
Chapter 6

As the sex-crazed Alpha continually thrusts his engorged, pulsating penis deep into the now equally as sex-crazed maid …. who tightens her pelvis in with every thrust, to insure the intensity of her sexual stimulation … the two valets are returning to put their plan into motion. Arriving outside the bedroom, realizing that the door is more than likely still unlocked, one of the valets gestures while saying …

“The Alpha’s been waiting. You can go in now.”

The door slowly opens; and, Snow hesitantly enters. She is shocked; and, appalled at the carnal sight. Unaware of her presence, Alpha Michael continues undulating his pelvis into the overstimulated, quivering maid … who appears to be ready to pass out from the heightened excitement … while also aggressively fondling and squeezing her breasts; ruthlessly biting down on her nipples – as an oozing discharge of milky substance mix from blood, trickles out of them. The conniving valets walk up behind an utterly repulsed Snow, once again wearing those devious smirks. One of them calls out …

“Excuse us; Alpha Michael?”

Not taking the time to turn around and look their way; he growls out to them in his Alpha tone, “Go away; damn it! Can’t you see I’m busy?”

“I apologize. I thought you wanted us to bring you your bride-to-be here.”

Still not turning around to face them; totally engrossed in ravaging the once again moaning maid. “I said bring her to me in an hour. … And, it hasn’t been an hour yet … has it; you fool?”

Snow has always made it a habit to show proper respect where warranted; but, she sees no respect required for this abhorrent, miscreant. With a disgusted inflection in her tone, she flippantly remarks …

“Then; I suppose I should come back later. … Would the hour be long enough … or, do you need some more time? … Maybe you’d like to violate some of the female kitchen staff while you’re at it?”

The totally caught off guard … and, now infuriated Alpha … quickly rolls off of the squirming, moaning maid; and, jolts up to a sitting position, as he barks out …

“Silence; you insolent, mutt!” He then peers beyond Snow, and, glares at his valets, as he mind-links to them, “So … you two set me up; just to get a piece of ass a little quicker. If it were anyone else but me that you did that to, I’d certainly laud you ingenuity. But … being that it’s me … “

Snow interrupts, “Look … clearly you guys are in the middle of some mind-link conversation; so, I’m just going to see myself out, and leave you guys alone.”

In his Alpha tone; he barks out at Snow, “I said to be quiet!”

Alpha Michael reaches over and grabs hold of the … still seemingly swooning under some sort of euphoric, hypnotic spell … maid in the armpit area; and, disrespectfully tosses her out of the bed, onto the floor. He then glares back over at the now cowering valets and growls …

“There … you wanted her so bad … take her!”

The valets are trembling from fear, and feel as if they could barely move, but, they don’t want to anger the Alpha any more than he already is; so, they force themselves to move, and, carry out the Alpha’s order. They hurry over; and, with each taking a side, pick up the still quivering maid off the floor; then, start to take her away. Before they reach the door; the Alpha ominously tells them …

“You boys better enjoy her tonight, and have yourselves a good time … because you’re going to pay for this dearly. Mark my words.”

They valets leave, trembling, with their rising trepidation soaring to unfathomable heights; terrified of what the vindictive Alpha has in store for them.

Alpha Michael gets up; removes, and tosses aside his tattered and bodily fluid stained clothing; and, puts on a terrycloth robe set aside on a chaise chair sitting off to the side of the bed. He remains silent; taking time to look over and scrutinize Snow … or, as he would put it; ‘this insolent mutt’… and, when he finishes his assessment …

“So … you’re the ‘best bride’ Moonbeam Pack has to offer me for this alliance? … Well … you certainly aren’t much; are you?”

“Pardon me … ‘Alpha’ … but, did you just want them to bring me here so you can insult me? Because if that’s the case; I really don’t have time for this.”

The Alpha haughtily chortles, “My, my, my … it’s true what they say … you really are nothing more than an illegitimate, bitch of a child, mangy, rogue mongrel.”

Snow impishly grins, as she facetiously retorts, “No wonder you’re so eager to marry me, then … seeing how you think so highly of me.”

Her evident insolence is rapidly raising the ire within him to seethe up; and, the frustrated Alpha clenches his jaw, as he grinds his teeth, and growls, “You need to mind your place, mutt! Trust me … if you don’t learn and accept what you are here by the time the night’s over; before we get married tomorrow … I will destroy you!”

Snow realizes that she may have overstepped a boundary or two; so … not so much that she’s intimidated by that loathsome Alpha … but, for the fear of ruining the alliance her pack – at least, the only pack that she has ever known ‘belonging’ to – is desperately seeking out; she decides to keep her mouth shut … at least, for now. Alpha Michael waits a moment, keeping a scrutinizing eye on Snow; waiting to see if she talks back to him. After a few minutes of tension filled silence elapses; the Alpha walks back over to the bed and sits.

“Good … it looks like you are teachable. Now, come on.”

“Come on; what?”

In a demanding like fashion; he pats the mattress beside him, and, orders her, “Have a seat.”

A sudden repulsed look overtakes her countenance. “No thanks. I don’t want to.”

The Alpha’s starting to become annoyed again. “I didn’t ask you if you wanted to. … I don’t care if you do or don’t.” He growls, “Now … bring that tight, little ass over here; and, sit down, mutt!”