
The Decision

Valentine's POV

Things have been hectic these past few days,we were dealing with rogue attacks every week and there has been a number of unexplained mysteries occurring. Seriously,my twin and I were fed up,all we wanted was a break so we could go search for our mate since we are mated to each other. Vex has been trying to help but he too couldn't help much so we were stuck. Anyways,I was out checking the patrol schedule at the North boarder when Vex mindlinked my sister and I telling us about an Alpha who requested our attention. I wanted to refuse since it was already evening but when he said it's Alpha Ralph Ortiz, something in me just couldn't say no.

Valentine: Isn't that the Alpha from our neighboring Pack?

Vex:It is and he has come here with his mates.

Valentina: I don't think we have ever met him but we always wanted to be allies with that Pack since he took over from his father. What does he want?

Vex: Said he is here for business and is hoping you could sign a peace treaty with him.

Valentine: Take them to the office, I'll be there in a while (cut the link).

After that I did not waste time trying to figure out why the Alpha came now and not all those years before. My wolf was restless,I didn't know why until I entered the Pack house and the most amazing scents filled my nose. Danger yelled "Mates" in my head which made me freeze in my tracks. After so many years of longing and waiting,I finally get meet my mat.....he said mates so I have more than one? I rushed to the Alpha's office which I share with my sister only to be stunned. Two gorgeous men and a stunning woman stood in front of me. I couldn't help the growl that escaped my chest,I was more surprised my twin told me we share the same mates. We already knew this would happen but still it was amazing but not as amazing as holding our mate was. Damn! The Moon Goddess sure does love us....

Eva:So what now?

Valentine:(looked at her) What do you mean?

Eva: You, Valentina and Ralph are Alphas and one of you have to leave their Pack to join the other.

Valentine: I'm not sure, we can't leave our Pack and Ralph can't leave his so it seems we have a problem.

Ralph: I...I was thinking that we can combine our Packs, you can shift your pack to mine since it's the largest and has the biggest land but if you don't like the idea then we can try something else.

I frown at his nervousness,he seemed scared that I might get angry at his decision and the way he is fidgeting is troubling me. Why is he so scared of my reaction,he is behaving as though he has just suggested the most absurd thing in the world.

Evan: Baby boy,you promised us you won't doubt yourself again (hugged him close) calm down please.

Ralph:I'm sorry,I ...I didn't mean to upset them...

Valentina: What do you mean?(frowned) why are you crying?

Ralph:(hid his face in Evan's chest) I'm really sorry,I am weak...I...

Valentine:(Pulled him in his arms) It's ok,you aren't weak. You are just emotional. (Kissed him passionately) Your idea was great,we will combine the Packs and move to your Pack.

Before he could say anything,I pulled him in another kiss earning a moan from him and damn,that became my favorite sound. He was nervous as his hands reached under my shirt to caress my bare chest. His touch made me shudder causing him to quickly remove his hands from me and Danger Growled angrily. Ralph whimpered in fear, this made me worry about him,I looked over at Evan and Eva who had torn expressions on their faces. I didn't get why Ralph was acting like this,he was the most feared Alpha,cold and ruthless then why is the man standing in front of me anything but strong?

Evan: You need to mark him,he won't feel secure and will keep thinking that you both don't love him.

Valentina: Why would he think that?( Asked shyly)

Eva: He's depressed,he has been through so much over the years that he is now hanging on a thin thread between reality and fantasy.

Valentina:Alpha,(made Ralph look at her) please mark us.

Ralph:(looked at her)Are you sure...I can wait...

One thing my sister hates is being doubted,she is impatient and never makes any decision without thinking it through. So I was not shocked when she pulled Ralph in a passionate kiss,she moved her hand down his chest to the front of his jeans and caressed his erect member through his jeans.

Evan:Fuck!(he groaned as he adjusted his pants) Just watching them is enough to make me hard as hell.

Valentine:Me too.

Eva: (locked the office before kneeling Infront of Valentine) Take off your pants and boxer shorts.

I couldn't resist her when she asked so lovingly. I quickly followed her instructions,my erection sprang free but she did not seem fazed by my size. Instead she wrapped a hand around me making me groan before kissing the tip of my cock. Before I could get over the shock that ran through my body,she took me in her mouth...

Valentine: Fuck! That feels so good (grabbed her hair).

Evan: I'll be back.

His tone held a hint of sadness and longing,why was he sad? He was fine just a few minutes ago then how... Shit! Valentina is with Ralph and Eva is pleasuring me so this means,he is left alone. He feels lonely, rejected even,I look down at Eva who had stopped pleasing me and was looking at her brother with so much pain it broke my heart. I couldn't see them like this,Evan thinks we have forgotten him.

Valentine:Come here,Evan.

Evan:(smiled) Don't worry,I am ok...

Eva:(glared at him) Evan Audrey Jones,you better stop lying and come here before I lose my temper!

Evan:(shuddered and came to them) Sorry,Eva. I know you didn't forget me but it just hurt.

Valentine: You could've just joined in,you don't need to leave. We are your mates,love,you have a right over us and you don't need an invitation to join us.

He looked down in embarrassment,I chuckled before pulling him into a kiss. A small hiss had us turning to Ralph and Valentine,he had his teeth sunk in her neck marking her. She did the same after he pulled back and a strong smell of cum hit me hard,my cock jumped. Eva giggled as it hit her face before she took it in her mouth again and bobbed her head.

Valentine:Holy shit!(Growled)

Evan:(kissed his neck) Hmmm,I love the sound of your growl. (Sucked his marking spot) You smell so good.

Valentine:(wrapped a hand around his waist tightly) Goddess,the both of you will kill me...Aaah! I'm gonna cum, Eva.

Eva:Then do so, I'll gladly swallow your seeds with pleasure.

Hearing that was enough to make me cum,I shot all my seeds in her mouth and she swallowed every bit of it. Once I was down from my high,I pulled Eva in my arms and kissed her roughly. I could taste myself in her mouth as my tongue explored her mouth. Once we ran out of breath,I pulled back,Evan pulled Eva into a kiss and I turned around to Ralph who was staring at me shyly. I smirked then pinned him to the wall and attacked his lips. Not long after that my teeth were deep in his neck. When I pulled back I hugged him and kept his head to my neck. He hesitated but he marked me after a while,the happiness I felt was over whelming.

Ralph: Are you ok? I hope I didn't hurt you.

Valentine:(chuckled) It's not easy to hurt me. I love the feeling of your fangs in my skin. Don't worry about it.

Evan: So what have you two decided? I know you said you want to join the Packs but how and who will be Alpha?

Valentina: I think Valentine,Ralph, Evan and I can be Alphas and Eva can be the Luna.

Ralph: Eva, is more of an Alpha herself so it won't work for her to be Luna and Evan be Alpha. They always do everything together and they share everything. Separating them won't end well.

Eva: I can handle being Luna. It's fine. We just have to talk to the Pack about the new change. I hope they won't have a problem with our decision.

Valentine:They won't, don't worry. This is our decision,whoever doesn't abide by it is free to leave the Pack.