
Chapter 53

"Chloe, you have never be trained officially. You are not prepared. I won’t let you go out and get yourself killed." Aiden replied.

"But…" Chloe wanted to protest when Aiden turned around and face her.

Aiden cupped her face gently. "Stay here… for me. I want you to be safe. And I want to be assured that while I’m saving Dafina, you are in a safe environment. Chloe, please."

Chloe has hesitation in her eyes. I know she wanted to go and save Dafina too but on the other hand, she didn’t want Aiden to worry about her.

"Stay here, Chloe." I spoke up.

"Ava and Madison will stay too." I said when I saw them coming down from the stairs, chasing after the guys.

"We want to go with you guys." Madison said.

"No, Maddy. You will stay here." Alexander said.

"No. I want to go…" Without allowing Madison to finish her sentence, Alexander placed his finger over her lips.