
I'm Just Worried about You

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Eloise's P.O.V.

"I know you don't like Lisa, but I've already settled this matter," Atticus said as he turned the steering wheel. I almost fell on top of him.

"So next, we should consider our relationship, right? I won't pursue the matter of you running away before."

I looked at Atticus in surprise.

Who did he think he was? Did he still think that I liked him as much as I used to?

I would never be like that again. Our lives would not go back to how they were before.

I did not care that he chose to lie to Lisa using a fake marriage; what I cared about was him treating me like everyone else.

If he really thought that I was the one who should spend the rest of my life with him, then he should at least tell me the truth and not make me so sad.

I did not feel anything when I found out about his engagement, but I did not sleep the entire night.

At this point, I could not remember exactly what I felt at that time.