

Leo and his best friend, Don, walked into the club, the bouncer giving them a nod as they recognized them. The music was pulsating, and the crowd was electric. They made their way to the VIP section, ordering a round of shots to start the night off right.

As they sipped their drinks, they scanned the dance floor, taking in the sea of people moving to the beat. Leo, being the more adventurous of the two, grabbed Don's hand and pulled him into the fray.

They lost themselves in the music, dancing and laughing together. At one point, they had to back to their section, where they could take a breather and enjoy the show. The DJ was killing it, and the crowd was feeding off the energy.

As the night wore on, they met some new people, exchanging stories and phone numbers. Leo even caught the eye of a stripper, she slowly walked to Leo, sat on his lap, and gave him a smooth and soothing lap dance, she rocked him till she could already feel his hard groin, she smiled to herself as she felt it.

All in all, it was shaping up to be an unforgettable night – one that would go down in the books as a clubbing day to remember!

Don could feel how it was already going, he gave other people a sign that was in the room to leave, and he also left after them.

Leo was left in there with the stripper, he turns her off and tears her clothes in a rush, he slides down her thongs and slowly places his hands in between her already wet pussy, in a rough manner dips his hands inside of her, she let out a loud moan and cry at the same time cause he was been rough.

He takes off his pants, brings out a condom from his pocket, puts it on and immediately sticks his already hard dick in her, he pounds her like one that's been hungry for sex for a very long time. From her pussy he sticks his hard dick in her anus making her scream louder, from the way he was pounding her, and a scream instead of a moan keeps coming out from her mouth, the room was sound proof so no one could come to save her from this monster that's about to eat her all up, she felt more pain than pleasure as he holds her neck as he kept fucking her.

After getting satisfied and he could no longer hear the girl's voice, he looked at her and saw that he was busy pounding someone that has already fainted, Leo put on his pants, went outside signaled to the manager, the manager already understood, he goes to the room where Leo was coming from.

Hey, dude let's go, Leo whispered to Don, Don looked at him and understood already, and they both left the club.