
Chapter 56

*Madelynn’s POV*

The werewolves from The Secret Society growled fiercely at us. We charged towards them. However, just as we are about to reach them, thick wooden logs came swinging down, hitting our pack members. From just now till now, everything seemed to be planned nicely. They have been expecting our arrival from the beginning.

The thick logs continued to swing to and fro, blocking us to get near to them. I looked up to see the logs are being tied to the ceiling with thick ropes. Taking in a deep breath, seeing one of the logs swung to the side, I took the opportunity and jumped onto the log.

‘Callie! What are you doing?!’ Jake yelled in my mind.

I ignored him and focused on what I’m going to do. ‘Guys, stay away from the logs.’ I commanded through the pack link.