

Leo is lying on his king-sized mattress, lost in thought. "She looks so beautiful," he says to himself. "Her eyes are pretty too. Why is that clumsy girl in my mind?" He hits his head with his palm, as if trying to shake the thought out.

"Good morning sir, what would you like for breakfast?" Leo's chef asks him.

"I won't be taking breakfast at home today," Leo replies. "My secretary will sort it out when I get to the office. I am supposed to be in a meeting now." He gets up from bed and heads straight to take a shower.

"Babes, you need to get the boss' breakfast ready," Mathew tells Melissa. "He will soon be done with his meeting, and he hasn't had breakfast yet."

"But I don't know what to get for him," Melissa replies.

"Hmm, maybe I could get him some burger and fries from that place close to the office," Mathew suggests.

Melissa knocks on Leo's office door. "Come in," he says. She walks in with Leo's breakfast and places it on the table.

"Sir, this is your breakfast," Melissa says, preparing to leave.

"Melissa, give me a report on the Amber project," Leo says suddenly. "Get it from team 2."

"Okay sir," Melissa says, a little nervously. She walks out of the office, feeling relieved to be away from Leo's intense gaze.

As she gets back to her seat, Mathew turns to her. "Girl, what's up now?"

"I thought he was going to eat me up right there," Melissa says, her heart still pounding. "My heart was beating fast, and I was so scared not to spill anything."

"Don't worry, girl. With time, you'll get used to everything," Mathew reassures her.