystal's POV

The day went well because I didn't offend anyone, neither was I offended. Aside from the boring lecture and lecturers whom I know I would get use to be time, everything went well.

I didn't get to see him again after we have been discharged and allowed to go back to our different classes. I could help but wonder what that man would do with those who came late but that not my business anyway.

Dragging my butt down to the garage thinking I would have to wait for my driver to get here, I saw he had already arrived right from afar, making me sign in relief.

Because I am tired and exhausted, I can't wait to tell mom all about the school also which is what I don't wish to spend extra minutes out here in school waiting while the others are leaving.

Just like I was increasing my pace and was about to cross over to the garage, my journey was paused by some people who stood In front of me. I move else where, thinking they might not realize that they just ran into someone.

But unfortunately, they cross me again. Gosh, I thought I was able to survive today without any trouble,, but it's not working out. I thought as I move away the third time like a gentle dove only to be crossed again.

Within me, my temper began to raise as I look up to check who these ugly laps and shoes belongs too only to find out it was the girl with the Alpha boy then and some of her friends I didn't know about.

" Don't you think it would be bad to have seniors setting out to bully their junior, and to crown it all a new intake of the school." I said not being scared of whom the hell they could be.

" Really? Is she talking to us?" She said, raising her will polish fake nails up while placing it on her chest and the rest of them who followed her bust out laughing.

" I don't think we are the ones she is talking to." They said in union, while she simile in acceptance of what they both said.

" State your business, ladies, I have no time to listen to someone who is less in rank to me." I said, making something flash in her eyes. It was anger because the words really hit her hard.

Fortunately, it's the truth I just spoke, she wouldn't be able to seat between the Alpha's and Beta's daughter or sons not to talk of their parents with the position if not for the one who had made her his side toy.

Who is she to show up before us, she would be instantly punished for doing so with her Alpha, so what's making her proud since she can't be someone without him.

" What did you just say?" She asked with anger laced in her voice.

" I said state your businesswoman or better still call your Alpha to do so because I shouldn't be seen talking to you." I said firmly while I stare at her right in the eye.

Similar to when she was about to react, my driver came running to me and address me as Alpha, making her jaw drop while I walk away from her.

What a cute ass driver I have, I thought as I smile in happiness… TBC