

On a certain day someone came to visit Harris the sixth , good day my lord he bow's and payed his respect to Haris, Haris replied what do I owe this visit I was not expecting you, my house is in mourning ,Harris says angrily. The man says, I know my lord that's why I am here, he says something's to Harris and left the house after some time.

Immediately after the man's departure, Harris calls his men and shouts with so much anger in him "we are going for warrrr".

Harris summons all supernatural's that

were ready to fight alongside him.

A cold war that no one could explain or fanthom what what is all about breaks out.

Harris attacks Lucas with so much forces , Lucas fights back but kept asking what is all this about what did my people do to you ,let's talk and know if there is any misunderstanding but Harris filled with anger kept on fighting , Marla gets to the

battle ground saw her husband and their people fighting for their life . She starts fighting too , then

her husband saw her and was furious , he goes beside her and ask her what she was doing there , he told her to go back home but she was too stubborn to listen . She talked to Harris as they were fighting to calm down , Harris who was somehow fond of Marla stops for a while to listen , there was a lot of dead bodies already on the floor and blood was all over like a river. Marla who stood Infront of Harris trying to talk to him was somehow hit with an arrow , Lucas saw another arrow coming towards her direction again,he tried to use his

body as a shield to protect his wife but the arrow passed through him and pierced through his heart and enters into his wife he was holding.