
Chapter 27

"If you don’t believe me, you can go and ask Chloe. We can go together." I said. I didn't want to make any enemies. I was Kayden’s mate and it would better that I was on good terms with the people here. I started making my way to the main house. I walked past the 2 guys who were blocking my way and asked them to follow me. Looking at them clearly, they all have toned skin. Ethan looked more buff than the other 2. Ethan had black short hair. His eyes were small and were brown in colour. As for the other 2, one had brown hair and had a long fringe which covered one of his eyes. I looked into his other eye and saw that his eye was green in colour. The other has golden hair. He also has bigger and rounder eyes. His eyes were golden in colour. Out of the 3, this guy looked friendlier.

"What are your names?" I asked the 2 of them. Both of them looked at each other and then looked at me again.