

The grand hall was abuzz with anticipation, the air thick with the weight of destiny. Supernaturals from far and wide gathered, their whispers weaving a tapestry of urgency. Eyes darted about, searching for a glimmer of hope in the face of impending doom.

"It's been prophesied," a hushed tone echoed through the crowd, "a great calamity will strike us all if we don't choose a leader to unite us." The words hung in the air like a challenge, a call to action that couldn't be ignored.

A murmur of agreement rippled through the assembly, punctuated by worried glances. Some fidgeted, their fingers drumming against their arms or thighs, while others stood statue-still, their faces set in determined lines. The tension was palpable, a living entity that pulsed with every heartbeat.

Among the sea of anxious faces, a few stood out. Harris, the leader of the vampire looked at everyone with piercing eyes, watched the proceedings with an air of detachment. His gaze seemed to bore into the very soul of the gathering, as if searching for a hidden truth. Everyone knew he was ancient, older than the oldest of their kind, and that his wisdom was beyond measure.

Nearby, mira, a petite, fiery witch with a wild mane of hair and a mischievous grin, whispered urgently to a group of listeners. Her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, and her words were laced with a persuasive charm that was hard to resist. Some said she was a trickster, a weaver of spells and incantations that could bend reality to her will.

At the edge of the room, Fran, a hulking werewolf, paced back and forth, his fur fluffed in agitation. His eyes fixed on the entrance, as if willing a savior to appear. His growls were low and menacing, a reminder that the beast within him was always just a heartbeat away.

As the whispers grew louder, a figure emerged from the shadows. Aria, an ethereal being with wings like a butterfly and hair like silver mist, moved with grace and purpose. Her voice, like a gentle breeze, carried across the room, calming the turbulent waters of anxiety.

"Friends, we gather at a crossroads. Our very existence hangs in the balance. We must choose a leader, one who can unite us against the coming darkness."

The room fell silent, all eyes fixed on Aria. Her words were a balm to their souls, a reminder that they were not alone in this fight. The weight of the calamity hung heavy in the air, and the supernaturals knew their fate depended on the choice they made next.

Aria's gaze swept the room, her eyes locking onto each face in turn. "We have among us those who possess the qualities of leadership. Harris, with his ancient wisdom; mira, with her cunning and charm; Fran, with his strength and ferocity. But it is not just strength or magic that will save us. It is heart, compassion, and the ability to unite us all."

Leo's uncle, Lucian stands and spoke with his loud but some how old voice," I know everyone is in a rush to find a leader but we need to think well, for a leader needs to be one who would be able to fight for everyone and stand by all clan without been partial".

Some from the crowd stands and spoke, " Lucian what of your nephew, the late leaders son".

Everyone in the crowd said in chorus," yes, yes him".

" You mean Leo, Leo doesn't want to be a part of all this" Lucian says.

Aria turns to him and says," but you can talk to him it's only right for our leader to come to come from the lineage of the great werewolves".

Everyone in chorus says" yes that's true".

Lucian smiled and said "it's okay, I will talk to him".

Everyone seems happy about that but Harris doesn't seem pleased with it.