
Chapter 69

Thank you, Sister Cassidy. I probably have told you before but I still want to say it again. Thank you. Thank you for donating your heart. And I'm lucky to be the receiver. Thank you for giving me this wonderful life, allowing me to meet so many friends. And most importantly, him. I hope he doesn't bully me. If he does, I'm going to come here and tell you. And you will help me kick his ass in his dreams, ok? Deal? Deal. It's a promise. It will be our little secret. I will always be grateful towards you. And I will never forget about you. Thank you, Cassidy.

"Do you have so many things to say? Are you complaining to them about me?" Suddenly, a big hand is pressing onto my head.

"AH!!" I lost my balance and my butt hit the floor hard. "Ow."

When I lifted up, Jayden is looking down at me with this playful, amused look. "Hey!! So bad of you!"

I stood up from the ground and patted my pants. "How could you? I'm going to press your head too. Squat down!"