
Chapter 24

I looked at Kayden in surprise. Did he say that he love me? Unknowingly, tears were filling my eyes. How long have I been waiting for this day to come? Was he serious in what he had just said? He wasn’t joking about it right? He really loved me. Kayden leaned forward and kissed softly on my forehead. I closed my eyes as he kissed my left eye. Both of his hands held my neck as he kissed my lips. Our kiss was slow and gentle. When his lips left mine, I saw his eyes had turned pitch black. He turned away and closed his eyes briefly, letting it returned to its usual colour before opening them again. I smiled sweetly at him and with him returning a smile.

"This is the first time I see you smile." I said. Kayden moved forward and wrapped his arms around me.

"Are you still feeling pain anywhere?" He asked while looking at me.