
Chapter 46

After finishing her sentence, she left the underground. I was being left at the cell in a dazed-mode. So it was possible that Kayden marking me would help? Or exchanging blood with him would help to ‘calm down’ the beast within me? But thinking all these wasn’t going to change the situation in any way. There was nothing I could do already. I ran to the cell gate and tried to pull it open but it didn't work. I leaned on the cell bars and slided down to the ground, feeling defeated.

My eyes wandered into the cell opposite mine. Auntie Clara was sitting at a corner of the cell and staring at the wall. When she caught me looking at her, she glanced at me for a few seconds before looking away. She switched her position and had her back facing me. There was no more care and concern, and no more love in her eyes. There were only coldness, disgust and hatred.