

Leo and Melissa arrived at the hotel, looking sharp and professional. They were there to meet with potential investors who could help take the hotel to the next level.

As they entered the luxurious lobby, Melissa couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. She had come a long way since her lazy day off, and she was determined to make a good impression.

The meeting went smoothly, with Melissa and Leo presenting their vision for the hotel's growth and expansion. The investors seemed impressed, asking thoughtful questions and nodding along in agreement.

After the meeting, Melissa and Leo celebrated over coffee in the hotel lounge. "You did great in there, Melissa", Leo said, smiling. "Your passion and expertise really shone through."

Melissa beamed with pride. "Thanks, boss. I couldn't have done it without your guidance and support."

As they sipped their coffee, Melissa realized that this was what she loved about her job - the opportunity to learn, grow, and make a real impact. And with the potential investors on board, the future looked bright for the hotel and for Melissa career.

The fear in Melissa's heart towards Leo slowly fades away as he complements her, she feels that he might not be bad as she thought.

"Sir, your suite is ready and your luggage is in the room now," one of the staff of the hotel says to Leo.

"Okay thank you", Leo says.

"Sorry but sir are you going to be staying in the hotel today", Melissa ask Leo.

"Not I but, us", Leo replies

"Us! How, Melissa says In her head

"We need to stay in the hotel for some days to see how the hotel is running and to fix whatever is wrong, and you need to be here too, or aren't you my assistant, do you have another job", Leo says to Melissa.

Melissa still trying to grab what he is saying cuz she didn't plan to stay in the hotel with Leo, she doesn't have her toiletries or any cloth to change to with her.

Leo stands up and goes to the suite, Melissa follows suit,she keeps trying to figure out how to tell him about the things she needs and she felt he wasn't considerate of her.

They got to the suite and to Melissa's suprise a lot of female wears and toiletries were in the room, she turned and looked at Leo, he gave a sign to go check them out. She starts to feel bad for thinking that Leo wasn't considerate of her.