
Alpha's Precious

"What the hell are you doing here in my room Vennesa?" Lucas seethed looking at her with his cold red orbs. His icey gaze was everything to explain that how much hatred he has boring in his heart for her. "I... I... came here to...to give you this Luc..." "Your highness!" "Huh?" "I'm your king and it's only 'Your highness' for you. If you ever dared to call me by my name then the consequences will not be good! Now get the hell out of here!" He said in the same cold voice. When she didn't even bulged from her place he growled angrily, "Now!!!" With her tear filled eyes she went out of his room and reaching at her room she started to cry out her heart. Never in her life she had thought that her life will be change like this in the blink of an eye! ••• "Let me show you how much I hate you!" He said and she could clearly see the broken Lucas behind his cold eyes. Hearing out his words a shiver ran down her spine. "No please your highness..." Venessa cried out loud. "Ain't you too desperate to see my real side huh? Then what happened now?" Saying this he tore off her gown completely from her body. And in the next moment his mouth was on hers kissing her roughly as if he is punishing her. It was not gentle filled with love but was total opposite and she could only gave into him letting him do whatever he wants to do with her. Afterall she knew she deserves this punishment fully... ••• We all know that falling in love is very easy and staying in that love is the hardest part but letting go of someone you truly loved was the most hardest thing you have ever been done. Same thing happens with Rose. But what is the reason behind Rose's betrayal ? "Do you know Lucas you are the most interesting and beautiful thing that has happened in my life... No matter how much you hate me but my love for you is unconditional and will always increase day by day, even you yourself can't change the fact" Said Vennesa in a very heartbreaking voice. Lucas can't understand why this girl is affecting him so much. After getting the heart breaking betrayal from Rose he is no more the same Lucas who used to believe in love blindly, but this certain girl was hellbound to make him fall in love with herself. Who is vennesa and what is Rose's secret? What is the relationship between Rose and Vanessa? Can Rose be able to make a special place in Lucas's heart again after causing the betrayal? Will he allow her to remain in his heart and in his life again? To find out the answers to these questions read the full story which contains lots of mystery, secrets, suspense, betrayal, love and hate. Which will lead you a rollercoaster ride to the ever happened beautiful love story of Rose and Lucas. ***WARNING*** Contains Dark romance and mature content ahead! 18+ (No rape) ***This book is solely the product of my imagination and it is protected under the copyright law.*** Cover is not owned by me. It belongs to it's respective owner. Only the editing part is done by me! Try out my new book "If hearts could speak".

Darkanzel · Fantasy
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The fight!

On the other side Lucas was very busy in his work in the hospital. He has two major operations to attend today. One was in morning and another was in the evening. But he badly wanted to meet with Rose because he already missing her a lot. Her face, her voice, her kiss, everything is just making him restless and how badly he just wanted to see her only he comes to knew about it. So he somehow managed to free himself from his extremely busy schedule only for two hours and that to be from 3pm to 5pm.

He messaged her that he can't attend today's college but he will surely come to meet her at 3am. When she saw the message, then only she felt relieved that atleast she can able to see him for once.

After the class she told her friends that she will be with Lucas for some time. So they don't have to be worry about her. Her friends eyed her teasingly while she also blushed like a fool in front of them.

Then they leave her alone and went to their respective homes. Now Rose was sitting on the bench and waiting for him in their secret place. She couldn't wait for him anymore. After about ten minutes of waiting finally he arrived. When he arrived she suddenly got up from her place and about to say something to him, but suddenly he came near her and pressed his tempting lips against hers. He was holding her like a prized possession and was looking like he will devour her fully untill he gets satisfied.

"I have missed you so much, Rose." he told her after they drifted apart. Till now her mind could not register the fact that he just kissed her and she also kissed him back while enjoying the fierce kissing he had just given her.

"Luc...there was no need to come for me today. You must be in the hospital. The staffs may need your presence." she told him very shyly.

"I have already handled them Rose so no need to worry but you tell me how was your day?"

"It was fine." then she thought that, should she tell him about Daniel or not. But Lucas was quick to look through her mind and asked her "Tell me, what is it that you wanted to ask?"

"Umm...nothing much, actually Daniel came to meet me today in the morning. I felt so sorry about him regarding yesterday's incident. So...so I asked him for his forgiveness." She said while looking at the ground the whole time.

"Seriously Rose! Are you feeling sorry for him? For god's sake Rose how many time I have to tell you just stay away from him. He is not the person that you think he is. He is just pretending in front of you. Can't you see that the whole college comes to know about him and that's why they are scared of him very much. They are not scared because he is not a human but they are scared because they knew his true side very well and yesterday he was also tried to touch you in a wrong way." He told her getting very furious all over her. He just got very much upset about the fact that she literally asked that Daniel for sorry?

"You all are misjudging him Luc. He is not the type of guy what everyone thinks that he is. I think he is a very nice guy. He has never behaved improperly with me."

"Seriously Rose, are you arguing with me for that Daniel?" Then he let out a sarcastic smile. "I'm warning you for the last time Rose. Stay. away. from. him. as much as you can." He said to her emphasizing each and every word very clearly.

"No Luc, you can't decide with whom I should stay or should not stay." This time she retorted him back using the same tone as he had used on her.

"Ok then." He told her while getting very much irritated. Why is she not understanding? "Do as you wish. Who am I to tell you? Let's leave the topic. By the way I'm going now, meet you tomorrow." He said in a very cold voice void of any expression.

"Are you now showing cold shoulder to me Lucas by saying me that you are free for two hours while It's only ten minutes have passed!" She is now beyond furious. How can he talk to her like that.

"Why Rose, are you not the one who said that I should be in the hospital to do my duty? So tell me what happened? Are you not happy now?" He asked her mockingly.

"Ok, then let's get out of here!" She couldn't bear his mocking tone anymore and held his hand to drag him out of the place but that stubborn Lucas didn't even moved a bit.

"What happened? Are you not coming out!" This time she asked him mockingly.

"Are you really want me to get out from here Rose?" This time finally he asked her using his soft tone while sighing slightly. Lucas understood that it's the waste of time by arguing with each other and also didn't wanted to ruin their precious moment right now because of Daniel. He is only free for two hours. He can't let go of this chance easily. Although he said that he should go but he really didn't mean that. He said that because of his frustrating state at that time.

"You told me at first that you wanted to go and now asking me that if I really wanted or not?" She asked him in a soft but vulnerable voice he had never heard her say as if she is on the verge of crying. How could he dare to even hurt this girl. How can he be so stupid? He thought.

Then he grabbed her hand suddenly but softly, then hugged her. "Shhh...ok ok don't get upset Rose. You know very well that I really didn't mean that what I had told you before. It just slipped out of my mouth you know." He told her while keeps on caressing her head very affectionately.

"Please Luc don't ever shout on me. It hurts me a lot." She said in the same pathetic voice.

"Sorry Rose, I'm really really sorry. I swear I will never ever shout on you, but you also have to promise me that you will stay away from Daniel. He is not the good guy Rose."

"I will try Luc, but don't worry. I will try my best to stay away from him. I also can't bear to fight with you."

Now they drifted apart and he sat down on the bench while she just sat on his lap, because he just suddenly grabbed her and made her placed on his lap so she had no other option but to sit on him. She sat sidewise on him while her both hands were around his neck holding him. Then he slowly slowly moved his hand towards her ponytail without her notice and then freed her hair and then caressed her hair slightly. Rose knew why he did that. He did that because he likes her more with her free hairs, and no one is allowed to see her with the free hairs except him. That's why she also didn't said anything to him regarding this matter...


To Be Continued...

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